Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

25 Jan 2017

See also: IRC log


Wilco, Charu, Moe, MaryJo, Shadi, Kathy
Alistair, Romain, Detlev, Alan
Wilco, MaryJo


Active surveys https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/availability/ https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF25Jan2017/

<MoeKraft> +1

Wilco: reminder for everyone to complete their surveys

Approval of last week's meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wcag-act-minutes.html

<MoeKraft> +1

Wilco: approved

Draft Section 3.1 Rule Outline https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/43/files?diff=split

Moe: pass/fail criteria should be part of the outline
... did not see one for the rule itself

Charu: rule outline has a description
... but also need a pass/fail criteria
... is that part of the test description?
... should it be added to the outline?

Wilco: think part of the test procedure

Charu: maybe that covers it

Moe: also comment by Romain
... think also falls under test procedure

Wilco: think remediation techniques more part of the background
... maybe separate thing

Moe: so part of the outline?
... want to make sure we are identifying the correct requirement
... not sure techniques should be part of the test procedure

Wilco: maybe better to have separate section on remediation?

Moe: as part of the outline?

Wilco: need to think it through

Charu: rule may map to more than one technique?

Wilco: we previously discussed relationship to techniques
... may not have 1:1 mappings but may be good to record mapping

Charu: than think need to mention techniques where we mention success criteria

Moe: under "associated criteria"

Charu: sounds good

<Wilco> Shadi: It may be useful to seperate between SC and techniques. SC is what we are testing for. Techniques are related materials

<Wilco> ... so it should be under another heading, like related techniques. I wonder if a rule can map to more than one criteria

<Wilco> ... there may be a 1 to 1 mapping to fail techniques. I would be hesitant to get into remediation

<Wilco> Moe: Are you okay if we call it related techniques?

<Wilco> Shadi: yes

<Wilco> +1

Wilco: like that, then we can keep terminology a little clearer
... currently we call it "accessibility requirements"

Shadi: fine with "accessibility requirements" and "related techniques"
... just not sure about "remediation"

Rework of Rule Description Section https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/42/files?diff=split

Charu: example of failure condition vs scope?
... would say part of both
... for example, "all images" could be "scope"
... but "all images missing alt-text" could be the failure condition

Moe: may be putting too much in the description?
... there are other items where we could put this
... think description should be simple plain-language description

Charu: suggestion was to expand on the bullets

Wilco: agree with Moe on not indicating success criteria the description

Charu: so more focus on why we have the rule?

Moe: [reads out current outline]
... seems repeating a lot of what is in the outline
... requirements and assumptions elsewhere

Charu: so remove these sections from the description?

Wilco: think so

Charu: already have accessibility requirements as a separate section, correct?

Wilco: will be listed in the outline
... should they also become new sections in the document

Charu: think this makes sense

Moe: me too

<scribe> ACTION: charu to add these items as separate sections [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-wcag-act-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-21 - Add these items as separate sections [on Charu Pandhi - due 2017-02-01].

Wilco: come right after the description

Shadi: how far away are we from the auto-WCAG rules?
... previously we said we will have one or two example rules
... to have something specific to look at

<Charu> +1 to Shadi, like the idea to have a rule that follows the markup

Shadi: kind of rapid prototyping as we go along

Wilco: can try to put a rule or two

Draft Section 6.1 Output Data https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/41/files?diff=split

Wilco: test results include "can't tell" and "unknown", we need to pick one
... going with "can't tell" unless other thoughts

Possible F2F or informal get-together at CSUN

Wilco: still looking for a host

Progress on issues assigned last week - what is ready to survey?

Wilco: [checks on open issues]

Charu: section on limitations and assumption

Wilco: we just decided to take that direction
... both concepts are quite similar

Charu: why have a rule if you can use it?

Wilco: may need to look at the terminology

Shadi: sometimes also called "pre-conditions"
... depends on it is phrased

Charu: don't use that approach in our tests

Wilco: sometimes no solution to conflicting requirements for a rule to work

Charu: then we define the rule as possible violation
... for confirmation by manual testing

Wilco: may be interesting to explore this approach too

<Kathy> I have to sign off

Shadi: depends on how the tests are designed
... would be good to check how others approach it

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: charu to add these items as separate sections [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-wcag-act-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/01/26 13:49:02 $