Web Authentication Working Group Teleconference

09 Nov 2017


Aiki, Chrisitiaanbrand, SamSrinivas, adamL, adrianba, akshay, angelo, apowers, battre, c.harrell, colin, dirk, elundberg, gmandyam, j.bradley, jcj_moz, jeffh, jochen, kpaulh, mikeo, mkwst, natasha, rlin, sam, slightlyoff, weiler, wseltzer, jochen___, tara__
nadalin, jfontana
jfontana, , weiler, kpaulh, jcj_moz


<weiler> Meeting: Web Authentication Working Group at TPAC 2017

<inserted> scribenick: jfontana

look at Wd-07 issues today

goal is to start the process to take this to CR today

triage today, so we can assign people to the issues. 60 or so

toward CR today

apple is here as an observer

samsung here as observer

DDS here as an observer

<SamSrinivas> +present

<christiaanbrand> +present

<jeffh> elundberg -- webex work for u ?

537 closed

644 pending

<jcj_moz> Sorted list: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3ACR+sort%3Acreated-asc


#96 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/96


#96 should we hold up CR for this

jcj_moz I would not hold up CR for this

#96 moved to PR

#106 is just a tracking issue.



jeffh it is an implementation consideration

jcj_moz what is authenticator cancel? it is not our job in Webauthn to do the sematics of cancel

jcj_moz it should say for cancellation go look at the transport specs

#125 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/125

jeefH closed #125


angelo I thought we had a PR

jeffH it was #545

tony #545 should address this

close 139 becuase 545 adressed it


jcj-moz we should not hold up CR so we can write to implementers on privacy

scribe: this can be a PR

jc-moz we just need to write. if RP worried about creating a credential ID. The UA needs to handle this

<jeffh> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/140#issuecomment-343223907

jcj_moz perhaps we need to open another one to handle unlinkability.

jeffH punt this to PR milestone. and we do not have issue with sub-stream unlink.


jcj_moz this is what we have been talking about.

jcj_moz this brings up timing which is interesting. I think this will be advice to UAs

tony: sending #184 to PR


jcj_moz duplicate of the last two we talked about they all go togehter 140, 184, 204


angelo: #593, #594 these cover 210
... we should link them. these are issues international folks have asked about

tony: so close #210


Rolf closed #210

<elundberg> only about half the room (guessing) is audible in the WebEx meeting

<elundberg> the person speaking now is drowned out by noise, for example

gmandyam: this could possibly be closed. we have aaguid extension already.
... close this and allow client extensions?

tony: today they do it through extensions

gmandyam: short answer, close this. the issue is what do we do with authenticator selection criteria

tony: today we handle through extensions, any issues with gmandyam doing this

no objections


jeffH: i think most of this has been handled
... emil kindly addressed parts of this
... I think we are good for now

tony: close this?
... open and tag for CR?

JeffH: let's close it

tony: closed


jcj_moz: this is implementation item.
... abort does not have to include everything going on.
... I think we should fix 292. we should fix today. I could write a PR.
... will write a PR.


jeffH: things have changed since this was written. we are not explicit about PublicKeyCredentialType

tony: keep it open?

JeffH: yes. For CR

tony: you will re eval this one. And leave at CR


gmandyam: recommend keep this open. or we could shift to PR.

jeffH: I am adding the "process" label.

gmandyam: I don't recommend closing. this has to be addressed somewhere

JeffH: punt to PR milestone>

<elundberg> (backing up a bit to #96: changes proposed in #672 should go some way to address concerns in #96 Privacy across OS accounts)

JeffH: moved to PR


tony: close

<jeffh> elundberg notes he can only hear about half the folks in the room

jcj_moz: it may come up again. but it won't be a serious interop issue.


tony: we will have to create something for CR. keep CR milestone.
... going to add mjones to help out.


Angelo: this is just mirror language of CTAP, it should go to CR.

correction. move to PR

tony: stay at CR or move it?

<elundberg> thanks jfontana, but I don't think speaking up will help much. It's mostly noise and room acoustics causing the problem.

angelo: closed


jeffH: I think we can close this. I think it no longer applies

<scribe> closed




sorry elundberg, can't change that

tony: the RP has to know how to select the algorithm

rolf: the browser should have idea what to expect

tony: that should be in for the CR.

<jcj_moz> <-- opened https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/673

tony: we might run into this in interop

Adam: it is good to adopt what has already been created in W3C.

<jeffh> @rlin: i.e. what hash algs that the UA uses to hash the clientData

jeffH: adding rolf to #362


angelo: it is difficult at this time to define this.

tony: do we want to punt to PR. we might close it later on. should we go to CR and see what happens

jcj_moz: putting it to PR.


jeffH: we changed this to COSE format.

tony: this should be closed.
... it has been merged.

jeffH: closed


rlin: will look at this today.

15 minute break

back at 10:15 PDT

<elundberg> are we still in break?

<christiaanbrand> just got back

<christiaanbrand> break was more like 45 mins...


tony: mjones will work with Alex and Akshay to specify the right parts. it's not a review of the whole issue


discussion is around iFrame

<jeffh> "restrict WebAuthentication API to only top level browsing context #374"

scribe: security issues, it could foster issues in some browsers,

privacy concerns

suggestion is to block iFrame

adam: hinges on the claim that re-direct is confusing

<jeffh> jcjones: take step back, would be hekpful to think about this instead as something to be more careful about when we do have silent/touchless authnrs ?

<jeffh> ... the ad netw cant track you unless they can confuse u into signing-in twice

<jeffh> ?: asserts that the attacker can do a silent redirect anyway

<jeffh> jcjones: given that, is it really "that bad" to permit iframes?

<jeffh> gmandyam: easier to just allow iframe to do authn than force workarounds at top level context

<jeffh> battre: notes that registering with an unknown party is a privacy issue

if you are typing and on the phone bridge, can you mute, please

jBradley: arguing for W3C Feature Policy

tony: JeffH will talk to Mike West to allow providers to use iFrames or not


tony: 374 will stay at CR

jcj_moz: I think this is still valid.
... this might something we want to write in before we go to CR

tony: OK


gmandyam: I will work on this.


CNH: no on disputing this needs to be clarified

jeffH agrees

jeffH: we need to explain the security ramifications of presenting your challenge
... this is one to think about
... leave at CR


my guess is to fix this before we declare a CR

jcj_moz: we should write a PR today to fix this. assigned to jcj_moz and jeffH


angelo: this one should go to CR

correction PR

tony: send to PR.


jeffH: maybe we should just close this? It is two views on the same data.
... closed.


tony: will ask mjones to verfiy and close


jeffH: things have changed. I have to check if it still applies

tony: push to CR
... jeff will work on it.


gmandyam: I have a PR ready to go for this.
... provides background
... I added text that points to limits of Safety Net

JeffH: looks fine. merge

tony: and it will close this issue


adam: this is defined in CTAP
... do we want to echo that as reminder for sites to look at this other doc.

tony: we reference it now in the spec
... I will have mjones add another pointer to it.

adam: use CTAP definitions


strike #509


strike #590


jeffH: I need to verify this is still applicable

tony: jeff will verify


akshay: did we close this

jeffH: going to COSE key solved.

jcj_moz: closed


jeffH: leave it at CR. I will verify


angelo: there were changes.

tony: this is no longer valid?

jeffH: I need to verify


tony: assigned to Jeffrey. leave at CR for now. See what Jeffrey comes back with


<elundberg> I can do this right now

tony: copy over with CTAP spec?

akshay: reference CTAP
... spec
... leave it in CR

tony: ok


<elundberg> @selfissued assigned

<elundberg> to #570

#576 going to PR status. include what RP has to do


tony: merged


rlin: create PR and merge


jeffH: we need to have tir right language and include a reference
... we can push this off to PR. It is editorial

tony: since this is not big issue. Push this off to PR.


jeffH: this is fixed

jcjc_moz: agreed

jcj_moz: I think it was fixed in #655. Let's close this.

tony: jcj_moz will verify

rlin: back to #613. there is issue in the spec itself.

jcj_moz that makes sense. leave open. push to CR

correction. pushed to PR. jcj_moz will look at it.


elum: #622 has PR ready to go

jeffH: need to review. will do later today.


jcj_moz: we should make decision as to where responsibilities lie to define encode and decode

<jeffh> e.g.: see bzbarsky's comment: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/626#issuecomment-335930727

jcj_moz: I can't implement this as it is.


tony: Change to use buffer source and use CDDL and remove client data examples
... assigned to gmandyam

some open issue to change to CDDL. refere new issue to old one. Assigned to gmandyam

Lunch break.

One hour. Return at 1:00PM PDT

<elundberg> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/627

dirk: I don't think it is changing the spec

tony: moving to PR for WD-07

dirk: will submit a name change


tony: dirk is creating a PR on #645


jeffH: this may be a duplicate.

tony: close this one?
... close

jeffH: mark as duplicate


akshay: I think we should close it
... no action

tony: JeffH you have something on this one

jeffH: I think he has a point. We may be stuck with it. It is confusing

tony: anyone has problem with closing this no action

jcj-moz: I am fine with closing it and ack. it is sad but true


jcj_moz: this is just text I think. It's technical but not normative
... it's misleading as currently written.
... we should fix the portion of verification procedure to be more accurate
... I don't think we need any normative changes. Push to CR.

correction: push to PR

jcj_moz: I don't think we need to hold up CR for this

attendance + mikeo +colin

jcc-moz: willl merge it and put in comment to track



thanks, sam.

chairs+ jfontana, nadalin

<elundberg> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/672

<elundberg> #672 decided to fix conflicts and merge PR


<jcj_moz> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/681


Dirk working on a PR.

Privacy Interest Group Joins

Joint Meeting with Privacy IG

<weiler> scribenick:

<weiler> scribenick: weiler

nadalin: we WILL have sec and priv considerations.
... doc came from FIDO to W3C. editors from fido carried over. we picked up some add'l editors.
... we have chrome, firefox, and edge in the room.

<jeffh> https://www.w3.org/blog/2015/11/w3c-fido/

nadalin: we've done one interop. another in Jan?

tara: do you have priv considerations you can direct us to?

jcj: we ahve a set of issues marked as privacy that we need to write up.

jeffh: nominally, FIDO principles apply

nadalin: we didn't bring that doc over. but principles carry through.

<jeffh> fido privacy principles: https://fidoalliance.org/assets/images/general/FIDO_Alliance_Whitepaper_Privacy_Principles.pdf

jcj: we've narrowed priv issues down to three.
... consolidated or mitigated...
... for CR.

<jcj_moz> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/labels/doc%3Apriv-cons

tara: someone what to talk about one of these?

Rolf: @@
... different RPs use different identifiers; even if RPs conspire, can't link users.

npdoty: what when same users come back? RP knows who it is?

Rolf: of course.

JohnBradley: might be edge cases, e.g. around private browsing. do you expose all of personas and let user choose?

weiler: perhaps explain info flows? or attestations?

<npdoty> it has been a topic of interest in PING about giving useful guidance on how to explain how a feature interacts with a private browsing mode

jcj: need a physical device (might be built in). Web site can ask authenticator to create a new credential. bound login credential between that authenticator and that web site. not enforced as 1-to-1. in incognito, reasonable to force that there not be an overlap between normal mode and incognito mode. that's underspecified in doc. should be thought about.
... inside the new credential when first created, there is an attestation providing the provenance of the authenticator.
... e.g. "this was constructed by yubico". potentially a batch number.

<jeffh> webauthn registration ceremony diagram: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1om__oSew4n48MK_Qcc8deq6hCZ6720-Zvv1PdK0CrjA/edit#slide=id.g2b7fa0712_0127

<jeffh> webauthn authentication ceremony diagram: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1om__oSew4n48MK_Qcc8deq6hCZ6720-Zvv1PdK0CrjA/edit#slide=id.g2b7fa0712_0158

jcj: good for banks but is another identified that could be used to build a profile. when this is passed from HW to relying party, there is a mode of "self-attestation" where use splices in a self-signed cert.
... firefox will likely do that for private browsing mode.

jnovak: notion is that a browser would splice in a cert that would be the same for all instances?

jeffh: unspec. generates a user-specific, rp-specific key pair.

jcj: firefoxes first version, new cert w/ new private key. all random every time. potentially exposing info about randomness of device.

weiler: is this an even more trivial way to detect private browsing mode?

jcj: yes. privacy ca is something we might pull in later.
... third of the attestation types is Privacy CA. the very identifying cert on the authenticator is provided to a third party, tasked to anonymize it.
... general idea is that UA would ask third party...

jeffh: @2. design is to not have UA be a middle man. TCG calls this an Attestation CA - it's in the spec to accommodate TPM.

johnbradley: required to be this, or have large batch size.

<jeffh> Note: Privacy CA attestation type that is presently in webauthn spec is from FIDO specs where it was incorporated specifically in order to accommodate TPM-based authenticators.

johnbradley: there are Q's floating around "are we disclosing too many bits of entropy that enable fingerprinting" by identifying model/batch of authenticator.
... but good reasons to know what device is (HW, SW, etc.).
... tradeoff. How much entropy already exists? Does this bit matter?

<jeffh> Note2: the TCG has changed the name of the entity formerly known as Privacy CA to Attestation CA.

npdoty: might need to take this offline.

johnbradley: recommendation is 100k batches or larger.

<jeffh> Note3: what Google is proposing as a so-called "privacy ca" is NOT the TCG-spec'd attestation CA, and wold be an artifact of the UA and NOT the authenticator

Rolf: @4 We want to make sure that attestations don't allow global correlation.

johnbradley: we understand that batch size of 1 would be broken

rolf: but 100M might be a challenge,

johnbradley: if you have a nation state breaking the key embedded in that 100M batch

tara: we'll expect a largely changed doc soon w/ privacy considerations.
... we'll look at flagged github issues.

nadalin: we want CR by end of Nov.

<jfontana> tony: still have PR #672 #673

<wseltzer> [WebAuthn formal meeting concluded when PING group left]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/11/10 00:19:48 $