27 Jul 2015

See also: IRC log


Ann_Abbott, Bryan_Garaventa, Jemma, LJWatson, Michiel_Bijl, James_Nurthen
James Nurthen


<scribe> scribe: MichielBijl

New example development planning and planning wiki page https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Aria-Authoring-Practices-Patterns-Status

jamesn: not everybody can edit the wiki pages
... only certain people have access
... do we have alternatives

MichielBijl: maybe put them in gh-pages?

LJWatson: I can probably do that.
... keep it in the same place, able to do pull requests.

Review of Button Design Pattern https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/practices/examples/button/button.html

LJWatson will move Wiki pages to gh-pages

jamesn: I'd like to see a div version of a button

MichielBijl: I'll add that tonight.

annabbott: add description for the toggle button

jamesn: that should be in the authoring practices

<jamesn> Toggle button: A two-state button that can be either off (not pressed) or on (pressed). To tell assistive technologies that a button is a toggle button, specify a value for the attribute aria-pressed. For example, a button labeled mute in an audio player could indicate that sound is muted by setting the pressed state true. Important: the label on a toggle button should never change when the state changes. In this example, when the pressed state is true,

<jamesn> the label should not change to "Unmute"" or "Muted."

LJWatson: if you change the label, why is not a toggle button?

jamesn: because the button is changed, so the it's no longer a toggle button.
... the button example is different from John's example
... is everyone okay with having different examples?

LJWatson: I think we should have consistent examples; no preferences for which one.

annabbott: it states that you should not reuse other elements to recreate buttons. We do that all the time.

LJWatson: you should use a button element
... nobody bothers to implement keyboard support for replicate buttons

jamesn: adding event handlers to duplicate spacebar support on links is really hard

annabbott: print button should not have aria-pressed
... maybe space them out or add a heading

jamesn: is it possible to style both buttons the same

annabbott: JavaScript looks squished together

jamesn: if you familiar with JavaScript this should not be a problem

annabbott: I'd like to see the examples broken up to two different parts of the page


jamesn: I feel we are making it longer and more complex that way

LJWatson: focus on examples for now

<jamesn> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/practices/examples/slider/js/slider.js

MichielBijl: could add comments to JavaScript

LJWatson: need coding guide lines

Jaeun: what is the TPAC meeting?

jamesn: jamesn is probably the best one to answer that. Two weeks of ARIA meetings

janina is probably…*

MichielBijl will finish alert and slider examples before next meeting

Review Tab Panel Pattern - https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/practices/aria-practices.html#tabpanel

MichielBijl: tablist should be above tab panel

jamesn: I agree
... order should be: tablist, tab, tab panel
... that is editorial, stick it in a bug anyway
... don't understand why tablist is one word, and tab panel are two words
... don't like the first paragraph of the description
... should we explain it at all?

LJWatson: I agree; don't have to explain what a tab interface is

annabbott: what is wrong?

jamesn & LJWatson: it's over complicated English

<jamesn> A tabbed interface component is a set of layered areas where only one page is displayed at a time.

<jamesn> areas?

LJWatson: not sure about pages

MichielBijl: agree

jamesn: reagions?

All: can be confused with role="region"

MichielBijl & LJWatson: panels

<jamesn> A tabbed interface component is a set of layered areas, known as tab panels, where only one area is displayed at a time.

jamesn: how about areas

annabbott: better that the current text

MichielBijl: can't we compare it to browser tabs?

jamesn: can we drop the line about “The general look…”

All: yes

annabbott: also drop the next line.

<jamesn> A tabbed interface component is a set of layered areas, known as tab panels, where only one area is displayed at a time. The tabs are arranged along one of the edges of the contents but most commonly are found at the top. The user navigates and makes the contents of each area visible by interacting with the title "tab". Terms for understanding Tab Panels include:

LJWatson: should we specify that they are commonly placed horizontally?

jamesn: don't think so, you would use a lot of space if you didnt
... let's move on to keyboard interaction
... need to change left/right arrow stuff
... cannot always activate selected tab because of performance. Allow users to activate with space

MichielBijl: when would this cause performance issues

jamesn: tabs that use database queries for example

annabbott: how do users activate tabs?

LJWatson: enter or space

jamesn: how do we indicate to user that a tab must be activated?

LJWatson: aria-selected?

annabbott: aria-selected does not indicate a user must activate it
... AT's would have to reload the virtual page

MichielBijl: what does aria-selected indicate?

bgaraventa1979: it indicates which tab is selected, not the one that has focus

MichielBijl: so if a tab has aria-selected set to false, it indicates that the tab can be activated?

jamesn: I guess

LJWatson: that is correct

annabbott: Bryan you said something about multi select; I Don't see that here at all

jamesn: just ignore it, would complicate the guide

LJWatson: I'm with you on that one

jamesn: need to change arrow functionality
... do we still want control+up arrow functions?

MichielBijl: combination is reserved on OS X for specific functions

annabbott: how do you tab out of a panel?

LJWatson: use shift+tab

annabbott: so if you're 30 tabs deep, you have to go 30 tabs back?

MichielBijl: isn't this solved by the control+page up/page down?

jamesn: has anyone seen this implemented? (control+page up/down

LJWatson: conflicts with browser tab functionality in Firefox

As does Internet Explorer

Jaeun: I agree with you LJWatson

jamesn: should we drop all control-key support?

bgaraventa1979: yes

jamesn: next: alt+delete
... we have implemented this

LJWatson: is it available somewhere?

jamesn: not at this moment

MichielBijl: should there be an alternative control+page down/up?
... like shift+[ / shift+]?

jamesn: it depends on what's in the panel
... make them optional
... no objection if someone comes up with an alternative

annabbott: how do we make them discoverable

jamesn: that's the problem with all key strokes we come up with

LJWatson: if developers don't implement these now, will they implement there own variations if we don't specify them?

jamesn: if you want to take up an action that is fine

MichielBijl: I'd be happy to

LJWatson: very hard to implement alt+del when focus is anywhere in the panel
... allow for deletion when tab title is selected

Jaeun: what is the use case for deletion?

jamesn: we have tabs where users can input a query; it's more close than delete

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=28993

jamesn has submitted a bug, we'll continue discussion next meeting

<jamesn> *** Next time complete Tab - start at debate of delete ***

No meeting unless Matt can make it

I guess I'm not, meeting was ended

LJWatson: you can do it, i'll follow

Me neither

Sorry LJWatson

LJWatson: yeah go ahead

<LJWatson> rssagent, make minutes

LJWatson: you are in the present list twice

As Leonie and LJWatson

<LJWatson> Think James and I both added me.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/07/27 18:39:14 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found Scribe: MichielBijl
Inferring ScribeNick: MichielBijl
Present: Ann_Abbott Bryan_Garaventa Jemma LJWatson Michiel_Bijl James_Nurthen
Regrets: Jon_Gunderson
Got date from IRC log name: 27 Jul 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/07/27-aria-apg-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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