Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

07 Dec 2017


Wilco, Anne, Shadi, Charu, MaryJo
Wilco, MaryJo


Issue 140: Allow for alternative structure in ATT https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/140

Wilco: very lenthy discussion with Kathy at TPAC around the implementation specific lenthy procedural steps makes it difficult for her to contribute as hers dont follow steps
... the way we have steps defined implies that one has to follows the steps, so what other way do we have to document the procedure

Charu: In IBM we have very atomic rules very short context driven

Wilco: what we are describing is fairly consistent with how DeQue or IBM is doing and is there a way we can have less procedural way of doing this?

<Wilco> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-rules-format.html

Ann: When we looked at the latest draft we had difficulty understading the manual path, so what is out and what is in
... we had a question on 6.2, how updated the draft was

Shadi: In section 6 put it something like this is how the rule works but the implementation can differ
... one thing that may help, is implementation is open to developers, can be creative as they want as long as they pass and match the results
... Not all test can be automated, but all should be carried out manually
... Do not talk about automation or procedure and describe one way of doing it but folks are free to do it any other way as long as they achieve the test cases

Wilco: Are you not looking at alternative ways

Shadi: what are alternative ways

Wilco: One can say how it should be done or what should be done
... Describe in pdf where the elements are rendered and how they are rendered
... if you look at unit test, usually there is some manupulation of the application in certain state and write some assertions

Shadi: is that different from test procedures

Wilco: they are more like examples

Shadi: can we have an example

Wilco: we can find one, i think we will need to do some prototyping to figure this out
... it is different then how i am use to writing rules, let me see if i can work out an example

<Wilco> Precondition:

<Wilco> For each input element

<Wilco> Expectations:

<Wilco> The element has a label element associated with it using the for attribute OR

<Wilco> The element has an aria-label OR

<Wilco> the element has a title

<shadi> +1

Wilco: this does not prescribe, just tells what is expected put it in sligthly different way

Ann: that would help cuz it does not say it has to be automated but can be manully validated

Shadi: that is fine as they need to be translated in some way

Ann: If you make a rule that is more specific for manual test, you have to prescribe what to do
... less specific can be implimented manually as well as automated

Shadi: so you agree with what Wilco is suggesting

Cpandhi: why would you not automate and do it manually

Wilco: it is possible that folks may not have tools they trust, some may have AI to figure it out

cpandhi +1

Ann: i will have to check with my developers, we rely on applicability

Wilco: applicability is better then precondition
... Ok so this may work, we need to try it out to see if it will work
... Ann you want to volunteer?

Ann: i can check with my developer and get back

Wilco: Shadi can i sign you up?

Shadi: you can try

Wilco: Write some of the example rules in the new format

Shadi: not sure i am the right person, i do not have developers to delegate

<Wilco> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/

cpandhi: i would like one written and then may be volunteer to write the next

Wilco: Ok i will take one complicated one, r3

Ann: there is user input question, are we getting rid of it or keeping it

Wilco: we will need to try it out

Issue 127: Question on 8.1 Selected Item - pointer https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/127

Wilco: Question about pointer, we are calling it test target
... This might be a question for you, Shadi

Shadi: let me check, so this not about pointers, it is about any kind of reference in the DOM, that can change
... HTTP states and exchanges can be recorded
... we can use content in RDF

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/earl

Shadi: The schemas dont have to be in RDF, they can be recorded in diff ways

Wilco: is this all part of the pointer?

Shadi: This can be part of the subject

Wilco: Describe the subject in the same state and so the pointers are valid
... Ok good answer, i will create a response

Issue 126: Suggestion for 8. ACT Data Format (Output Format) - Sufficient Technique(s) https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/126

Wilco: Not really an ACT question, but more to include the remediation in to the format

Shadi: should we update the format to include this
... so this is repair guidance, no, this is about reporting results not about how to fix them

Wilco: In deque we include remediation info

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL10-Schema/#TestResult

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL10-Schema/#info

Shadi: yes we could consider

Ann: it could be a technique for each of them in background

Wilco: Yes
... Shadi, would u like to respond

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/12/07 15:08:11 $