IRC log of aria-apg on 2017-04-17
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:01:58 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
- 17:01:58 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:02:10 [jamesn]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 17:02:10 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jamesn
- 17:02:50 [jamesn]
- rrsagent, make log world
- 17:03:30 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Issue 132: Develop example of tree grid design pattern
- 17:03:36 [AnnAbbott]
- present+ AnnAbbott
- 17:04:18 [jamesn]
- Agenda+ Current milestone review
- 17:04:20 [AnnAbbott]
- present+ MattKing
- 17:04:44 [AnnAbbott]
- present+ AaronLeventhal
- 17:04:50 [jamesn]
- present+
- 17:04:54 [jemma]
- present+ jemma
- 17:04:56 [jongund]
- jongund has joined #aria-apg
- 17:05:06 [AnnAbbott]
- present+ BryanGaraventa
- 17:05:36 [AnnAbbott]
- scribe: AnnAbbott
- 17:05:51 [jamesn]
- agenda?
- 17:06:27 [jongund]
- present+ jongund
- 17:07:41 [AnnAbbott]
- zakim,, next item
- 17:07:41 [Zakim]
- I don't understand ', next item', AnnAbbott
- 17:07:59 [AnnAbbott]
- zakim, next item
- 17:07:59 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Issue 132: Develop example of tree grid design pattern" taken up [from jamesn]
- 17:08:29 [mck]
- 17:10:03 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: old guidance not very helpful, Aaron volunteered to start
- 17:12:03 [AnnAbbott]
- AL: brief intro: Netscape then IBM on ARIA, now Google Chrome
- 17:12:25 [jemma]
- welcome Aaron!
- 17:13:44 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: can focus row or cell
- 17:13:48 [jamesn]
- fyi i have another example here
- 17:13:58 [jamesn]
- 17:15:02 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: if row is focused and expanded, right arrow then will focus first cell in row. Focus goes to cells.
- 17:15:52 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: and feels like a grid
- 17:17:47 [jemma]
- is this one?
- 17:18:06 [jemma]
- 17:24:49 [jamesn]
- here is another option
- 17:32:06 [jamesn]
- 17:32:11 [jamesn]
- 17:32:17 [jamesn]
- 17:40:44 [AnnAbbott]
- group discussion re: Keyboard interaction
- 17:44:44 [aaronlev]
- Who was just speaking btw?
- 17:45:12 [aaronlev]
- ah
- 17:52:38 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: group agrees to double duty of arrows. Focus row =tree. Focus on cell = grid
- 17:53:09 [AnnAbbott]
- mck: if row cannot be foxused, first column will have expand/collapse control
- 17:54:25 [jamesn]
- s/foxused/focused/
- 17:55:07 [AnnAbbott]
- zakim, next item
- 17:55:08 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Current milestone review" taken up [from jamesn]
- 17:55:20 [jemma]
- this is good distinction," Focus row =tree. Focus on cell = grid"
- 17:55:36 [mck]
- 17:56:12 [AnnAbbott]
- TOPIC: issue 264
- 17:56:46 [AnnAbbott]
- review assigned to Ann & James
- 17:57:20 [AnnAbbott]
- TOPIC: issue 355
- 17:57:41 [AnnAbbott]
- JG: should be able to look at this week.
- 17:58:29 [AnnAbbott]
- TOPIC: issue 325
- 17:58:43 [AnnAbbott]
- James ill look at
- 17:59:38 [AnnAbbott]
- s/ill/will
- 18:01:36 [AnnAbbott]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:01:36 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate AnnAbbott
- 18:03:14 [jongund]
- 18:04:24 [jamesn]