Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

29 May 2017

See also: IRC log


Romain, Wilco, Manoj, Sujasree, Shadi


Adding ACT rules to the quickref

manoj: Introduction from Manoj - Accessibility consultant at Deque India

<Wilco> https://wilcofiers.github.io/wai-act-quickref/

wilco: added 1.1 section to quickref ACT rules

<Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/wai-act-quickref/blob/gh-pages/_data/act-rules.json

wilco: conformance rules are listed under techniques and failures section of each success criteria

<Wilco> https://wilcofiers.github.io/act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html

shadi: likes the quickref repository and the approach

<shadi> https://wilcofiers.github.io/wai-act-quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_overview&techniques=sufficient%2Cadvisory&showtechniques=111

wilco: do we need to take feedback from WCAG working group?

shadi: its worth if doesn't take much effort

agenda topic 2: Test case format in aXe

<Wilco> http://rawgit.com/dequelabs/axe-core/act-integration-tests/test/integration/act-testcases.json

axe test case format does have test cases with fields "url, successcriteria, failed ids list and passed ids list"

some of the urls might be repeating pointing different elements but its fine

Romain: format sounds good

shadi: are we going to have common format for test cases as well?

wilco: will have common format for rules that are shown up in quickref

shadi: i am not too bothered and there is no requirement but just a thought

agenda topic 3: Building the rules repository

<Wilco> https://wilcofiers.github.io/act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html

<Wilco> https://github.com/wilcofiers/act-rules

wilco: took the rules from auto WCAG

took almost exact files from auto wcag

wilco: quickref repository is maintained by someone else and rules repository will be maintained by ACT taskforce
... both of these repositories should be in sync for rules data (act_rules.json)

<Wilco> https://wilcofiers.github.io/act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html#disclaimer

<Wilco> https://wilcofiers.github.io/act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html

rdeltour: one suggestion from usability perspective: its good to place background section to be at the bottom

wilco: no one agreed with me when i proposed to place it after test procedure section :)

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/05/29 14:55:59 $