Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference

12 June 2017

Meeting Minutes

Approve minutes

<renato> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌06/‌05-poe-minutes

<renato> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌05/‌29-poe-minutes

renato: these are minutes from the week before and last week's chat

renato: approved

Resolved: Minutes of 29 May meeting approved

alsoRequires for Asset/Party

sabrina: alsoRequires tried to come up with an example (horzontal) but don't see the need jus tnow

renato: so we can let it go for now

<renato> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌poe/‌issues/‌174

mandatory uid

simon: mandatory uid - we don't allow blank nodes for assets and parties. Why are we limiting ourselves?

simon: if we allow a blank node we can use other properties; e.g. foaf:name
… so we coudl change "must" to "should" perhaps?

renato: party and asset are outside the policy, so we believed that they must be identified by id

<renato> http://‌w3c.github.io/‌poe/‌model/#function

renato: so we recommended a uid + whatever other properties

ivan: agrees it should be a "should". There are cases where you can rely on external tools (owl or rule languages that will deduce correctly). The extra uid will be superfluous

benws: were we using blank nodes when we put constraints on assets and parties?
… we coudl say must be identified by eother a uid or a blank node

simonstey: its different to say we must have an assigner or an assignee. Thats different to saying we must have a uid
… its all expressed in triples. a blank node is different ot a null value

michaelS: uses the example of a webpage. It has an identifier, but the person on the web page has only a name and maybe contact details

<ivan> +1 to michaelS

simonstey: Even if you have a uid you can't always uniquely identify someone

renato: you can declare 2 uids sameAs

ivan: if you can have many identifiers then its not a "must". You can use those and not create a new uid

benws: Theres a distinction between uniquely identifies and identifies uniquely
… the second suggest sit is the only id to use

<ivan> +1 to benws

benws: we need things identified properly but we don't have to insist how it is done
… people must give a party or asset an id which uniquely identifies the thing

benws: but it can be a uid or some other property

renato: so if we change to "should", we need to add that the thing still needs to be uniquely identifiable

simonstey: we should use "should" and recommend strongly that people ought to uniquely identify assets or parties

<phila> PROPOSED: That for asset and party, we change the MUST for uids from MUST to SHOULD, adding a narrative that if you don't use UIDs, then the system needs its own method of identifying the asset or party

Proposal: cFor asset and party we change "must" for uid to "should" and add narrative to say that its recommended to find a way to uniquely identify

<phila> s+//PROPOSED: That for asset and party, we change the MUST for uids from MUST to SHOULD, adding a narrative that if you don't use UIDs, then the system needs its own method of identifying the asset or party

<simonstey> +1

<Sabrina> +1

<phila> +1

<michaelS> +1


<Brian_Ulicny> +1

<renato> +0.9

<phila> (I think Ivan was clearly a +1)

Resolved: That for asset and party, we change the MUST for uids from MUST to SHOULD, adding a narrative that if you don't use UIDs, then the system needs its own method of identifying the asset or party

Test Cases

<renato> -1

<simonstey> -1

<michaelS> bad news

<benws> that would/will be a great loss

phila: has been offered another job and is leaving in three weeks!!!
… ivan is a strong possibility to take over

<simonstey> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2016/‌poe/‌wiki/‌Policy_Inference

simonstey: On the Wiki, I've highlighted the what I think the semantics should be
… it will become part of the formal sematics doc (in a more formal way)

phila: I wanted a black box to have a limited function. But group wanted an evaluator to tell you if a constraint is in effect

simonstey: see the outcome of an ODRL evaluator to be to tell you if all rules are in effect
… need to be really careful about what is overriden when there is a conflict

renato: so, do we need a test case?

simonstey: e.g. a policy with permission to present part a with a prohibition to stop Bob from printing part b
… and further W3C prohibition. So outcome could be the rules which are in effect (e.g. if you are Susan)

renato: We have a raw policy, do we expect the evaluator to return a list of rules in effect

simonstey: it would be the expanded policy

phila: then the evaluator needs to know a lot. How do we define how it communicates with the black boxes?

<simonstey> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2016/‌poe/‌wiki/‌Policy_Inference#odrl:memberOf

phila: you would need to know the individual, if they are a member of staff at Thomson Reuters. What is the boundary of the evaluator?

simonstey: we ask a black box about a duty and we ask a black box about a constraint

benws: clarification - becasue we have extended relations, the evaluator would need to be aware

simonstey: yes

renato: woudl phil and simon work onthe test cases before Phil disappears :(

simonstey: that will be hard

phila: I can write freestanding text to set out what an evaluator does

Action: phila to draft text defining an ODRL Evaluator

<trackbot> Created ACTION-45 - Draft text defining an odrl evaluator [on Phil Archer - due 2017-06-19].

<renato> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌poe/‌projects/‌1

Deadline setting

renato: want ot set a deadline

simonstey: I think it's not only up to the reviewers to raise issues. we can all do that, read through the docs and raise issues etc.
… I think there may be more from me

simonstey: I encourage everyone to at least create a GH account and the raise issues

benws: Where there are sub editing issues, what's the best way of pushing them forward?

renato: Go ahead and do it

renato: It can be more effort to write the issue than to actually make the correction

michaelS: Who will do the make action?>

renato: The vocab - you need Raptor installed to do that.
… If you edit the turtle file - that's the master - you don't touch anything but the turtle file

renato: If I see a change, I can do a make

<benws> I too have to leave

<benws> Congratulations to Phil - but will miss your influence and help

[General discussion about review timing, deadlines etc.]



Summary of Action Items

  1. phila to draft text defining an ODRL Evaluator

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Minutes of 29 May meeting approved
  2. That for asset and party, we change the MUST for uids from MUST to SHOULD, adding a narrative that if you don't use UIDs, then the system needs its own method of identifying the asset or party