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<TimCole> Agenda:
<TimCole> scribenick: bjdmeest
<TimCole> PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved:
TimCole: any concerns?
RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved:
CFC was sent out last week
... 13 plus ones since a couple of minutes ago
... no 0 or -1s
... so CFC is accepted
... any concerns on the call?
the CFC was under the assumption that the minor editorial issues would
be addressed before publishing
... everything done except for one
ivan: that's fine now, remaining is for the
... if we decide to make a FPWD, there are two (minor) consequences
... first: history of the splitting up is lost
... second: patent policy would require to start from scratch for that
... so at least 6 months needed between FPWD and REC
... that's not ideal
... I discussed
... result:
... Vocab doc is published as FPWD, and previous version is the Model
... so consequences are resolved
... practical consequence is a small editorial change
<TimCole> Proposed Resolution: publish all 3 as Working Draft, with previous draft for Vocabulary being the earlier Data Model draft
RESOLUTION: publish all 3 as Working Draft, with previous draft for Vocabulary being the earlier Data Model draft
ivan: question is: are the documents as they are today final and ready to be published?
bigbluehat: yes
ivan: also: have they been checked by link checker and html checker etc.?
paolociccarese: We can do it again
ivan: I will have to check it to be safe,
but if you guys could do that by Monday, I can do the rest of the admin
on Monday.
... PaoloCiccarese, also change the previous version of the Vocab doc to
the Model doc, as discussed
... I will pick it up from there
ShaneM: Ivan, should SoTD be updated to say this is a split?
ivan: Paolo can do it as well, but yes!
... in the status of the Vocab document, there should be an extra
sentence that this is a split from the Model doc
ShaneM: I've been with W3C since '97
... I;m with spec ops, doing standards related work
... Shepazu contacted me about testing
... I have a ton of questions
... I've been doing standards work since '85, and testing since '87
ivan: Shane is modest. He was one of the
main editors for the RDFa spec
... which might be useful
... he also co-maintains respec
TimCole: other anouncements?
<ShaneM> It is the section entitled "Status of this document"
TimCole: There are some notes in last
week's minutes
... we have to look into our documents, find the features that are
described, and provide for a strategy to test these features
... and make sure they are unambiguous and implementable
... I welcome help
... Identifying the features is important, implementing them also
... particularly the selector approach might not be implemented in every
... we have to have at least two implementations for each feature
... how do we go on with this?
ivan: the real question (for the model) is:
what is really what we want to test?
... it is a vocabulary for a specific usage, we have to identify what we
want to test
... the current direction is that we define specific scenarios
... an implementation should show that these scenarios can be mapped on
the correct annotation structures
... and maybe also the other way around: annotation structures should be
understood by implementations and in some way tell us what they would do
with these annotations
... questions are: does that provide a reasonable way of testing the
spec, and can this be translated into proper tools?
... we have to be very careful that we are not testing implementations,
but we are testing the spec
<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to disagree a little with ivan about what must be tested...
TimCole: about the scenarios: a suggestion was to have sample resources to be tested, to illustrate the features
ShaneM: we're not testing implementations
was said...
... but each feature must be implemented
... so we test the implementations implementing the features
ivan: if my goal would be to test the
implementation, I would use automatic tests
... in this case, we test the specifications, we can ask implementers to
send a report, without knowing how they tested their implementation
ShaneM: In the Web annotation spec, there
are requirements on a lot of different actors
... data structure requirements
... client requirements
... interpretation requirements
... server requirements
... I assume you want to test all of them?
TimCole: I think so
... question was: what does an implementation have to do with an
existing annotation to make sure it interprets it correctly?
ShaneM: you don't have behaviour
... or UI requirements
... so that makes your testing burden lower
,,, here, you just have to ensure that consumers of the data format receive the data format intact
scribe: you can ignore SHOULDs for testing
... I would focus on the MUSTs and MUST NOTs
<tbdinesh> +1 for Tim
scribe: Talking about MUSTs
... there's some data structural requirements, which come for free via
... so testing conforming output is probably kind of manual
... e.g. these N selection annotations needs to be tested
... you don't want to test if the region makes sense or the CSS selector
is correct etc.
ivan: Let's say that we describe a
scenario: here's an SVG file, we want to put an annotation on this
circle on the upperhand corner
... the resulting annotation structure should correspond with an
annotation put on that corner
... in the output, we assume an SVGSelector to the correct corner
... so we need to check for correct JSON-LD, and correct to our spec
(i.e., that it's an SVGSelector)
... but we don't have to check that the SVGSelector actually selects the
correct target?
ShaneM: you go into that depth, but I'm not
sure it's required
... because there are a lot of ways of specifying that region
... suppose you have a server, he's going to analyze that annotation,
but it's hard to analyze every detail
... you would need an SVGrenderer
... you could do that manually, but that very consuming
ivan: I was considering human testing, but that's very time consuming
ShaneM: I always look at this as: what can we automate?
ivan: the only advantage is that the model
is relatively simple
... we don't have a huge number things to test
ShaneM: there are some combinatorial things that I have noted
TimeCole: Manual can be very expensive, we
thought about: I have a specific scenario: this is the image, this is
the exact circle to annotate, and that should limit the number of ways
to do it
... e.g., textQuoteSelectors doesn't have that many ways
ShaneM: depends on what kind of constraints
you want to put on the client
... talking about textRangeSelection
... you allow for a number of ways to express
... not all clients will implement all ways
... And I assume the client decides which expression will be the right
... depending on the context
... do you want to require for test X that the client gives a CSS
selector, and test Y gives a textRangeSelector
ivan: that doesn't sound right
ShaneM: another way would be: here's a
sample document, select these 5 words
... the server-side should check: which expression does it use, and is
that correct?
... that way, you simplify the test matrix, without testing every
possible combination
... you can say: the textselector works
ivan: it can happen that one of the
selectors is never used
... because another combination of selectors always works for the given
... does that mean that that selector shouldn't be in the spec
ShaneM: you could say it becomes a feature
at risk
... or, it could be part of the testing cycle
... e.g., are there ways to require the feature
TimCole: one extra thing before the end of
the call
... who on the WG could help to build the list of features?
... someone (pref. not the editors) should identify the features in the
... certainly the MUSTs, maybe the SHOULDs
ivan: we have to be careful to minimize
people's time
... we have to know in what format to make these scenarios
<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to say that you should also identify if requirements are on a repository vs. a generator vs. a consumer
ShaneM: it's useful, I've been doing it, I
think one of the critical pieces are checking whether MUSTs and SHOULDs
are really MUSTs and SHOULDs
... and also, what parts of the system these features are one
... we need to compartimentalize by
... repository vs. a generator vs. a consumer
... in terms of interoperability, we should make sure any generator can
talk to any repository
ivan: you have implementations not bound to
a specific server
... there are 2 directions of testing:
... scenario-based
... and from annotation-structure to interpretation of the
TimCole: I don't know whether the compartiments are already named very well
PaoloCiccarese: I don't have specific
... I didn't have to test for different servers or clients
... we changed the specs over time, in my case, we used SPARQL
validators for the model
... and adapted over time
TimCole: The Annotation Community Group
identified 55(?) MUSTs and SHOULDs, and validated semantically using a
set of SPARQL queries
... two for every must and should
... one to check whether a feature applied, a second to validate
... but the spec has changed since then
... and not only semantic anymore
... there must be three components, but there not defined yet
<PaoloCiccarese> +1
ShaneM: I agree, and I would structure the tests that way
ivan: I would be very helpful if Paolo
could give a small description of how his implementation was tested
... it would help me, but maybe also Shane
... maybe I could ask Takeshi to do something similar
takeshi: I have some, but I was thinking about modifying the testing files to test for internationalitation
<ShaneM> Every little bit helps
ivan: having a good feeling of what is currently being done would be very helpful
ShaneM: every little piece will come
together in the whole
... tests should be as discrete as possible
... big (i.e., integration of system) tests exist
... but the small tests show where something goes down
... e.g., the same scenario needs to be tested for 11 different
PaoloCiccarese: critical point would be the
republishing of annotations
... I'm not sure we have the solution to that
... it will be interesting to test
... it will be cross-system testing
... test system a, then system b, then send from a to b, and have
certain expectations
... it's one of the most delicate points
... duplications of annotations will make things go out of control
... but it's the web, so it will happen
... about my current testing: I mostly do code testing, very tailored,
lots of RDF
... so testing is many roundtrips to the triple store
TimCole: There's a need to talk about what
we think are the compartiments (generator, consumer, repository)
... then, we need to talk about scenarios and features
... to make some progress before F2F, for next week we might also talk
about this testing topic
ivan: email discussion is fine at the moment
ShaneM: I'll put issues or send questions to the mailing list
ivan: will you join the WG?
ShaneM: I'll ask, I know the drill
TimCole: [adjourn]
... next week: F2F, conformance
... bye!
<ivan> trackbot, end telcon