Web Payments IG Telcon
18 Mar 2015


See also: IRC log


Pat, Manu, DavidE, Istvan, Matt, DavidJ, Katie, Ian, Evert
David Ezell


  1. Confirm Agenda
  2. Telcon time
  3. Draft Timeline for Initial Group Deliverables
  4. Use Cases and Glossary
  5. Payment Agent
  6. External Reviews
  7. Communications Strategy
  8. AOB

Confirm Agenda

<manu> Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2015Mar/0090.html

<manu> DavidE: Any other updates/changes to the agenda? Any other issues?

Agenda Approved

Telcon time

<manu> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73816/wpaytelco2/

Next call monday March 23, 10.00 EDT

Draft Timeline for Initial Group Deliverables

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Communications_Strategy_Task_Force#Timeline

Ian: offered a timeline draft. Asking for feedback on order and timeline. Not seeking approval as much as seeking comment to try to use this timeline.

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to mention that timeline is a living document

DavidE: Keep the timeline up-to-date and use as our understanding of the timeline.

<Ian> https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Relevant_Conferences_for_the_IG

Manu: Proposing intermixing timeline for presentations / conferences

Ian: documented conferences in a separate space referenced here. Ian proposed conference items but maintain the structure as the timeline for planning and conferences maintained separately
... to add link to conferences from timeline doc

Katie: speaking at a Bay Area conference on the Web IG topic

<Ian> +1 to shameless self-promotion!

Use Cases and Glossary

<manu> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#toc

<manu> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#discovery-of-accepted-schemes

Manu: Micro use cases are working out to add new concepts and use cases in a light weight way. Each phase is broken into phases broken into steps with assignment of High/Med/Low priority

<Ian> (Upcoming note that "Goals" in the use cases refers to the list that the group is developing: https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/ExecSummary#Goals)

<Ian> [iJ: We also plan to add Alipay in examples]

Katie: Add accessibility perspective

DavidE: Asking about definition of micro use case

Manu: Ubiguitous schemes is a micro use case.

Ian: Using the micro use case to be a snippet that fits into a larger flow. The snippet fits the flow in the overall narrative of the flow. Micro use cases really means use cases in the overall flow
... removing the term and reverting to use case only

<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to ask about telcon length.

DavidE: is this a two hour meeting? Answer -- error, it is one hour 10-11.00 EDT

Ian: remind people when doing architecture and requirements, don't forget the accessibility guidance ex, biometrics may have accessibility information

<manu> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webpayments/raw-file/default/latest/use-cases/index.html#the-payment-phases-applied-to-the-real-world

<Ian> Summary:

<Ian> - Manu aiming for mid April FPWD

<Ian> - There will be a 2-week review period for the group prior to the FPW

<manu> 1. Get the basic flow of the document working based on Ian's

<manu> suggestions and consensus direction of the Use Cases Task Force.

<manu> 2. Convert and integrate the use cases we approved at the

<manu> face-to-face into the new layout.

<manu> 3. Get reviews on the new document, make corrections, and get a FPWD

<manu> out ASAP.

<manu> 4. Comb through any feedback on the "old" use cases document and

<manu> see if it still applies. If it does, integrate it post-FPWD.

Payment Agent

<padler> - Great call/participation on Friday… Updating materials based on Friday's call

<padler> - We covered multiple models/diagrams as a way of highlighting consistent/core payment agent framework and key communication/interface boundaries

<padler> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/images/model_1A_user_agent_pass_thru.svg

<padler> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/images/model_1B_out_of_band_proof_of_payment.svg

<padler> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/images/model_2A_payer_initiated_wallet_access.svg

<padler> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/images/model_2B_sso_via_payee_site.svg

<padler> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/images/model_3_P2P_Payment_Proximity.svg

<padler> - Currently mapping diagrams to use cases and numbering scheme

<padler> - Also looking to add additional models discussed on the call

<padler> - Leveraging these as a way to begin roughing out what are "core" technical requirements versus those used in specific scenarios

<padler> - Models/Diagrams and requirements will be used to update… https://github.com/pat-adler/webpayments-ig/blob/master/latest/payment-agent/index.html

<padler> - Updates will be discussed on the upcoming Friday call

<padler> - Currently considering a shift of the TF telecom time to allow for broader participation

<Ian> Manu: PROPOSED 10:00am ET on Weds for payment agent call

Patrick: time shift being considered in two weeks out. Time under consideration. Suggestion for Weds 10.00EDT
... using Weds 10.00EDT as option but still needs further consideration as all cannot use that time

<ShaneM> That time is fine for me.

Patrick: working out problem with Wiki. Seems that the uploading is working but will be tested again.

External Reviews

Claudia: Fed Task Forces update and External Reviews.
... W3C is seeking class D liaison status sith ISO TC68 Technical Committee SC 7. Consultation period ends 12 April.

<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to ask about the scope of "category D liaison"

Claudia: W3C wants liaison status for alignment in 12812 and not for inserting into the process. Claudia is trying to get this perspective across to the group
... Timeframe of Mobile Payments Services standard (April 8 - poll close in July) Workgroup 10 reviews comments. Leads to final international draft standard and ballot.
... Standard adopted into ISO May 2016 expectation

<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to ask about will voting notice come through X9?

Claudia: ballot notification will be through X9
... Tokenization 119X2 - requesting and generating token with security. The schedule for that standard (including through X9 voting process) to be available by end of 2015

<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to ask if we should try to get websecurity involved in X9.119-2

DavidE: Should we get the Web Security Group to communicate between they and this group. Claudia asking the chair of that group.

Matt: How different is the direction X9 going with tokenization direction -- are these different in the management perspective?

<dezell> david e: X9.119-2 is being described as good for payment, but also for other types of identity (ref. IFSF).

Claudia: X9 broader standard with EMVco being more a point solution. Maybe nesting in X9. The clearinghouses standardization and EMVco might be more interesting to follow. Matt seeking the cooperation with EMVco and X9
... Announcement task forces: faster payments and secure payments.
... Individuals, individual companies, and organizations. Must register with compliance of organization and expectations of participation.
... only one member from any company can be represented. This is troubling for large enterprises moreso than for the smaller companies. Example, difficulty for WalMart (EG)
... Task force thinking of organizing around solutions -- example, distributed node, card brands solutions, UK model, their ideas of how to make the faster payments system for the US

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to comment on task force participation but also comments about solution-driven work

Claudia: Register if interested -- but remember that you are signing up for a workload.

Ian: To what degree should W3C participate as an organization -- or just as individuals. Time commitment is the issue as well.

Claudia: Many associations do plan to join, including individuals from the organization.
... Response to Ian, looking for effective approach or approaches to the new standards.

DavidE: Echo Ian's comments. For people who are not members of X9 this might be a good way to socialize our agenda.

Communications Strategy

Ian: Not active right now. Focus turned to work on use cases document and executive summary. Less going on for outreach. Round table in NY at tail end of F2F in June. See whether it is a good idea or objections to using 2 hours of meeting time for moderated discussion (and 1 hour open discussion over cocktails).
... Round table to be used for collecting perspectives and should we continue working on planning for the June meeting? Fits in the goal of getting a lot of people opinions.
... Resp to Claudia question - 5-6pm for cocktail reception discussion. Take advantage of those in the area.

DavidE: It could be a good use (good idea) to allow for discussion amongst the group as well.

Katie: what about early evening to allow more WG meeting time?

Ian: we risk losing some participation. I've been chatting with chairs about how to regain time elsewhere. We could also move roundtable a bit; we will seek a good balance.


DavidE: Next meeting Monday March 23.

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/03/18 16:49:34 $