Web Payments Working Group

11 Jan 2018



AdamSolove, AdrianHB, Anthony, Ian, Kris, Kristina, Laura, MattDetert, Roy, dezell, Ken
NickTR, Peter_St_Andre, alyver
Adrian Hope-Bailie


Charter Review


<AdrianHB> ian: 6 reviews so far

<AdrianHB> ... announced start of member review and now 4-week period of review until 5 February

<AdrianHB> ... please ensure your AC rep reviews the charter

<AdrianHB> ... good to know the terms of ref we'll be working under

<AdrianHB> ... there is a minimum number of responses (around 22) required to continue work

<AdrianHB> REMINDER: AC reps need to respond to the official member review. The WG approval was purely for internal review before going to the membership

Payment Handler API Check In

==> https://github.com/w3c/payment-handler/pull/242

<AdrianHB> Ian: goal is for editors to bring issues to WG calls as implementations progress

<AdrianHB> ... this issue, raised in December, relates to ordering of instruments

<AdrianHB> after some discussion and edits the PR has now been merged

<AdrianHB> ... closing the loop here; just a heads up

<AdrianHB> ... no new Payment Handler issues to discuss today

<AdrianHB> ... next editor call is next Monday; after that I expect we'll have more issues to bring back.

Encryption and Signature Proposals



<AdrianHB> ian: we discussed on the last call the topic of generalizing encryption based on discussion at TPAC


<AdrianHB> ... discussion has split into encrpytion and signatures as separate proposals

<AdrianHB> ... this will alow them to progress inpedendantly

<AdrianHB> ... next step is to look for experimental impls

IJ: How about progress by Chairs in getting review of proposals?

AdrianHB: I sent mail to Wendy Seltzer this week
... requesting assistance in getting review from (1) groups within W3C and (2) IETF review --- Wendy is liaison between W3C and IETF
... have not yet received a reply but that's the plan

IJ: Any volunteers to put this before security teams in your organizaiton?

Adrian: I will reach out to Tony Arcieri

IJ: Any implementation volunteers?

[No volunteers]

IJ: Review also welcome. I imagine we won't bring back to the full WG until we've started to get implementation experience.

IJ: How does the encryption proposal combine with Stripe's approach?

AdamSolove: We are looking into that.

3DS Task Force


<AdrianHB> Ian: Mostly just a heads up

<AdrianHB> ... TF meets after this call for first meeting



IJ: Next week - tokenization spec

Teleconference cadence

Adrian: Agenda has been light; mostly Ian driving it with updates
... welcome others to bring topics to the call if they wish

Ian: Work is happening in task forces and also in implementations

Adrian: I anticipate that as we ramp up again since the break we will have more topics for the agenda

IJ: Should we move to every other week for a while?

PROPOSE: Meet every other week (next meeting would be in 2 weeks)

<anthonyvd> +1

<AdrianHB> +1

<Ian> +1

<dezell> +1

<Kristina> +1

RESOLUTION: Change meeting cadence (for now) to every two weeks.

Next meeting - 25 January

<scribe> ACTION: AdrianHB to announce this and update the meeting page

<trackbot> Created ACTION-76 - Announce this and update the meeting page [on Adrian Hope-Bailie - due 2018-01-18].


Kristina Smyth: Joined W3C...planning to work on tokenization and 3DS

scribe: worked on EMVCo 3DS task force
... I'm in the EMVCo tokenization group as well

Adam Solove (Stripe)

scribe: I work on the team that works on code in merchant pages

[Matt Detert]

Matt: I work for Bank of America Merchant Services; representing MAG here
... used to work at Target (mobile wallet and checkout)

[Anthony Vallee-Dubois]

AVD: working on implementation of payment handler API

Face-to-face meeting update

Ian: Any update on Amex in Singapore?

Ken: Not happening; sorry

IJ: Any EMVCo feedback on meeting next to the tech associates meeting in Bangkok?


IJ: We will look a bit longer for a volunteer host in Asia but if that doesn't work out we may look in other regions.

AdrianHB: What is the target date range?
... and role of Commerce IG?

Ian: Target initially was 16-17 April
... Personally not sure yet we need Web Commerce FTF; we don't have a formal view from the chairs

dezell: If we were to co-locate it would be one day

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: AdrianHB to announce to WG the new teleconference cadence (every two weeks)

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Change meeting cadence (for now) to every two weeks.
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/01/11 15:50:59 $