See also: IRC log
wseltzer: Patent Policy sets expectation that the PAG will operate with same visibility as the WG. But the PAG can control its charter and decide to operate in Member-confidential mode (or in public)
Geoffrey: I favor a member-only mode (for now)
wseltzer: The PAG report is made public.
dezell: +1 to Member-mode
<wseltzer> Proposed: Re-charter in member-confidential mode
wseltzer: We can recharter the PAG with a new confidentiality level, but don't need Director approval for that change
PROPOSED: Operate in
member-confidential mode (for now)
... and recharter the PAG as an administrative
... noting that the report at the end will be public.
<nicktr> +0 - not clear what the implications are either way
wseltzer: Hearing support for the proposal and no objections, SO RESOLVED