Web Payments Interest Group Work Meeting

13 Aug 2015


See also: IRC log


jiangtaojia, CyrilV, MattC, Ian, padler, dezell, Kris Ketels, Katie Haritos-Shea
David_Raggett, Manu_Sporny
padler, Ian


<github-bot> [13webpayments-ig] 15ianbjacobs pushed 1 new commit to 06gh-pages: 02https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/commit/60d344d2e0e8e9d70b473b89826f36ad901378ac

<github-bot> 13webpayments-ig/06gh-pages 1460d344d 15Ian Jacobs: Merge branch 'master' into gh-pages

<Ian> https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/latest/capabilities/index.html#overview-of-capabilities

charter update

<padler> scribenick: padler

ian: We are 8 days into the AC review... 13 organizations have expressed support for the charter.
... there has been one formal objection, however this is expected to be an editorial fix..
... reviews are in progress, please inform your AC reps to submit your support.

Introduction: Kris Ketels

<Ian> Kris Ketels has joined the group

ian: should we do a brief introduction for Chris?

Chris: I'm responsible for cloud standards within ISO20022.. have been working in Web Standards for approx 20 years..

<Ian> ISO20022 (the organization) is planning to join this group; supported by SWIFT

Chris: I work for Swift, however am joining the W3C via the ISO20022 organization

<Ian> ...ISO20022 interested in extending functionality into web

ISO is expanding to include payments in the Web space now that business aspects of payments have been included in ISO 20022

ian: looking forward to working with you!

<Ian> http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/

ian: hope you can join us in October at TPAC


ian: I was not on the call earlier this week, but beleive that David announced how we were thinking of building the agenda

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_Oct2015

ian: does anyone have an update?

<Ian> scribenick: Ian

padler: We talked at a high level on Monday about key points
... one is that we wanted to be sure that the topics for the IG are broader in focus (what's next, coordination role, etc.) and the WG would focus on its chartered deliverables.
... and we started talking about materials we would need for knowledge transfer.
... there was also a little bit of talk about "demo tables"
... that will be available as part of TPAC

<padler> ian: I will follow up separately on the demo section... don't have a firm grasp yet on how those will be orgainzed... this will be new for TPAC

<Ryladog> The IoT/WoT Interest Group will also be doing demos

<padler> ian: how will we have in our hands concrete proposals to discuss at the interest group

" Reach consensus on the next standardization priority and develop a plan and timeline for the creation and socialization of a new Working Group Charter. "

<padler> ian: want to make sure we make good use of the time...

<padler> ian: it would be great to get a second charter completed coming out of the October meeting

<padler> ian: call for agenda topics is on the Wiki...https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_Oct2015

padler: People are invited to add notes to the page if there are topics they want to cover.

IJ: Structure will be derived from content

Ryladog: IOT folks will be doing a demo. Should we chat with them about joint demo?

<padler> Ryladog: IOT folks are getting very excited about demos at TPAC. May be worthwhile to discuss a joint topic with IOT while at TPAC.


<padler> Ryladog: I would be happy to help out with the booth..

<scribe> scribenick: Ian


Capabilities doc

padler: recent changes:

- People took action items last week to update some introductions

- We've added an intro

- We've updated the capabilities themselves based on June FTF discussion

- We've added a diagram

padler: Here's a quick framing of the specific changes we made and why
... Section 1 now about the IG's role in describing a common payments landscape (across multiple groups)
... sections 1-3 are starting to shape up
... after that needs much more work

Kris: I am hearing use cases and capabilities are complementary

IJ: Yes -use cases are high -level scenarios; capabilities the functional landscape. We will use it to determine gaps in standards and launch work where needed

padler: Some work, e.g., will be necessary for payments but not exclusive to payments (e.g., identity, security)

(Pat reviews the main buckets of the capabilities doc)

Kris; My understanding is that the standards would define the flows between client/server but also the internal processes that need to be supported.

scribe: where is the boundary of the group? What about business processes?

padler: This is a great question...and a lead-in to what has to happen next with the capabilities doc

see https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/latest/capabilities/index.html#capabilities-in-context

padler: Experience between two parties might happen in discrete asynchronous steps
... e.g., some steps might happen all at the same time in a store....but in another context I might get a coupon and only use it several weeks later.
... so I think we are (next) going to express functionality as interactions between two parties.

and the OVERALL set of steps will be handled separately.

scribe: so this document will be about smaller chunks and client/server type interactions

IJ: What's next and what do you need from people here today?

padler: I am working on pieces up to 6
... I think that others are going to work on sections:

* Manu - creds

* David Ezell - ecommerce

* Need to check with Adrian on clearing/settlement/accounts

padler: I need to review who is doing core and security


IJ: I anticipate this doc will be important for knowledge transfer at TPAC

Kris: I think there's a lot of effort that has been done in describing what payments are and how they are done
... including use cases in some shape or form
... should we be asking ourselves here how traditional payment scenarios are adapted in the context of a web payment

padler: We are not interested in starting from scratch...there's a mountain of work that has been done and is being done
... one of the other aspects of the IG is connectivity with other bodies (external reviews task force)
... so they look at ISO, X9, other work, and payments improvements processes going on elsewhere.
... this is more of a synthesis of that information rather than recreation
... less about the business process of payments and more about adaptation to the Web

Kris: That makes sense
... in the end a payment is a payment...because of the real-time payment there may be some aspects

-> http://www.w3.org/TR/web-payments-use-cases/ Use Cases

<padler> Kris: what is the desired outcome of the group?

-> http://www.w3.org/2015/06/payments-wg-charter.html [DRAFT] Web Payments Working Group Charter

<padler> Ian: Take a look at our first charter..

<padler> Ian: in the WG charter, we have been very specific about what we think will be needed for that scenario... this was the lowest hanging fruit..

<padler> Ian: other domains are still emerging... in parrallel with cabailities work, we are working to charter additional organizations to focus on additional aspects of payments..

IJ: IG's job is to create a map and then spawn WGs where needs are perceived

[padler puts the "ad" back into padler]

padler: Work gets done when there are people participating
... so, e.g., if we get people who want to do loyalty cards, it's much easier to push that work forward.

Matt: Timeline to charter?

Ian: Review until 15 September; launch end of September; first FTF meeting end of October.


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/08/13 15:14:56 $