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Publishing Steering Committee Meeting — Minutes

Date: 2017-08-22

See also the Agenda and the IRC Log


Present: Ivan Herman, Tzviya Siegman, Luc Audrain, George Kerscher, Rick Johnson, Graham Bell, paul belfanti, Bill Kasdorf, Paul Belfanti, Garth Conboy, Junichi Yoshii, Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Leslie Hulse

Regrets: Michael Baker


Chair: Rick

Scribe(s): Bill McCoy, Graham Bell


1. What happened at W3C in summer

Bill McCoy: attended W3M Woods meeting main point is lack of membership and revenue growth does W3C cut back on activity because theere is less demand or continue to expand role of 'leading the web to full potential' general view of W3M was to pursue the latter work afoot to explore what this means in practice may involve work on testbeds and pilots (idea based on work within IoT world) within W3C may be more concrete that a community group but less form[CUT]
… a standards dev activity BillM on taskforce to explore this 'testbed' idea (not necessarily limited to publishing) more detail on next call if anyone has ideas for testbed, let BillM know Meeting attendees almost all involved in programme committee and summit development over the summer good speakers lined up for the summit publicity now started, 50 attendees registered so far a little work to do on website for event Any questions?

2. Publishing Summit

Bill Kasdorf: pleased at diverse POVs in prog comm, became useful dynamic
… bus people may think too much tech and techies may think too much biz but that probably indicates a nice balance
… in PW already (Calvin Reid)

Ivan Herman: French mag had news about summit also

Bill Kasdorf: benefit of diverse POV in prog comm is diversity in speakers (gender and geographic)

3. ISO conversation

George Kerscher: My personal views at this time are:

George Kerscher: • I agree that an International Standard (IS) carries much more weight than a Technical Specification (TS).

George Kerscher: • When Japan votes against Korea’s submission of EPUB 3.0.1 as a TS, there will be more of an incentive for Korea to move EPUB 3.0.1 forward in the FastTrack process as an IS.

George Kerscher: • EPUB 3.1 does not yet have epubcheck support, but that should come fairly soon, and when EPUB 3.1 is widely used, then moving that forward as the successor to EPUB 3.0.1 in ISO would be reasonable.

George Kerscher: • Once EPUB 3.0.1 moves forward in the ISO process as a IS, then also moving EPUB Accessibility Specification 1.x forward as an ISO IS would be reasonable.

George Kerscher: I suspect that the PBG SC would need to consider this information and if the SC agrees then bring it to the wider PBG to build concensis. Perhaps the eventual outcome would be to lobby our Korean friends to consider their submission of EPUB 3.0.1 as an ISO IS. If there is forward movement there, then we would also move the EPUB Accessibility spec in to ISO as an IS, probably doing the work...

George Kerscher: in the EPUB CG.

George Kerscher: I feel same way about weight of IS vs. TS

Graham Bell: references to ISO standards are more often in official procurement policies and the like, rather than in laws

George Kerscher: DAISY board preferred IS for gov't endorsement, and EU folks indicated to Cristina et. al. that if IS that would deter them from creating something EU specific

George Kerscher: because EPUB has no formal status in W3C as-is a11y spec would probably not be referenced by EU

Ivan Herman: not happy to see 3.0.1 to go to IS, wrong message that will harm 3.1... that it is it not implemented widely should not be barrier as I have edited IS's that have zero implementtation so not sure it carries much weight

George Kerscher: 3.1 could be next logical step after 3.0.1

Bill Kasdorf: procurement issues actually important to publishers

Ivan Herman: could retard EPUB 3.1

Luc Audrain: From last MAKOTO email on ISO subjet : I will start to prepare a new work

Luc Audrain: item proposal for a TS for EPUB accessibility.

Graham Bell: agree with all that BillM and Ivan said re IS vs TS

Luc Audrain: for EU, it's clear that they will use/refer any ISO or W3C work on a11y standard
… Cristina and I will push that they take any work from ISO/W3C, that EU follow it
… they told us that they have to follow international synchronizations by mandate, so we are confident that whatever we do at iso or w3c will be taken into account by the EU commission
… but last email from Makoto said "I will start to prepare a new work item for TS for EPUB Accessibility"...
… so I understand that new work item is not an IS work item or any work item of EPUB 3.0.1 but is about EPUB Accessibility, a new work item for TS

Bill McCoy: BillM -- I think Korean folks are maybe not coordinated with Makoto!

Bill McCoy: BillM -- maybe Korean folks are the ones that want to upgrade 3.0.1 to IS

Luc Audrain: it is is question of having something in ISO or W3C about EPUB A11y

George Kerscher: dont' know if we could move forward with EPUB Accessibility as TS/IS but should move it forward in ISO process somehow
… would think that this SC would make some recommendations and bring to larger PBG for transparency sake

George Kerscher: qq+q+

George Kerscher: EPUB A11y metadata now into WCAG 2.1, Sep draft coming, it's in optional conformance section so not AA but could be AAA, not as forceful as we might want but at least we did get that much in

Graham Bell: agree with most of the reservations of ISO process... there are definitely benefits but one of the main benefits is there is a great deal of word by word scrutiny of standrads... can help but takes significant amounts of time. I don't think ISO and doing things within W3C (as suggested by BillM/Luc) are not mutually exclusive and W3C route could be faster
… but it does seem a backwards step to push EPUB 3.0.1 in any form within ISO

Luc Audrain: +1

Bill Kasdorf: A11y is an accessibility 1.0 spec (designed not to align with any particular versoin)

Luc Audrain: idea of pushing W3C formalization of a11y spec (BillM's) is interesting

Graham Bell: backward step if it is the only thing that gets done. If it is a milestone on the way to getting 3.1 into ISO, then maybe okay

Rick: doesn't sound like we have a clear consensus as to what to bring to larger group...
… option a) window-dressing on upgrade to EPUB Accessibility spec in manner that might be acceptable to EU
… option b to do TS via ISO, option c to do IS via ISO, can we have champions write up these options?

Junichi Yoshii: heip

Luc Audrain: as a member of French standardization organization I will support any new item that Makoto would start pushing in ISO, if Makoto starts a new TS for EPUB Accessibility he will need at least 5 countries to vote for it
… I will explain to our French org that we haev to support and I think they will do
… I can be a champion of this item

Ivan Herman: process-wise, this is done in CG for which the CG defines its own process

Action #1: BillM to get fodder for ideas for CG standardization to Rick and Luc

George Kerscher: having publication accessibility standards apply for all web pages not feasible at this time

Rick: what agenda for next BG call?

4. how to steer the BG

Tzviya Siegman: little discussion about maint in the EPUB 3 CG at this time

George Kerscher: task forces in the CG exist, do we want to see if any agenda items from these to put out to full PBG?

Tzivya: EPUBCheck volunteer wrangling still WIP - need serious Java dev

Bill McCoy: I wiould like BG agenda item for BillK or me to promo Pub Summit

Bill McCoy: 2 minutes

Ric Wright: email ideas please

5. Action Items