<janina> scribe: Becky_Gibson
Judy Brewer will be joining to discuss recharter
Janina: group looking into tracking some additional tech stacks, are a bit behind reviewing some other W3C initiatives
Janina: are overdue for community group tracking
<gottfried> https://www.w3.org/community/groups/
Janina: it is difficult to tell what group’s are active and which are not
Judy: horizontal reviews by APA
are really important for W3C work and mission
... need to review Community groups with some regularity - does
APA have a system for this?
<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/Spec_Review/Community_Groups
Janina: this is APA tracking page
Judy: horizontal reviews needs to be ongoing, community groups are less frequent
JF: last review and filter, we didn’t see much activity and agreed to review again in 6-8 months
Janina: is time to review again
but many groups are not active, publishing group has good
accessibility coverage
... TR page is how we track groups/items for review
... didn’t intend to walk through Community groups today, just
wanted to consider any process refinements
JF: activity in groups was
sporadic and hard to track, is there a mechanism we can put in
place for groups to reach out to us?
... we have limited numbers and need people to come to us
Judy: APA doesn’t have strong
obligation to do horizontal reviews of groups but it has proven
helpful. Accessibility review obligation is at the req. track
work level, group review has been helpful
... some info all groups get when they are starting up -
... accessibility considerations for spec development - needs
to be more discoverable
... can work to get guidance to forming groups
<Judy> [jb: and needs to be promoted through community group council.
JF: how much of this is covered by EO ?
<janina> The checklist is at: http://w3c.github.io/pfwg/wtag/checklist.html
Judy: getting accessibility spec as part of consensus for groups; provide additional guidance
JF: we need to educate new groups about W3C and process, including a11y process
Judy: EO is generally exposed to external audiences
Janina: community groups need to know that they will exposed to horizontal review (security i18n, a11y)
Judy: will work with Michael and Janina on resources
Janina: have a wiki page that names verticals and associated APA member names but haven’t gotten much further
Judy: more interested in being
part of a discussion about the verticals we are interested
... W3C vertical def. has changed over the last few years,
examples; publishing, automotive, gaming - some come and go and
get renamed; example VR/AR
... curious who is following different areas and how are or to
be plugged in
tink: has been talking with Samsung in the VR space and folks are proposing a meeting to bring people together with a11y in mind
Judy: Charles LaPierre recently
participated in workshop for a11y perspective and was well
... supports workshop for VR and a11y and can help bring more
people in to widen involvement
... maybe APA can help connect the dots to identify people to
anchor an area and help to prep them to represent a11y
... curious about other members on the call who can be anchors
in other areas and support people is those areas
JF: is looking at media, Chris
... Chris O’
Brian is monitoring TV space
<janina> ~q?
Janina: recent conversations with VTT and TTML groups and planning joint meeting with TTML to iron out issues
Judy: want to be realistic about difficulty in addressing a11y of verticals - not necessarily enough experts, we/W3C need to grow them
Gottfried: is part of community group for accessible online learning, would be good to gain one of the chairs to become part of APA
Judy: that group grew out of some
advisory group meetings a few years ago; that group didn’t
quite rise to standards level so has stayed as group,
connecting with APA could help bring that along to a standards
... need education standards groups to become involved -
haven’t gotten support from yet
Gottfried: seems there is still interest
<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to comment on e-learning
Judy: connecting to a WG like APA can help group along or at least help with mentoring, although recognizes that APA has plenty on its plate
Janina: references automotive -
perhaps start with pieces of puzzles rather than entire
autonomous vehicle.
... recommended sticking with HTML5 standards and encouraged
auto group to review existing widgets
Judy: auto group was useful in
helping us understand how we (W3C and APA) can help them with
... having written guidance and direct brainstorming with group
is good tactic;
<tink> We have someone on the WoT WG.
<tink> He has presented a short talk on a11y to te WG, and is now working on a set o a11y use cases.
<tink> He'll be attending the workshop next month in Prague.
Janina: yes we have met with Web of Things WG
<tink> He + Graeme Coleman.
Judy: since TPAC only once per year, we should strive for quarterly checkins with small list of verticals
Janina: agree quarterly is good
JF: agree with idea but we need more manpower/help
Judy: resourcing question is huge
across the whole field, wonders if it is possible to get more
creative thinking to get more interested folks and grow
... suggests that we need a reusable resource to introduce a11y
to groups and move them along
... thanks for including me in the discussions on verticals and
community groups
<Judy> [jb: bye everyone, thanks for the discussion (and the ongoing accessibility horizontal reviews!) ]
JF: probably meeting with
... TTML group on Feb 28; have an action item to review their
guidance, will report back next week
... sent an email about declaritive shadow DOM proposal, we
should be monitoring that discussion
Janina: there is also a new DOM spec that is pulling in shadow DOM. Becky has action to look at
JF: there is a proposal to include declaritive shadow DOM into HTML so JavaScript is not required
Yes, I looked into this briefly
Janina: perhaps a joint meeting? that has proven useful on other topics
JF: seems there is a choice
between whether we want to go broad or deep wrt the previous
conversation on community groups
... it still seems much of the outreach and checklists and
documents falls on EO
... we should continue our deep investigations and partiipation
- for example recent TTML and VTT conversations
Janina: would be useful to pull EO into helping to increaskng a11y knowledge
rssAgent, make log public
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