Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

29 Nov 2017


Shawn, James, Brent, Charlotte, Alicia, Sharron, Norah, Eric


<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Redesign_-_October_Revisions#Recommendations_from_Liz_and_Team



[ James shows a mock-up for the role pages . ]

<scribe> scribe: Eric

<scribe> scribenick: yatil

James: This is an example for our role pages, what do you think?

Shawn: Good to have a first mockup.

Eric: It seems simple enough, no detailed comments.

Brent: So this is the view that people have to see what resources work for their particular area of expertise.
... Would we still have the main nav or would the main nav be a role nav?

James: I think we keep the main nav where it is. These are essential new resources: Quick introduction on a11y, quick introduction on how a11y applies to their role. It is a curated resource for designers in this case.

Norah: Where will you access those pages?

James: Right now the only way to get to them would be a mechanism in the banner/top nav or through the tiles/some mechanism in the home page.
... We could maybe put it into the main nav in sections where they belong.

Eric: That might be really hard to do for some roles, so we might not bother with it.

James: We had different mockups at TPAC.

Alicia: Based on the feedback the larger tiles got a lot of good respone.
... need some more iterations, but it seems the way to go.

Shawn: Interested on comments of the page itself.

James: Any reactions?

Norah: We have audience pages at the library of congress. I think it is a good idea.

Shawn: We’d like specific feedback. What are your thoughts on the first paragraph of the page.

Sharron: What is our plan when people do feel left out?

<shawn> +1 to Sharron's issue about people feeling left out

James: One approach would be to have other and talk generally about it. If we don’t have a page, we might not have enough content to support that page

<shawn> Eric: Good opporunity to also have pages for audiences that we don't yet have lots of resources for -- it will help them find the needle in the haystack

<shawn> ... could have a places for peope to note that they don't find stuff for them

James: I like the idea, could also inform us what resources we miss.

Norah: Sounds like a good way to filter it.

James: So are we comfortable to move forward with this.
... Do we want to include it into the MVP?
... Or do we want to include it after the first launch.

Shawn: I like that it has the Basics for everyone and the resources for designers. I also like the quickref filtered for the audience.
... But the first paragraph is not clicking with me so I’d like some more input.

Eric: I wonder if we agree on the approach to have an introductory paragraph.

Shawn: First sentence is more details on the roles. Second sentence is examples, it looks like.
... Do we want to discuss that on that level?

James: Sure, if we can get to it quickly. My approach was to help people understand that they are target of that role page. Then I wanted to summarize the goals.
... Don’t like the parens either, but it was a quick thing. Let’s agree what the paragraph should cover and then someone could write the copy.

<shawn> +1 for issue of "I'm a designer, and that doesn't describe me"

Brent: Issue if people don’t see themselves in the introduction.

<shawn> +1 to Laura - care about the headings & links, not so much the intro paragraph

Eric: That is why we used “Tips for Designing” instead “for Designers”. Do we agree that we aim for including it into the MVP.

Shawn: The chairs have to decide if they're OK with us taking people away from EOWG Resources for this.

Brent: Does James & Team want to make a quick first draft for it?

James: I just want to make sure that we got something where no-one got hives from it but just quickly get something out.

[ James + Brent agree to have their people work on it. ]

James: If we have three weeks or so, I can make sure that it gets done. I can take it a slow action items.

[ Eric takes an action item to create GitHub repository for those role pages. ]

scribe: Can you give me something to start with it, Shawn?

Norah: I am a bit reacting to the “you” but if we reword it to say “designers typically do xyz” might help.
... People likely only look at it for a few seconds, so keeping it simple would be good.

Shawn: The list of examples without links is maybe not too helpful.

Brent: I think “typically” works for me.
... I agree that they might move on quickly from the paragraph.

Eric: We got the getting started tips and there might be some overlap with these roles pages.

Shawn: Yeah, there might be some overlap.

James: We should figure that out before we go have those page written.

Eric: I don’t feel strongly about the approach, we have to see how it works out in the end, what content we have. Especially I don’t want to overwhelm people on those role landing pages, so it probably is a fine line.

[ Next meeting: December 6, 2017 ]

Title: WAI Site TF Meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/11/29 19:07:49 $