Payment Handler Editors

18 Dec 2017


Rouslan, Ian, AdrianHB, anthonyvd, Marcos, alyver


Next meeting

8 January

Marcos: Regrets for the 8th

User consent and permissions


Rouslan: Marcos, what are your plans re: requestPermission?
... will it be used to pop up a UX on Firefox?

Marcos: I need to think about it more


Marcos: In FF, there's a kiosk mode

IJ: Would standard calls be used here so nothing to do?

Marcos: We could mention this in Privacy and Security

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to write a paragraph for security and privacy considerations about private browsing / kiosk mode and mention not storing data

Just-in-Time Registration

Rouslan: We plan to do just-in-time installs
... we might show, e.g., PayPal URL in the sheet, and the user can install it
... we'll open window for PayPal to install service worker, and once installed we'll fire payment request into PayPal service worker
... how much just-in-time install should go into Payment Handler? I think all of it.

AdrianHB: I think "none of it" needs to go in payment handler
... it sounds to me like an optimization around registration
... it's not an interop feature

Marcos: It depends on whether it starts to create objects or credentials store

AdrianHB: Agreed
... but as proposed now, it's just using the registration flow
... I don't think (if I recall) that it changes the API surface

rouslan: Agreed that the existing API surface does not change.
... the question is whether Marcos is interested in implementing in Firefox .. in which case we should figure out how to implement interoperably.

<AdrianHB> I think that "implementing this" is mostly UI right?

IJ: How does the dev do something?

Rouslan: Devs need to put something in their payment method manifest, namely URL that is used to trigger implementation
... the second thing that is needed is how to pass any params into the page (e.g., hash tags in URLS)
... the third is how are errors reported

<AdrianHB> Sounds like something to put in the manifest spec (if anywhere)

Rouslan: the reason we want to change hash tag is that changing it does not cause a server round trip but it can be detected in the browser.
... and we could change it to indicate success of installation.
... so those are a few bits we could spec out.

IJ: +1 for a system where payment methods can participate in this ecosystem at their own initiative.

<AdrianHB> +1 for specifying JIT install URL in manifest (and specifying this behaviour in the manifest spec)

IJ: Is there really a diff between JIT install and a regular registration.

Rouslan: We want flexibility to take into account new payment methods.
... regarding input parameters... there aren't any in terms of Javascript (compared to registration)
... one thing that we have considered is this: suppose evilshop.com wants to use goodpayments.com
... but goodpayments.com does not want to be associated with evilshop...we were thinking that in hashtag we might warn payment app about pending registration...we think we need to pass canmakepayment params into installation page.

<Zakim> rouslan, you wanted to talk about payment method privilege

rouslan: since all the information is fired after in payment request, do we think we should wait for it?

IJ: I suggest we treat it like before - let the payment handler tell the user what happened.

Rouslan: Makes sense.
... Regarding hash tags, before it is registered, hash tag is "#install". And the page shows a spinner
... after registration, we would like the handler to let the browser know about the completion of JIT installation; we were thinking of doing that in the URL hash tag (e.g., #success, #fail)

IJ: Why is this different from regular registration?

Rouslan: It's not "during a transaction" so there are opportunities to communicate with the browser
... but here the browser wants to fire PR API right aftern.

Marcos: Maybe this is HTTP
... e.g., 500 or 200 code
... it's getting close to "foreign fetch"
... but basically, the page makes a request, the other service worker wakes up; synthesizes the response and can fail in a particular way
... we could try to use status codes
... feels cleaner than using fragment IDs
... If you are on site A and look for a resource on site B, SW wakes up to handle it
... but that has issues and kind of died on the vine

<marcosc> https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2016/09/foreign-fetch

Rouslan: Ok, that means that the bit to change is "default installation page"

Marcos: You can also look diversity among 500 response codes

Pull Request 242


IJ: (Ian summarizes state of the pull request; there is editor agreement on the state of the pull request and not adding more explicit information on different ecosystem stakeholders.)

Pull request 243



"At the most I think we can say that order of priority for the instruments from a single payment handler is inferred b y the order they are registered by the handler but beyond that, how that order is mixed in with other preferences, is UX space and not in scope for us."

IJ: Any thoughts on this?

<AdrianHB> +1 - don't think there is a need to change the spec

rouslan: I don't think we need to change the spec. can use registration order and frecency


IJ: Should instruments be an ordered list?

Marcos: It's an ordered hash map
... I'll have a pull request for this soon
... insertion order will be maintained

alyver: The instruments themselves are related to the handlers
... if the same instrument is contained in two payment apps...how does that affect frecency?

rouslan: They are unique from a browser perspective.

Marcos: We don't need to say anything else regarding display....we have ability to do everything from available information.

IJ: Can we say in PR 242 "and instruments"?

<rouslan> +1

<marcosc> +1

<IJ> +1

<AdrianHB> +1

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to amend pull request 242 to mention instruments.

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to indicate on 242 the editor consensus and point to amended 242

Payment Method Manifest Topics


IJ: Please confirm that in case of error, default promiscuity is "only payment handlers from the same payment method origin"

Rouslan: Yes
... how do we specify "open" without requiring hosting of a payment method manifest

AdrianHB: I think rouslan's response is fine, but brings us back to the conversation in the Wg of what constitutes acceptable pre-work for a WG to take up a payment method ?
... we don't have a quality gate

Marcos: We can incubate ...

IJ: Regarding issue 11 for manifest
... not having to host a manifest?
... we will return to this question

Status of canMakePayments tests and PR

rouslan: Right not canMakePayment pull request is under consideration...and we've written tests.


Marcos: Generally tests and PR land at the same time

Rouslan: I've addressed marcos' comments...

Ian: Go for it
... what's the quickie summary of how this works?

Marcos: We should be clear in commit messages

<marcosc> https://s3.amazonaws.com/pr-preview/w3c/payment-handler/dabe62b...rsolomakhin:8b6561f.html#canmakepayment

IJ: Is it written down anywhere that "if standardized then X, if URL then Y"



* Rouslan to land tests and PR for canMakePayment with a commit message describing the algorithm and summary of changes

* Ian to port the "how it works" to the FAQ


<scribe> ACTION: Rouslan to land tests and PR for canMakePayment



Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian to amend pull request 242 to mention instruments.
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to indicate on 242 the editor consensus and point to amended 242
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to write a paragraph for security and privacy considerations about private browsing / kiosk mode and mention not storing data
[NEW] ACTION: Rouslan to land tests and PR for canMakePayment

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/12/18 14:43:14 $