Errata for Time Ontology in OWL

13 March 2018


This document records known errata for the Time Ontology in OWL W3C Recommendation, published on 19 October 2017.

Entries are listed in chronological order of their date of publication. Each entry has the following information:

Known errata in Time Ontology in OWL

No substantive errata have been identified so far. Known editorial errata are:

1. Figure 1 does not mention the hasTemporalDuration property
Added: 13 March 2018
Type: Editorial
Refers to: 3.1 Topological Temporal Relations
Description: As explained in the text, the domain of the hasTemporalDuration property is TemporalEntity. However, the hasTemporalDuration property does not appear in the model diagram for the TemporalEntity class.
Correction: Add hasTemporalDuration : TemporalDuration to the model of the TemporalEntity class in Figure 1.
2. Alignment with OGC terminology for Temporal Coordinate Reference System
Added: 28 Feb 2019
Type: Editorial
Refers to: 3.2 Temporal reference systems, clocks, calendars and 4.1.18 Temporal reference system
Description: The terminology "Temporal Coordinate System" taken from ISO 19108 has been superseded by "Temporal Coordinate Reference System" in ISO 19111:2019 (also published as OGC Abstract Specification - Topic 2)
Correction: Add reference to ISO 19111:2019, and correct the wording of the definition in 4.1.18