Tokenization Task Force

21 Nov 2017



Gildas, alyver, MattS, CyrilV, marconi, Ian, Jalpesh, Sachin, Manash, Ken
oyiptong, Simon, Laura


sorry to hear that


<scribe> Scribe: Ian

Encryption next steps


MattS: Olivier presented Encrypted Card idea that was specific to Basic Card
... we observed during TPAC that encryption would be generally useful for other payment methods
... for example, encrypting the merchant IBAN to avoid MITM attacks
... or for network tokenization (as Sachin and Keyur explained0
... we organized a breakout session during TPAC week
... we explored 2 routes....

1) What changes might be needed for PR API?

scribe: I think there's a possible pattern that might require no changes to PR API

(See https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-methods-tokenization/wiki/Generalisation-of-Encrypted-Card)

2) What changes might be limited to payment apps to avoid PR API?

scribe: We don't know how we will do signatures in JSON
... I think we have concluded that JOSE from the IETF is the best way
... it does make the JS opaque, but it seems to be the best standard available
... I need to extend the proposal to say how we will do encryption and signatures



mattS: What I've done online is to write the proposal and use an issue to tackle reviews


MattS: Has anybody reviewed it?

[Nobody yet]

Sachin: Am interested would be happy to walk through

Jalpesh: Also interested
... two areas - how would signatures work and mitigate the MITM attack?

MattS: I may have to clarify how encryption and signing affect different things
... suggest people raise issues in github


Jalpesh: Would merchant send both public key and signature, and the browser would both (1) validate and (2) encrypt response?

MattS: I realize the proposal does not include the necessary flow (who does what when, such as signing)
... Both request and response are intended to be signed
... I need to clarify that

Jalpesh: How does onboarding happen?
... what is also unclear is how easy it is for the public key to be distributed the implementation

MattS: The general idea is that the distribution of the public key ... it will be put on the merchant site and effectively distributed via the merchant's site
... you can validate that the public key is coming from an SSL endpoint...chain of trust is apparent

<CyrilV> during breakout discussion, Vincet told us that LEI will be generalised in the next years and implies a public key certification

MattS: you can't put the key on a different domain because one of the implementation details is: to verify the signature you verify it comes from a site you understand, and you would (2) check the public key against the signature signed with the private key

Jalpesh: Suppose the merchant signs the public key using a private key.....
... you are saying that each data object can be signed separately using the private key
... if I look at the proposal it makes sense that you sign the payload so that the mediator can verify the signature
... the question is: how is this public key being stored in the payment method?

MattS: The public key is on the domain of the merchant
... the reason it's a relative path is so that it's accessible from merchant.com/public.pem

Jalpesh: My thinking is..if the user visits example.com
... rather target.com
... I click on the Pay button
... suppose that target.com is hacked

MattS: This proposal does not address that.
... if someone goes to target-malicious.com it's the responsibility of the user to detect that.

Jalpesh: But if target-malicious.com has a valid cert...and they could have their own public key signed with their own private key
... and payload goes to the wrong merchant.

MattS: Correct. The assumption is that people understand what site they are visiting.
... Standard TLS protection is valid and usable

Jalpesh: Issue is, e.g., public wifi

MattS: Then the cert would be for "target-malicious.com"

Cyril: [on PKI and LEI]
... certs will be valid
... Matt's proposal is interesting in this context because the system could provide the user a validation versus a real PKI

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to say browsers can help here

IJ: I think browsers can help identify bad actors over time

Cyril: Vincent also has ideas for LEI extensions

IJ: I suggest we add an issue about "bad site" and the limits of what we are trying to secure.

Jalpesh: What protection are we adding with encryption?

MattS: Malicious browser extension, or JS insertion into the cache...this is about protecting against browser vulnerabilities rather than site vulnerabilities.

Jalpesh: This gets legit merchant PCI exemption; that is what it solves:

IJ: How about a FAQ at the bottom

MattS: +1
... The encryption and signature are solving different things:

- signature stops MITM

- encryption addresses PCI-DSS

scribe: so I may split these proposals

Jalpesh: Signature doesn't quite stop MITM; it only stops "man in the browser"

<jalpesh> Productive conversation; got an internal conflict today so dropping off.

Network tokenization next steps


<CyrilV> l have to drop off. sorry

IJ: What was your experience and what do we need to update in the spec?

Sachin: We are working on experimentation

Manash: What we are trying to do is do tokenization as done in the physical world.
... you can use any wallet with a POS.
... there is no custom integration with different digital wallets
... the POS knows what payload it will receive from any wallet; this has enabled scale
... we want to do the same with PR API
... related to that, what we are doing is building a prototype where we would use the Capital One wallet that would have a network token based payload
... it would be sent to the merchant (Worldpay)
... at a high level the merchant will say they accept "masterpass" (for the time being) and expect a standard token
... later we would use a W3C standard payment method
... we would work with other partners (e.g., Apple Pay) to see whether they can work in the same environment without changing anything

IJ: Time frame?

Manash: We are aiming to do this before the next FTF meeting (e.g., Jan/Feb 2018)
... we'd like to showcase a prototype during the next FTF meeting



IJ: I updated the spec based on your previous round

Sachin: There have been substantial changes since then
... let's walk through it


scribe: the idea is to keep the payment method simple
... provide EMV-like security constract
... the payment app talks to the TSP
... token is then encrypted (per MattS)
... the key is shared by the party that initiated the request
... the key has to be onboarded to the TSP
... if you look at the end of the page, you'll see a diagram
... the only additional bits we need are (1) key provider URL


"and any associated payment method specific data."

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to ask about 3DS and to ask about payment handler data

Ian: Anything going to be necessary in response data for 3DS flow?

Sachin: The 3DS cryptogram takes the same space as the @@
... 3DS might not be payment method, but a layer like encryption

marconi: In this flow, is the handler or the mediator the token requestor?
... will you have a single token usable across merchants?

Sachin: The merchant is not specific to a merchant, but is specific to a TSP
... whether a token is reusable across merchants will depend on TSP
... the dynamic data is requested/provided per transaction

marconi: Are these DSRP transactions?

Sachin: Yes.

IJ: What is DSRP?

Marconi: Digital Secure Remote Payment



Proposed: Add Sachin as co-editor

+1 from Ian


<alyver> +1

<scribe> ACTION: Sachin to do a pull request on network tokenization spec

<trackbot> Created ACTION-70 - Do a pull request on network tokenization spec [on Ahuja Sachin - due 2017-11-28].

Sachin: I will update the wiki today and do a PR after that

Ian: Staging?


1) We update the spec

2) We discuss the spec at the right time with the full WPWG

3) We do a FPWD and begin to engage with other participants

scribe: in parallel we start working on timing of prototype development

Ian: Any volunteers to review the update?

<alyver> +1 to add my name a checkbox on Sachin's issue.

+1 to add my name to a checkobx

Ken: I anticipate Clinton or someone in our team will review

Next meeting

28 November

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Sachin to do a pull request on network tokenization spec

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/11/21 17:34:14 $