W3C Process Change relative to Member Rights

This is a proposal to change the W3C Process Document for two issues:

  1. Introductory Industry Membership
  2. Members that are Consortia themselves

Introductory Industry Membership Changes

When we introduced the Introductory Industry Membership level [1,2] we imposed limitations on the rights and privileges of this one category of Member. The proposed change eliminates the disagreement between the current terms of an Introductory Industry Member per their Member Agreement and this section of the Process which implies such Members may participate in (all) Working Groups and Interest Groups.

[1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/fees?showall=1
[2] http://www.w3.org/2014/08/intromem

To implement this change, in 2.1.1 Rights of Members, second sentence;


Furthermore, representatives of Member organizations participate in W3C as follows:


Furthermore, subject to the Member Agreement, representatives of Member organizations participate in W3C as follows:

Members that are Consortia Changes

In looking at the way we define the entitlements of Member Organizations that are also a Consortium in nature, there are a couple of issues that need to be addressed.  They arise from the fact that we allow these Members to appoint four (or more) people to represent them within W3C.  While we say they are there to represent the Consortium we have been experiencing cases where these designated representatives are in fact representing their own interests.  This opens an IP exposure for W3C because we don't have commitments from their employers just from the Consortium.  It also offers a "back door" for large corporations to participate without joining themselves.  This proposal closes those loopholes.

Currently point 5.g of the Member Agreement reads:

If the Member is itself a consortium, user society, or otherwise has members or sponsors, the rights and privileges granted under this Agreement extend only to the paid employees of the Member, not to its members or sponsors.

and section 2.1.1 of the Process Document reads:

In the case (described in paragraph 5g of the Membership Agreement), where a Member organization is itself a consortium, user society, or otherwise has members or sponsors, the organization's paid staff and Advisory Committee representative exercise all the rights and privileges of W3C membership. In addition, the Advisory Committee representative may designate up to four (or more at the Team's discretion) individuals who, though not employed by the organization, may exercise the rights of Member representatives. These individuals must disclose their employment affiliation when participating in W3C work. Provisions for related Members apply. Furthermore, these individuals are expected to represent the broad interests of the W3C Member organization and not the parochial interests of their employers.

The language proposed below is to replace the current text in section 2.1.1 of the Process Document with:

If the Member is itself a consortium, user society, or otherwise has members or sponsors, as described in paragraph 5g of the Member Agreement, the rights and privileges granted by W3C Process extend to the organization's paid employees and its appointed Advisory Committee representative, who exercise all the rights and privileges of W3C membership.

Such an organization may also designate up to four (or more at the Team’s discretion) non-employee individuals who may exercise the rights of Member representatives.

When will this be implemented?

This change was reviewed by W3M on 09 September 2015 and in parallel was submitted to the Revising W3C Process Community Group for Issue-163.  Alan Bird is a Member of that CG and is working on and monitoring the progress of this Issue.  Once it has been resolved then the W3C Business Development Team will start using the proposed changes as guidelines in discussions with both prospective and existing Members.  The implementation of this in the W3C Process Document will be a part of Process 2016.

J Alan Bird <abird@w3.org>
$Id: Process2.1Proposal.html,v 1.19 2016/02/08 06:05:54 abird Exp $