<maryjom> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-rules-format.html
MaryJo: We did an ordering change and generated a new spec
MaryJo: Accessibility Support has been moved up to Section
... Any objections to this placement?
<maryjom> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/143/files
<maryjom> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/133
MaryJo: No objections to reorder. Change accepted. Issue
137: Spec sections ordering change can be closed.
... Let's move on to Issue 143. Add note on unique identifiers
Proposal from Wilco: Note: The unique identifier can be any type of text or number, such as a URI or a number in the database.
MaryJo: Romain's suggested rewording: The unique identifier can be any text string, such as for instance a URL or a database identifier.
Does it need to be universally unique or just in the scope of the ruleset?
Alistair: Presumably it's unique within the set. If we are
talking about tools, we would want to have a unique rule, e.g. WAI Tool
... You need the unique identifier for that set.
... Scope down until it is useful
?: Want to be able to compare results across rulesets. If separate ruleset has the same rule and we want to compare.
Alistair: We would have the rule id as meta in our own rule
set. This is rule A and meant to be testing Rule X from testing rules
toolset. Same as testing best practice X, e.g. W3C
... As long as they are unique within the rule set, we should be okay
MaryJo: Do we need any update to Romain's text?
Kasper: We should mention the scope
MaryJo: how do you propose we write it up?
Alistair: Two things, WAI Tool Rules, W3C pillar of rules.
Within WAI Tools rules you would need unique id for each one.
... However, in organization, have unique id but have a referrer to X.
If rule is testing another rule referred to, have URL to other test.
MaryJo: Do we need another optional field?
Are we mapping to SC?
Alistair: No just test level
Anne: Don't completely understand discussion. I think we discussing how to map your own and not the ACT rule. Shouldn't everything in X ruleset have a unique id?
<anne_thyme> https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/
Anne: X-r1 would this be a unique id?
Alistair: Each rule set has its own set of rules and each rule should have a unique id. What happens if you bring in another test suite and there is a mismatch.
Anne: If we have rules 1, 2, 3 and bring them into a rule set, we could have a clash
Alistair: Everything needs its own unique id within its own cluster
Anne: Use ACT rules format internally?
Alistair: One of the things that will be flushed out in
... Would be quite useful internally that we have rule X internally but
it maps to WAI Tool Rule Y. And we want to conform to rules format. How
do we map?
Anne: Isn't that based on implementation. We can add our own fields as long as it doesn't break the rules format.
MaryJo: Do we need to make changes?
<maryjom> Romain's suggested rewording: The unique identifier can be any text string, such as for instance a URL or a database identifier.
Alistair: Remove, for instance...
<maryjom> The unique identifier can be any text string, such as a URL or a database identifier.
Alistair: What's the difference between URL and URI
Romain: The most modern interpretation is WhatWG which deprecates URI
MaryJo: Everyone agree to update?
What about scope or cross reference?
Alistair: I would drop optional bit.
MaryJo: Can this stand as is?
<anne_thyme> +1
<maryjom> +1
<rdeltour> +1
<Kasper> +1
Alistair: Uniqueid is what you put inside the test. We've
never used URL's before for a unique id. We want to keep ids quite
short. Since they are quite often used.
... I recommend using plain text
What about, The unique identifier can be any text string, such as a plain text, URL or a database identifier.
MaryJo: I think adding plain text helps
Are we using uniqueness by using the term any?
<agarrison> The identifier can be a unique
Alistair: The identifier can be any unique text string, such as plain text, URL or a database identifier.
<maryjom> +1
This changes in context since the rule outline has unique identifier as an item
Romain: I think we are overthinking this one. It's just a
note of what we mean by unique identifier.
... This is just informative.
<agarrison> The identifier can be any unique text value, such as plain text, URL or a database identifier.
<Michael_GK_Rasmussen> +1
<maryjom> +1
<Kasper> +1
<anne_thyme> +1
Here's an existing definition from the internet of things to compare: "A unique identifier (UID) is a numeric or alphanumeric string that is associated with a single entity within a given system. UIDs make it possible to address that entity, so that it can be accessed and interacted with."
<maryjom> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/131/files?diff=split
MaryJo: Typo in last spelling of accessibility
Alistair: English doesn't flow well
<maryjom> Editorial change: It is intended to describe both manual....
This format is intended to enable a consistent interpretation of how to test for accessibility requirements so as to avoid conflicting results of accessibility tests. It is intended to be applicable to describe both manual accessibility tests as well as automated testing done through accessibility test tools (ATTs).
<maryjom> Editorial change: Fix spelling of "Accessibility"
This format is intended to enable a consistent interpretation of how to test for accessibility requirements so as to avoid conflicting results of accessibility tests. It is intended to describe both manual accessibility tests as well as automated testing done through accessibility test tools (ATTs).
<maryjom> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/128
Alistair: Web components and shadow DOM make this more complicated. You can describe it under test subject.
MaryJo: Maybe need to be more explicit. If there are states...
Alistair: But then you have to describe the states. 8.4 covers what the comment about.
MaryJo: Does SiteImprove agree?
Kasper: Big difference between single url and paragraph of description
Alistair: ... Yes. What is ATT?
MaryJo: Accessibility Test Tool
Kasper: Examples use URL as subject. Can we have an example that does not use URL? Make it clear that it is an open field.
MaryJo: It could be done so we have an example that shows that.
Alistair: I would take out "more complex action" Just use
... I don't want folks think that putting in a single url is sufficient.
We need to think of multiple tests across a page. This is not a complex
... Also, it can be that the initial page is very different from a page
that is loaded seconds later. Action can be by the user or computer.
MaryJo: I will make note of what we suggest in issue. Once W3C is available, I will update the Availability Survey and send out,