WAI Coordination Call

15 Nov 2017


Joanmarie_Diggs, MichaelC, Judy, George, tzviya
Josh, Kathy
George, Judy


<Judy> scribe: George


Today is an off cycle meeting and we return on Dec 6

TPAC feedback -- how well did TPAC format and venue work for your group?

JB: TPAC Feedback
... There is a survey form that W3C wants you to respond to.
... Any particular feedback on venu and how it was facilitated.

MC: The accessibilityguidelines working group did not get their meetings done and we scrambled to set up new rooms. Perhaps we can plan to have some spare rooms around to anticipate this.

JB: This is unprecidented in groups needing extra space. How necessary is this? Good job in getting the extra time.

MC: Seeking feed back from others. Not unprecedented, but not common.

<Judy> s/unpresented/unprecedented/

JS: Coga folks were looking for space. They were looking for a way to get together. APA tried to give space when they were visiting others.
... Apa did6 or 7 joint meetings.

JB: Does APA need a bigger roo

MC: We have had problems with minutes and when we meet in our own space, the minutes are easier to generate.

JS: We need that URI for the minutes.

JB: What can we do to resolve for the next one.

JS: Going through the minutes now.
... Oh boy, no topic headers, will be a problem.

JB: It sounds like it would be could to solve this before next TPAC and a way to do a standard request for loging that goes out weeks ahead.

MC: We did get topic headers.

JB: APA logistics challenging.

JS: We had a lot of people who needed a microphone.
... ARIA had mics and it was very useful.

TS: It would be wonderful to have a mic.

JB: why not request mic?

MC: Not an option.

TS: when you request a phone, you should have a mic that integrates.

<Judy> [JB: Ask meeting planners to assume mic request by default]

MC: large rooms should have mics for phones.

JB Anything else on logistics?

MC: MC had to run accross the hotel to make connections.

JB What MC is saying is more precise. Is there a formulae to make accessibility groups to get together.

JB: MC got his workout.

<Judy> [JB: Ask meeting planners to schedule meetings with the same TC next to each other.]

JB: anything else?

<Judy> scribe: Judy

GK: There were some things I attended, perhaps Wednesday, separate breakouts, that were very good. We want to make sure that we are coordinating among packaging, media, and issues around a single manifest, when we are trying to solve the same problems.

<scribe> scribe: George

JB: past logistical.
... On to TPAC meetings and hallway meetings.
... What to capture?

TPAC joint meetings & hallway meetings -- updates to capture while fresh, and/or important to let accessibility colleagues know of?

JS: Navigation came up in several contexts. We have on agenda for CSS.
... I am convinced we will not have a single solution and we should find pateerns.
... Halwwy Don Brutzman, Web 3D rep, Our follow up with him is he will come to a RQTF?? This will probably be relevant for publishing.

JS Input events FYI the Web Platforms is trying to improve content editable, and great looking formatting.

JS: Their spec to date does not have a problem, but the accessibility review needs to happen. Jonie did take an action item to work on this.
... Web Platform group for the spec, Jonie will write an AAM.JS Are they done with Web Platforms
... They are not finished with input events. and bring it closer to a desktop to desktop.
... They are ready to receive request for improvements. They need to prioritize.
... the requests could get complicated by changing modes and start writing math.
... Those are the big items that other groups need to know.

MC: The big cross-group topic this year was accessibility object model discussion.
... The venu AOM people are from the non W3C mindset.
... They did attend TPAC and they interested in establishing a coordination mechanism.

JB: Next steps there? And in what venue?

MC: Formally the web incubater group. We identified a path and we identify interesction paths ARIA.

JB: MC how many browser vendors present?

MC: Apple and Google where there. Microsoft present. Mozilla back channeled.

TS: W3C and MDM Don and Dan applequist looking at information automating in.
... automate information from github and can improve in how we write specs.
... MDN Mizilla developer network. Spec writers and best pract practice writers are different and trying to figure out ways to expidate something like this.

<MichaelC> s/MGM Don/MDN Dom/

TS: Publications has nothing in MDN

JB Is there a good way to corrdinate and follow up?

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to mention mdn

TS: next step for epub is to get it into MDN.

JB: TS report back.

JD: AOM making good progress.
... ARIA is not just doing ARIA work, but AOM is being supported and the two groups are supporting each other.
... Should web components use AOM or ARIA? and AOM needs stuff from ARIA.

MC: Big success of AOM is that AOM and ARIA should share the same vocab and ensure we have cross coverage. THis allows implementers to use the most appropriate.
... From this meeting they have expressence to tie to ARIA.

JD: Aria is a dependence of AOM.

JB: Other things in task force or heard from a little bird?

JB On Wednesday breakout or report are there things that peeked interest of accessibility?

TS: In epub, we have media overlays. We will be starting a community group. Dave singer connected TTML working on similar.
... Marisa from DAISY is heading this up.

GK: This came up in video discussions and packing and they were kean to work with the publishing folks.

JS: I had a conversation with Nigel from BBC on these topics. JS is to find old proposals on transcipt.

JS Nigel Megitt from BBC

JB: Kim, if you could follow remotely? Bad internet access.

Kim: I did check minutes and there was an issue with short cuts.

Minutes seemed good.

GK: Karen noted when she took minutes, they remote people and from other languages thanked her.

TS: Karen did good!

JB: Covered TPAC debrief.
... Check in on milestones and publications.

Milestones, publications, WAI IG announcements check

JMC: Plan to update WCAG 2.1, but will not happen soon, but hopeful for end of November.

MC ARIA rec on paper could hit fDecember 7. That is four aria specs.

JB: on WCAG 2.1 messaging?

MC: We will not know untle later in the week. This will be our lasst update and communication around what we did.
... Hoping for that communications with details, but could just publish and say this is what we have.

<Judy> [jb: hearing possibly -- last draft before cr, take a look, stabilizing, nc to sc, numbering funkified; or could be actually, re-grouping, to be continued]

lot that is going to hit. We need to figure out who is going to do what.JB: Aria rec there is a

TS: First working draft by the end of november, but less likely, buw within a month.
... TS or Ivan taking care of publishing communications.

MC: Aria ones related to publishong we should be coordinated.

<joanie> JD: I am going to prioritize the Graphics ARIA and Graphics AAM specs to unblock SVG AAM, which is no longer a joint deliverable with ARIA.

MC: The graphics documents we do not need to wory about the messaging.

<joanie> JD: I am also prioritizing AccName.

MC: we will need messaging for xxx, more interesting than the graphics.

JD: Also at TPAC, a first of core AAM 1.2 and it would not need to wait for AAM 1.1 to be out the door.

MC: We will not stop you from that.

JB: MC, JS, TS, all set? JD just finished.
... any other business
... Wednesday December 6

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/11/15 20:30:04 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/TPAC/JB: TPAC/
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Succeeded: s/JS/JS:/
Succeeded: s/Doug VR person/Don Brutzman, Web 3D rep/
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Succeeded: s/What is MGN?//
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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs MichaelC Judy George tzviya
Regrets: Josh Kathy
Found Scribe: George
Inferring ScribeNick: George
Found Scribe: Judy
Inferring ScribeNick: Judy
Found Scribe: George
Inferring ScribeNick: George
Scribes: George, Judy
ScribeNicks: George, Judy

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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