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<ivan> scribenick: HeatherF
Approving the minutes - yay or nay?
Agenda bash: adding topic - progress on the kumbaya of the IDPF and the W3C
Garth: Last week the W3C sent out an update on the merger; this also went out to the IDPF
Garth: next steps will be discussion and voting by the AC reps.karen: remember these are member confidential communications
garth: the merger is proceeding apace
garth: we will be meeting one hour later than we have been, starting next week (October 10)
Bill_Kasdorf: When is daylight savings confusion?
<clapierre> Sunday, November 6, 2016
ivan: generally end of October. Note that the WebEx number shouldn't change.
<Bert> [Europe changes to winter time on 30 Oct, the US on 6 Nov, I believe]
Rebeca: Cannot join at 6pm
garth: there are no perfect, good times. This choice came out of a poll.
<Karen> US sets clock back on 6 November 2016
ivan: second best time was Tuesday, at 15:00 UTC, but that missed a lot of people
brady_duga: The W3C does by time in Massachusetts, so time will change at DST
ivan: there will be a period of confusion when the US and Europe will be on different timing
garth: 18:00 CET is not ideal for family
hour in Europe, but this is what we ended up with as a result of the
poll. We will revisit in the future.
... Next week is Columbus Day in the US; it's not a major holiday, so we
will keep the call on the calendar
... The following week is the Frankfurt Book Fair; Garth will definitely
be out, as will others. TBD as to whether we have the call.
Garth: WCAG action items
Garth: There are four action items in the WCAG list
Avneesh: most of the things listed here are
in the plan. There will be a call in the second part of October to talk
about them.
... The WCAG group has told us that the biggest obstruction to get in
success criteria is the language.
... Everything in the EPUB accessibility spec may not get into WCAB 2.1;
they may end up in 3.0 instead. Initial items will be the easy ones.
... Things like media overlays will end up in 3.0 (which will take a few
garth: any updates on the EPUB accessibility work from the IDPF?
Avneesh: Work is almost finished. Waiting for the metadata approvals.
ivan: What is the situation with Are there still open technical things, or is this mostly administrative?
Avneesh: It is mostly the timeline issue. At TPAC, we clarified definitions and terms that were causing delays.
garth: CSS action items, don't have a listed owner for all of them
dauwhe: Regarding tables. Hopefully the web knows that tables are useful; the question is more about decimal alignment in tables.
garth: Should we clarify the action item?
dauwhe: Yes. And people are supposed to send dauwhe examples.
Bill_Kasdorf: tzviya and Bill have the action item to do this (getting the examples of decimal alignent to Dave)
ivan: Tzviya promised to send an official statement to Dean Jackson as to why this requirement is official.
garth: next on the CSS discussion is MathML
... there was discussion of adding media queries and discussion around
whether browsers should support MathML, and there was agreement that
something should be supported
garth: Peter K's take is that this was a bad idea (see Garth's link)
garth: so we have different motivations on handling MathML (Math constituency, accessibility constituency, publisher constituency)
<ivan> Florian's mail
ivan: Florian had the action item to draft
the media query. He reacted to Peter's email by saying with that input,
doesn't plan to write the specification.
... this is a discussion that should happen on mailing lists.
garth: So, let that group discussion
progresses, and returns as a discussion point to this group in the next
week or two to see where it has settled
... media query helps publishers and accessibility communities, but we
need to chat further
... looking at the next action items (InDesign, table samplse, XSL-FO)
dauwhe: I am supposed to collect examples to
inform CSS text level 3.
... David Wood also said he'd look for examples of decimal alignments in
... the XSL-FO and CSS-FO was a gap analysis task; liam has been working
on this.
garth: for the PWP UCR, there are several
action items assigned out
... If you have issues assigned to you, please do them
... Next major step is for Leonard to de-duplicate use cases, then
Heather would do the re-org of the spec.
... the spec would be divided into the Web Publication, and then the
Portable components.
<ivan> Wiki jotting for for those who were not at TPAC
ivan: There were some issues that led to a
proposed solution. After talkign with Leonard and Heather, Ivan took
care of those (though Leonard did not agree with all the changes)
... Heather and Ivan are now waiting on Leonard.
garth: Leonard is not late on this; this task is expected to take some time.
ivan: I don't know whether the dividing the
UCR into review chunks is Brady's job; when we assign sections for
review, it would be good if we could also associate those with the Open
... we have loads of open issues, and many of those will (hopefully,
probably) become moot after the reorg of the doc
garth: there were a number of issues that I commented on, trying to wrap up the conversations.
ivan: there are 43 open issues.
garth: there are only 43! Yay!
... does anyone have more info on the Object Model for WP?
ivan: there were two object model kind of
things coming up.
... one was an older story on POM (Publication Object Model); not sure
what's going on with that.
... independently of that, there is the idea of Mike's that we need a
layer on top of the DOM dealing with the collection of documents
... It sounds like a good idea, but I have no idea how to specify that.
... Is this really a topic that is important for developers of reading
systems and/or content with javascript?
... Something like that should be part of the WG charter.
garth: the development of a WG charter will be a topic for us soon
dauwhe: Was talking to other web folks who were 'beyond skeptical' because it changes the foundations of the web.
garth: last on the agenda - POE
Bill_Kasdorf: not much to report here. They
are looking for further use cases.
... One of the key issues is the use of ODRL as a sort of hub format to
allow different publishing sectors to express their unique rights
... the idea would be that if each sector could provide an ODRL
expression on what it means by it's unique rights expressions, that
would be helpful
... Tzviya and Bill_Kasdorf agreed to look at the scholarly publication
side of things to see if/how that could be enabled
ivan: question came up earlier today on a
POE call; when do you think that you can finalize the use cases for
... they would like to close their use case doc once and for all. They
are hoping for the use cases within a week.
Bill_Kasdorf: The book industry feedback
won't be that fast. We can do an initial submission from the book
sector, but not from the other sectors within a week.
... Will do what can be done within the week.
garth: Any other agenda items today?
... no additional items
... Next call in seven days and 9 minutes!
<ivan> trackbot, end telcon