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Third Face to Face meeting
Our 3rd face to face will be virtual and held over the phone on May 19-21 (Tue, Wed, Thu).
Below is the list of expected participants.
People planning to participate remotely:
- Arnaud Le Hors
- Peter F Patel-Schneider
- The electrical cable to my cottage is being replaced on Tuesday, so I will likely have an outage for part of the day.
- Arthur Ryman
- Karen Coyle
- Harold Solbrig
- Holger Knublauch
- Simon Steyskal
- sadly not able to attend in person due to teaching duties (probably cannot attend the entire meeting either)
- Richard Cyganiak
- Eric Prud'hommeaux
- Dimitris Kontokostas
- Iovka Boneva (could not be present all the time)
- Michel Dumontier
People sending regrets:
- Ted Thibodeau
- Bart van Leeuwen
- Markus Lanthaler
- Add your name here
The meeting was meant to be at Nuance in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada but due to lack of anticipated attendees in person was changed to a virtual meeting on 16 April 2015.
Remote Participation
A webex is reserved to provide for remote participation. 12:30-22:00 UTC (8:30am-5:00pm Boston local) - 15 ports
Updated information - use this instead of Zakim for audio, according to Eric:
W3C is migrating to WebEx and we've migrated for this call. Here are the details:
Click the WebEx link. enter access code is: 640 696 335
You will then be prompted for the meeting password which is: datardf
Enter your name and then join the conference.
If you connect first to the URL you can then connect to audio via your device or have the system dial out to a phone number of your choice.
Alternatively you can simply call the system at: +1-617-324-0000 (US Toll Number).
Objectives and Agenda
- User Stories/Use Cases & Requirements
- Discuss status and Identify steps to next PWD
- Shapes specification
- Discuss general direction/starting point, point of possible convergence
- Close as many open issues as possible
- Identify steps to FPWD
- Next Face to Face Meeting
- Identify possible dates and venues+hosts.
- Test Suite and/or Validator
- Discuss possible framework and Identify next steps
- Charter & Schedule
- Glossary
- User Stories wiki
- Requirements wiki
- Use Cases and Requirements Working Draft
- Existing Systems
- ISSUE-1: What inferencing can or must be used
- ISSUE-2: Required Skills of Audience
- ISSUE-3: Associations between Graphs and Shapes
- ISSUE-5: Associations between Resources and Shapes
- Tracker
- Shape Selectors
- Proposals
Day 1 - Tuesday May 19
- 09.00-09.15
- Welcome, logistics, recap of meeting goals, agenda amendments.
- 9.15-10.30
- ShEx proposal deep-dive/demo based on a few user stories + clarifying questions
- 10.30-10.45
- 10.45-12.00
- Holger's proposal deep-dive/demo based on a few user stories + clarifying questions
- 12.00-13.00
- 13.00-14.15
- Peter's proposal deep-dive/demo based on a few user stories + clarifying questions
- 14.15-14.30
- Next meeting: date, location
- 14.30-14.45
- 14.45-15.45
- Self criticism of proposals - what are the weaknesses and limitations?
- 15.45-16.00
- Day 1 recap, adjustments to agenda for day 2
Day 2 - Wednesday May 20
- 09.00-10.30
- What would it take for you to be able to live with the other proposals? Discussion.
- 10.30-10.45
- 10.45-12.00
- SHACL Issues
- 12.00-13.00
- 13.00-14.30
- SHACL Issues continues
- 14.30-14.45
- 14.45-15.45
- SHACL Issues continues
- 15.45-16.00
- Day 2 recap, adjustments to agenda for day 3
Day 3 - Thursday May 21
- 09.00-09.30
- User Stories, Use Cases & Requirements
- 09.30-10.00
- SHACL Test Suite & Validator
- 10.00-10.30
- SHACL Issues continues
- 10.30-10.45
- 10.45-11.50
- SHACL Issues continues
- 11.50-12.00
- Wrap-up
- 12.00