Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference

05 Feb 2018



ivan, renato, victor_, caroline, lindab, CarolineB
victor, victor_


<renato> https://www.w3.org/2018/01/29-poe-minutes

Approve last meeting's minutes

RESOLUTION: last meeting minutes approved

Bureaucratic process

renato: everything is in due term, there are only two minor editorial, non-substantial changes
... when we publish... shall we wait for the note to be published? or shall we proceed immediately with the RECs?

ivan: I would rather present all the documents together.
... namely, wait for the Best Practices document to be finished

renato: I am more keen on decoupling the specs., as the Best Practices may take longer than expected.
... there is a bulk of work to be done, and this won't be ready in a very short time.

ivan: pressure is less hard for the BP editors in such a case

victor: happy to produce a better draft text with more time

<CarolineB> sorry - got a mike issue - im a plus 1

lindab: some people may be eager to start financing ODRL-related projects, and time is important

ivan: it would be nice having the W3C license in the rec.

<lindab> I support separating the documents - Best Practices later

victor: GNU license, Creative Commons licenses and UK OGL licenses are also supported by RDF. I believe W3C should be as well, BUT with the supervision of someone from the W3C

RESOLUTION: ivan will push forward the publication of the RECs

ivan: what about having a blog?
... you should have a space in the W3C blogs.
... having the blog by 16th will be fine, if the specs are published by 15th
... after this point, github repos should be restricted

renato: questions?

ivan: i will add a note in the header of the old W3C Note

renato: i will do the same with the W3C Community Group specs

Best practices

victor: what about UC&R?

all: it will be published, Simon to polish it

<renato> https://w3c.github.io/poe/test/cr-exit

victor: about the section "Example of Use" --please I do need feedback

renato: we need to check a list of features, like the 16 features in...

victor: i agree

renato: another section is missing on "How to add a profile"
... even if it is a simple example

victor: should I only use JSON-LD?

ivan: yes

victor: ok.
... what about XML?

all: there is not much interest in that

victor: when is deadline? are we meeting on Monday?

renato: perhaps we can meet in two weeks

victor: I commit to having a version in 10 days

all: general agreement on focusing on JSON-LD

ivan: publication date of 1st of March should be kept as a goal

renato: agree

victor: agree
... (only types: I commit to having a version by 15th, but unsure on the number of iterations.)

life after REC

<renato> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-odrl/2018Feb/0000.html

renato: I have sent an email to the group, on the activities to be held after REC
... also future planning

lindab: what about the Skype calls?

ivan: (proverb/adage that the scriber did not understand)

renato: we can set a new Doodle poll
... can we use W3C telecon numbers?

ivan: possibly, if duely requested

renato: AOB?
... we meeting in two weeks.

<ivan> trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. last meeting minutes approved
  2. ivan will push forward the publication of the RECs
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/02/05 13:43:04 $