ISSUE-59: What are the default values for cardinalities?
default cardinalities
What are the default values for cardinalities?
- State:
- Product:
- SHACL Spec
- Raised by:
- Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
- Opened on:
- 2015-05-23
- Description:
- Most of current SHACL proposals already contain the notion of cardinalities to restrict the number of triples with the focus node as the subject and the given property as the predicate.
The maximum cardinality is also defined in a way that can be a number or unlimited.
In SHACL compact syntax, cardinality can be expressed by two numbers {m,n} or by the common regular expression operators
+ = {1,unbounded}
? = {0,1}
* = {0,unbouned)
If we permit defaults, we need to define the default cardinality. Possibilities:
- {1,1} (this is the ShEx default)
- {0,unbounded}
- {1,unbounded}
- Other
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Re: RDF Data Shapes WG agenda for 23 July 2015 (from on 2015-07-23)
- shapes-ISSUE-59 (labra): Cardinalities and default cardinalities [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-05-23)
Related notes:
Resolution: Close ISSUE-59, sticking with the current draft which is {0, unbound/unlimited}
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