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BP Examples in the Wild
From Spatial Data on the Web Working Group
This page is for collecting examples of published spatial data on the web 'in the wild'. These examples are possible candidates to be used in the Best Practice for reference to 'evidence' of the best practice being used, and/or for code snippets that can be incorporated in the Best Practice.
Spatial linked data Ireland
- Contact: Christophe DeBruine, ADAPT Trinity College Dublin.
- Slides: http://www.pilod.nl/w/images/4/4b/20161202_Waternet_04_Debruyne_GI_Ireland.pdf
- Datasets: boundary data http://data.geohive.ie/ (official data but to a certain extent experimental)
Linked base registries Flanders
- Contact: Raf Buyle, Geraldine Nolf, Informatie Vlaanderen.
- Slides: http://www.pilod.nl/w/images/e/ea/20161202_Waternet_05_Buyle_Linked_Base_Registries.pdf
- Dataset: addresses (soon to be published) (URI?)
Dutch Kadaster Data Platform
- Contact: Erwin Folmer, Kadaster
- Slides: http://www.pilod.nl/w/images/e/e8/20161202_Waternet_06_Folmer_KadasterDataPlatform.pdf
- Datasets:
- Cadastral parcels https://brk.basisregistraties.overheid.nl (stable)
- Topography 1:10.000 https://brt.basisregistraties.overheid.nl (stable)
- Buildings and addresses: http://bag.kadaster.nl (demo)
- PDOK Data Platform: https://data.pdok.nl (Beta)
- Natura 2000
- National roads dataset
- Drone no-fly zones
- Mussel and oyster habitats
- Permits City of Eindhoven
Swiss Topo linked geo data
- Contact: Pasquale Di Donato
- Slides: http://www.pilod.nl/w/images/9/94/20161202_Waternet_07_Di_Donato_Swisstopo.pdf
- Datasets: administrative units (national boundary, cantons, districts, and municipalities) https://ld.geo.admin.ch available end of january 2017. stable production data and yearly update (yearly temporal snapshots).
UK administrative and statistical geography linked data
- Contact: Ian Coady, Office for National Statistics; Bill Roberts, Swirrl
- Published by UK Office for National Statistics
- http://statistics.data.gov.uk/
- identifiers and hierarchical links between various types of area. Regularly updated
- work in progress to add RDF links from area identifiers to polygons (polygons already available but only by naming conventions)
Scottish administrative and statistical geography linked data
- Contact: Gregor Boyd, Scottish Government; Bill Roberts, Swirrl
- Published by Scottish Government. Same site contains a lot of statistical data referred to the geographical identifiers
- http://statistics.gov.scot/areas
- identifiers and hierarchical links between various types of area. Regularly updated
- work in progress to add RDF links from area identifiers to polygons (polygons already available but only by naming conventions)
Linked geospatial data from Greece
- Contact: Manolis Koubarakis (http://www.di.uoa.gr/~koubarak)
- Published by our research group in the context of research project TELEIOS (http://www.earthobservatory.eu/).
- They are available on the following site http://www.linkedopendata.gr/dataset
- They are also used every year in our graduate course Knowledge Technologies. In this course teams of students develop small application using these datasets.