ISSUE-74: Should SHACL support validating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints

SPARQL endpoint support

Should SHACL support validating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints

Raised by:
Peter Patel-Schneider
Opened on:
Should it be possible to validate SHACL shapes on RDF graphs that are only accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints?

For example, suppose
G = { < ex:a ex:r _:a .
_:a ex:q ex:b . }
is a data graph to be validated against the shapes
S1 = ex:r S2 [1,1]
S2 = ex:q [1,1]

Should it be possible to perform the validation if the only access G is via SPARQL queries?
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. Re: RDF Data Shapes WG [minutes] for 27 August 2015 (from on 2015-08-28)
  2. Re: RDF Data Shapes WG [minutes] for 27 August 2015 (from on 2015-08-27)
  3. Re: shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-08-07)
  4. Re: shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-08-06)
  5. Re: shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-07-17)
  6. Re: shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-07-16)
  7. shapes-ISSUE-74 (SPARQL endpoint support): Should SHACL support vallidating RDF graphs accessible via unmodified SPARQL endpoints [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-07-12)

Related notes:

Resolution: Close ISSUE-74, answer is no but we'll add some informative text to the spec talking about the pitfalls of validating against a SPARQL endpoint and we should keep in mind that some people will want to validate against an endpoint so we don't make it arbitrarily difficult.

Arnaud Le Hors, 27 Aug 2015, 21:24:59

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