09 November 2017

Meeting Minutes


bjones: are remote participants fine with the connection?

anssik: what is the status re specs and implementation, and next steps for WebVR CG?

bjones: welcome everyone to this ad-hoc WebVR CG meeting
… WebVR API allows interaction with VR and AR hardware, we have mainly an explainer document currently

[bjones giving spec overview]

... we are at the explainer stage now, no full spec yet

... we're iteration on the explainer still quite a bit, the concept has been these for 3-4 years, more actively working on WebVR for ~2 years

nell: kickoff for WebVR standardization was the W3C WebVR workshop last Oct

bjones: clarification, there are capabilities on multiple browsers now called WebVR, but it is the non-webby version
… on that (1.1) version we received TAG feedback on
… the latest spec is WebVR API "v2.0"

WebVR API, Explainer

nell: common questions, who's working on what
… there's now WebVR 1.1 implementation on Chrome as an Origin Trial
… and Edge implementation for Mixed Reality headsets
… also in Firefox for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive
… Oculus has a Chromium-based browser, and Samsung has a Samsung Internet browser

anssik: how about Servo?

bjones: not familiar with Servo, know Mozilla has used Servo as a testbed

anssik: what are the next steps for the WebVR CG?

bjones: as far as feature wise, there's very little question next year would like to transition to WG and formalize the spec
… another thing to clarify, there was a proposal for a Working Group charter we pushed back on that, not because we object the idea of WG, but though we were not ready

nell: worth calling out, there are unresolved issues still, the API shape is still evolving and undefined
… for example, we don't have our input story
… site to site navigation, rAF relationship are still unclear

bjones: for MVP we do not explicitly add AR features, but allows AR extensions

anssik: core WebVR would move to WG, and AR features would be evolved in CG? correct?

nell: right

<dom> RAF Loop Syntax discussion

<dom> TAG Feedback: isolation and the document

<dom> Test API Design and WPT

[nell gives an agenda workthrough]

nell: out of scope today are input, gamepad

nell: related, Msft joined OpenXR in Khronos last week

rAF loop syntax

<dom> RAF Loop Syntax discussion

bjones: background on the topic is that when dealing with VR devices within WebVR spec, they may run at a different frame rate than the PC connected to
… we want to cater for that, as we defined the spec it seemed difficult for various reasons to change the behaviour of rAF
… went for a WebVR variant of rAF that'd run at the VR device's frame rate and not the PC's frame rate
… got feedback using the same name might be confusing, so renamed the VR rAF variant

<dom> Offscreen canvas spec

bjones: also Offscreen Canvas is looking at creating a rAF variant called commit()

slightlyoff: explains the rationale for Offscreen Canvas rAF variant

nell: concerns that Offscreen Canvas, making sure it is setup to be as compatible as possible for exporting existing code bases

slightlyoff: had discussions re Offscreen Canvas, game developers' feedback would prefer an API that supports async/await style
… can we make rAF return promise?

bjones: no concerns re object allocation, having rAF return a promise is backwards compatibility issue, cannot pass to cAF
… would need an alternative version that is cancellable
… bigger point, you can wrap it into a promise in JS

bjones: not clear promise-returning rAF would make developer lives easier
… this is a VR-specific issue (that a promise-returning rAF does not lead to better developer ergonomics)
… that was the background
… the issue #141 discusses the proposal for new rAF loop syntax, considers TAG feedback received

<dom> [I think you would want to make AnimationFrameProvider an interface mixin https://‌heycam.github.io/‌webidl/#using-mixins-and-partials ]

bjones: the proposal for rAF as is, make separate interface that is implemented by window interface, want to extend the callback to promise timestamp and framedata plugged in there

[bjones walking through the proposed IDL on big screen]

anssik: does this consider TAG feedback?

bjones: yes

travis: I like this rAF model is extensible, not sure about Transferrable part, perhaps we do not need it
… generally I think it is great, then again, there's TAG feedback re isolation and how to make this fast

nell: we have a separate topic for that

dom: not sure whether you can override the second parameter as proposed
… WebIDL may not have semantics for doing that

bjones: not familiar with these WebIDL details, but can say with confidence JS don't care about this detail (parameter override)

travis: proposed fix option a) do nothing b) define a derived callback

travis: workaround is to just define a more precise behavior of the callback

nell: the bigger question, is this something to be addressed by the WebVR group or by the broader community, propose we find a way that does not block us
… who's the owner of this discussion so that WebVR group does not own this discussion

travis: rAF is defiend in the HTML spec, so they own the broader issue

nell: always returning zero for timestamp should be fine

anssik: what is the reference for timestamp?

<dom> requestAnimationFrame spec

bjones: not sure if it is even well specified for window.rAF

<dom> "When the user agent is to run the animation frame callbacks"

anssik: related, generic sensors have rAF sync as a v2 feature

<tidoust> requestAnimationFrame in W3C HTML

travis: what are the core use cases Offscreen Canvas spec editors are after

slightlyoff: high perf low power video hardware overlay
… my question to them was why not expose the same to main thread, it appears they want to avoid all compositing
… they got 10ms roundtrip improvement per frame

travis: are they in we want this but have not yet specced?

slightlyoff: they are not yet fully there yet

nell: considering we want to advance to more stable spec in near future, having unstable dependencies would hold us off

proposed RESOLUTION: submit pull request to change the signature in callback, move the rAF design proposal away from WebVR into HTML spec(s)

Resolved: submit pull request to WebVR explainer to change the signature in callback, move the rAF design proposal away from WebVR into HTML spec(s)

TAG Feedback about performance isolation

TAG Feedback: isolation and the document

bjones: we started with workers support, we do not talk about this in the explainer, but we have stripped away all window and DOM deps
… we expect input for this system to come from device specific controllers, to be able build experiences that run purely in a worker
… the issues that we run into are more about how other APIs interact with workers e.g. input e.g. mouse/keyboard is functional but slow
… latency of keyboard or mouse cursor not as important
… video is trickier, it is a large use case for VR, and there's no native way to render video in a worker
… there's a workaround but it is tedious and slow
… audio and video sync would be impossible in a worker context

travis: WebGL and WebVR running in worker on issues, input unclear, video no solution in sight

nell: is this issue addressed by iframe isolation instead?

bjones: we're dealing with three different variants of devices: 1/ mobile device in a harness, 2/ standalone HMD device, 3/ external MHD that rely on PC
… from perf isolation standpoint, there are not many cases for 3/ where you view DOM at the same time with VR experience
… as you go to the VR mode in 1/ and 2/, we can turn off general compositor

travis: the canvas you start writing to in your rAF loop, it becomes exclusive mode?

bjones: in the new version of the API, we provide a new frame buffer for the VR device itself

bjones: we can fudge and note, PC requirements for this are magnitudes larger than for mobile

bjones: ultimately we'd like to have a better solution for PC-driven environment

slightlyoff: if you want to use iframes, they can be different process
… iframes are used for many use cases, focus on iframe could be used as a hint to move into a high performance mode

<slightlyoff> specifically we can have a new attribute on iframes to say "this is high performance content"

travis: re moving to iframes, does it mean nothing changes in the spec?

slightlyoff: that'd be my suggestion
… I prefer deprioritizing content that is not displayed

slightlyoff: give the browser ability to add VR button, if the page advertises it has the capability

bjones: we do not want cross-origin iframes to use VR features

[insert Pepsi joke here]

bjones: the idea whether a particular document is in a VR is well defined
… we have clear boundaries when throttling could begin, [the button] sounds very UI specific optimization

nell: if developers are worries about performance, they will think about these things; many perf challenges are not VR specific, developers use iframes for perf isolation already in general

slightlyoff: if no-one tells us this content runs in high perf mode, browser could throttle times or turn off specific APIs

nell: VR focused state could toggle those behaviours

slightlyoff: wasm based games would prefer from such a high perf hint
… possible ways to do it e.g. feature policy, "allow=highperf"

travis: I think we have addressed a bunch of TAG concerns

slightlyoff: thanks for paying attention to TAG concerns raised, helping us understand your API better

bjones: I would far rather have these assumption breaking feedback that no feedback at all, nice to work with TAG and others familiar with web platform

nell: thank for all the feedback that makes us be part of the cohesive whole

[30 minutes left]

Interoperable WebVR Testing

Interoperable WebVR Testing

nell: when we first talked about interop testing, wanted to validate browser implementations
… now we've noticed the price for VR hardware going down, cannot buy every possible hardware out there
… so as we're looking at animation testing, e.g. A-Frame, look at validating content experiences
… will sit down with Web Driver people from Mozilla, to see what extensions are needed for WebVR simulation
… will provide a draft up for review
… re mocking, implication on a system level e.g. on Windows level how input is routed changes
… other thing: modeling user input, putting your headset on

mfoltz: Presentation API needs similar domain-specific extensions for testing

nell: would like to get consistency with other efforts, so good to synchronize efforts where sensible

dom: is this about instantiation only, or is testing of user interaction also in scope?

nell: both are in scope

dom: generic sensors have a need for a bunch of interactive test too

Roadmap for WebVR API

nell: things that are already on roadmap: 1/ clarify display types: pass-through, see-through, 2/ input story incl. VR controllers, 3/ site-to-site navigation

<dom> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌webvr/‌issues/‌254

nell: further out are: 4/ AR environment understanding: raycasting against world, creating anchors etc., 5/ media layers e.g. 360 video
… 6/ clarify handheld vs. face-worn

<dom> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌webvr/‌issues/‌145

nell: 7/ permissions: how to create permissions UX that makes sense to the user, e.g. how to provide permissions that are needed prior to entering VR experience

Open questions

dom: there's oncoming workshop for VR content authoring in December

<cwilso> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌09/‌webvr-authoring-workshop/

<dom> W3C Workshop on WebVR Authoring: Opportunities and Challenges

Summary of Resolutions

  1. submit pull request to WebVR explainer to change the signature in callback, move the rAF design proposal away from WebVR into HTML spec(s)
Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version 2.37 (2017/11/06 19:13:35), a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See CVS log.


Succeeded: s/WebVR/WebVR standardization

Succeeded: s/that rAF/the proposal for rAF

Succeeded: s/thought/through/

Succeeded: s/pull request/pull request to WebVR explainer/

Succeeded: s/have/have a need for