Automotive Business Group Teleconference

13 Jun 2017

See also: IRC log


Wonsuk, Rudi, Paul, Urata, PhilippeC


RSI update

Wonsuk: we cannot get into LBS in RSI today given attendees as we determined by email
... I would like a status update on RSI conversations if someone can provide one

Ted: at F2F we agreed to start working on RSI (as replacement name for ViWi) within the BG
... open source experiments and proofs of concept are taking place in various github repos
... we should try to get Jonas, PhilippeC, Gunnar and QingAn together to discuss LBS
... I don't think we'll get that audience at RSI call tomorrow

PhilippeC: when is the call?

Paul: 10pm CET

Wonsuk: it would be great to try to get those perspectives together indeed

Paul: what Philippe said regarding implementation in his email is important and aligning with Genivi would be ideal
... time, implementations and alignment are important

Ted: I'll create a doodle and reply to that thread

Wonsuk: we need to get more people to engage in general on RSI
... there are some implementations in github but we need to increase participation

Paul: I've seen a number of email notices about people joining, especially from LG and Samsung
... I agree increasing visibility will increase participation

Wonsuk: I visited LG recently and have someone from there who will be getting more involved
... people are joining but they really need to be engaged. Our core participants haven't increased

Ted: at the F2F we agreed to collectively try to increase awareness and use #w3cauto tag
... W3C attended and presented at TU. I am getting some more assistance from W3C Business Development. If anyone is interested in co-authoring any articles with me please let me know

Web Payments Task Force

Wonsuk: what are plans for next steps for payments?

Ted: Ian and I are presently drafting a document explaining the task force and need to create mailing lists, wiki and such. We will send it out later this week or next


Ian and John Carrier have done some early work on fueling use case https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Automotive/UseCase_PayAtPump

we have been discussing possibility of REST interface in addition to the browser API but that would be later. We had a roundtable at TU on Payments

Wonsuk: some are using different backends for payments (SamsungPay, ApplePay etc) and abstracting out a JS API
... on the automotive side we can provide use cases and benefits for a REST approach
... any other opinions or comments?
... Ted, when do you expect to make the TF?

Ted: I would hope next week
... the charter and what is deemed in scope can evolve after it is opened

(I need to coordinate with Ian on timing)

Wonsuk: the BG home page needs to be updated to inform people what we are doing
... when I take a look, I saw Paul made some minor updates eg including RSI TF
... I think we need to add more
... list our various TF activities
... simple description and link to those TF pages
... we need to be clear about which TF are active to avoid confusing new participants

BG homepage (blog backed)

Paul: most of that is already on the wiki

Wonsuk: we need to better inform people who find us from search engines


i would like us to overhaul https://www.w3.org/auto/ and make it the central page for BG & WG

Paul: having a BG and WG adds to the confusion and we do need to be clear about what is in which

Ted takes action to try to make updates and solicits co-writers as they're available, suggest etherpad

Any other business

Paul: any input on when to reschedule the RSI calls? we didn't settle during the F2F
... I could start a survey but would be nice to try to settle on times. we have three main timezones to focus on

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/06/20 17:19:10 $