IRC log of aria-apg on 2016-06-06

Timestamps are in UTC.

17:09:27 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg
17:09:27 [RRSAgent]
logging to
17:10:00 [jemma]
rrsagent, make log world
17:10:02 [mck]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:10:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mck
17:10:07 [jemma]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:10:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jemma
17:10:24 [jemma]
chair: matt king
17:11:24 [jemma]
present+ jaeunjemmaku
17:11:39 [jemma]
present+ matt_king
17:11:48 [jemma]
jpresent+ jongund
17:13:42 [jemma]
Zakim, who is here?
17:13:42 [Zakim]
Present: JamesNurthen, AnnAbbott, matt_king, jaeunjemmku, jongund, MichielBijl, jaeunjemmaku
17:13:44 [Zakim]
On IRC I see RRSAgent, jongund_, Birkir, jemma, mck, jongund, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
17:13:47 [mck]
next item
17:14:19 [mck]
rrsagent, make minutes
17:14:19 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mck
17:14:53 [jemma]
rrsagent, make logs member
17:16:18 [jemma]
regrets michielbijl
17:16:30 [jemma]
regrets+ michielbijl
17:17:51 [jemma]
Meeting: ARIA authoring practice group meeting June 6 2016
17:19:38 [jemma]
brian: not effective in putting focus on leave
17:21:03 [jemma]
brian: use aria-own for grouping
17:21:39 [jemma]
mk: why do we need aria-lable?
17:25:09 [jemma]
jg:tree has grouping label
17:25:20 [jemma]
jg:ul has grouping label
17:25:43 [jemma]
brian:suggestion is putting role tree item on span
17:26:01 [jemma]
mk: grouping is more for pointset and etc
17:26:21 [jemma]
17:28:24 [jemma]
mk: treeitem does not own the group
17:28:45 [jemma]
mk: treeitem should be in tree or in treeitem
17:29:12 [jemma]
brian: if you want to map the structure, you can use aria-own
17:30:06 [jemma]
brian: treeitem is already child item, using aria-own
17:30:46 [jemma]
brian: the rest will be in accessibility trees
17:31:53 [jemma]
mk: you don't want a tree item node named by all of its children
17:34:06 [jemma]
jg: grouping element are children of menu item here, not sibling you picked as an example, brian.
17:35:53 [jemma]
jg: pos, setsize is used for calculating dom. what I am hearing is that browser is not stably using dom to calculate.
17:37:30 [jemma]
brian: right arrow should stay in the expanded node, not the next item
17:37:55 [jemma]
jg:keyboard support should be dept first?
17:38:00 [jemma]
17:39:31 [jemma]
birkir: if node is open, child is open the focus go to that children.
17:40:26 [jemma]
mk: next visible node is not the same as hierarchical structure.
17:42:03 [jemma]
mk: there is firefox bug - not calculating correctly poset, set size.
17:43:02 [jemma]
mk:Jon, you have feedback from the group members, -grouping, posset, setsize..
17:43:33 [jemma]
mk: this is one of situations where we need to code according to spec
17:44:52 [jemma]
mk: we can mention when the browser is not working correctly and file the bug so that bugs can be resolved.
17:48:45 [jemma]
mk:it seems to odd to use aria-label and aria-labelledby
17:49:53 [jemma]
jg: accessible names in trees do not use aria-label, aria-labelledby
17:50:32 [Birkir]
What about <li role="treeitem"><span id="foo1">Fruit</spans><ul role="group" aria-labelledby="foo1"><li role="treeitem"">apples</li>...</ul></li>
17:50:42 [jemma]
mk: never seen the case, menu is labelled by menu items
17:52:26 [jemma]
mk: real question in menuitem, tree item, if you naming form content, allowable name in tree item or menu item owns tree branches or menus, how should accessible name be calculated?
17:52:48 [jemma]
s/naming form/are naming from
17:53:57 [jemma]
brian: it is not always direct child and parent relationship in tree
17:54:13 [jemma]
mk: what is the definition of "level" here?
17:57:57 [jemma]
mk: we have to use aria level for every tree item
17:58:16 [jemma]
jg: we need to let people know what makes it work.
18:03:55 [jemma_]
jemma_ has joined #aria-apg
18:04:08 [Birkir]
Birkir has joined #aria-apg
18:04:35 [Birkir]
scribe: Birkir
18:05:08 [Birkir]
MK: For now we need to require authors to include aria-setsize and aria-posinset on every treeitem role.
18:05:46 [Birkir]
MK: We need to consider raising normitive requirements for next version of the ARIA spec. The spec is ambiguous about how these things should be built.
18:07:26 [Birkir]
MK: JG: Can you make the tree branch with only tree example, ditto for landmark. Else we will ahve a monstrous merge pull request.
18:07:56 [jemma_]
next item
18:08:13 [jemma_]
take up item 2
18:08:56 [jemma_]
jg: changes: move the buttons to the top
18:09:36 [jemma_]
went through some of aria issus and fix responsive issues by adding bootstrap
18:10:26 [jemma_]
jg: provide role information, not reveal lable
18:10:49 [jemma_]
jg:fixed consistency issues, fix form issue
18:11:16 [jemma_]
jg; now we have landmark example for form in the doc
18:13:12 [jemma_]
jg:working on show landmark and other functionality in bookmarklet tool so I can add more functionality
18:13:37 [jemma_]
mk: I really want this landmark example to be included in next publication.
18:14:06 [jemma_]
mk: please include this in the master using pull request.
18:15:29 [jemma_]
jg; I will make a pull request till at the end of the day to merge changes to master
18:15:55 [jemma_]
s/till at/by
18:16:27 [jemma_]
s/the day/today
18:17:08 [jemma_]
birkir; if there is edtiorial change, I am happy to send out.
18:17:40 [jemma_]
mk:best way to request editorial change is creating a git issue.
18:18:33 [jemma_]
birkir: I had some comment for keyboard navigation shortcut
18:19:32 [Birkir]
" The use of landmarks roles support keyboard navigation to the structure of a web page for screen reader users, and can be used as targets for author supplied "skip links" "
18:20:00 [Birkir]
Cange to "screen readers offer keyboard navigation shortcuts to landmark roles".
18:20:23 [jemma_]
mk: some editorial change - I may be able to remove target audience since we dont define all the audiences for each doc for the consistency.
18:20:40 [jemma_]
next item
18:21:11 [jemma_]
18:23:44 [jemma_]
mk: birkir will take over accordion example coding
18:24:18 [jemma_]
Ian Pouncey
18:25:37 [jemma_]
mk:birkir will contact Ian and find out accordian example status
18:26:39 [jemma_]
jg:Jemma and I will be reworking on menubutton and menu bar.
18:27:12 [jemma_]
jg: I would like to get feedback on documentation.
18:28:15 [jemma_]
jg: documentation template feedback needed I would also want to hear about the isseu, synchronization on visual presentation
18:29:07 [jemma_]
mk: do you want to treeview example as representative template?
18:29:21 [jemma_]
mk: do you want to put this as next agenda item?
18:30:27 [jemma_]
mk; If I can make next meeting, I can add this agenda. but I am not sure about my schedule yet. Jame will chair the meeting.
18:30:58 [jemma_]
mk:what is menu bar status?
18:31:35 [jemma_]
jg: jemma is working on it with Nick, another programmer at U of I
18:33:20 [jemma_]
mk: I also want to discuss tree grid when I come back.
18:39:14 [jemma_]
s/birkir will take over accordion example coding/birkir, would you be interested in building accordion exmaple?
18:40:21 [jemma_]
present- jamesnutren
18:40:33 [jemma_]
18:40:43 [jemma_]
who is here
18:42:17 [jemma_]
regrets: leonie
18:42:30 [jemma_]
18:42:57 [jemma_]
zakim, who is here?
18:42:57 [Zakim]
Present: JamesNurthen, AnnAbbott, matt_king, jaeunjemmku, jongund, jaeunjemmaku
18:43:00 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Birkir, jemma_, RRSAgent, jongund_, mck, jongund, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
18:43:48 [jemma_]
present+ birkir
18:44:19 [jemma_]
present+ bryan_garaventa
18:44:29 [jemma_]
zakim, who is here?
18:44:29 [Zakim]
Present: JamesNurthen, AnnAbbott, matt_king, jaeunjemmku, jongund, jaeunjemmaku, birkir, bryan_garaventa
18:44:32 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Birkir, jemma_, RRSAgent, jongund_, mck, jongund, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
18:45:18 [jemma_]
present- jamesNurthen
18:45:34 [jemma_]
present- AnnAbbott
18:45:42 [jemma_]
zakim, who is here?
18:45:42 [Zakim]
Present: matt_king, jaeunjemmku, jongund, jaeunjemmaku, birkir, bryan_garaventa
18:45:44 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Birkir, jemma_, RRSAgent, mck, jongund, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
18:46:15 [jemma_]
present- jaeunjemmku
18:46:24 [jemma_]
zakim, who is here?
18:46:24 [Zakim]
Present: matt_king, jongund, jaeunjemmaku, birkir, bryan_garaventa
18:46:27 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Birkir, jemma_, RRSAgent, mck, jongund, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
18:46:48 [jongund]
jongund has left #aria-apg
18:47:50 [jemma_]
regrets: leonie, mihciel
18:47:58 [jemma_]
zakim, who is here?
18:47:58 [Zakim]
Present: matt_king, jongund, jaeunjemmaku, birkir, bryan_garaventa
18:48:00 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Birkir, jemma_, RRSAgent, MichaelC, MichielBijl, Zakim, trackbot
18:48:28 [jemma_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
18:48:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jemma_
18:49:09 [jemma_]
rrsagent, make log world
18:49:48 [jemma_]
scribe: Jemma/Birkir
18:51:14 [jemma_]
s/Ian Pouncey/IP in the design pattern update table is Ian Pouncey
18:52:58 [jemma_]
18:53:05 [jemma_]
rrsagent, generate minutes
18:53:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jemma_
19:00:17 [jemma_]
rrsagents, make minutes
19:00:43 [jemma_]
rrsagent, make minutes
19:00:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jemma_