ISSUE-48: How do we limit the scope for a shape?
How do we limit the scope for a shape?
- State:
- Product:
- SHACL Spec
- Raised by:
- Michel Dumontier
- Opened on:
- 2015-04-28
- Description:
- It would be useful to specify the limit the scope of a shape to some expression, minimally to a specified type, predicate and/or value expression, or some combination thereof.
consider the following example, where we use 'sh:scope' to express that the property constraint (there is exactly 1 :reportedBy whose value type is foaf:Person) applies to all instances of :Issue in the graph.
a sh:Shape;
sh:scope [
sh:property rdf:type;
sh:valueType :Issue .
sh:property [
sh:predicate :reportedBy ;
sh:valueType foaf:Person ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
] .
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Re: shapes-ACTION-24: Write requirement coming from issue-48 (from on 2015-05-14)
- shapes-ACTION-24: Write requirement coming from issue-48 (from on 2015-05-14)
- shapes-ISSUE-48 (scope-of-shape): How do we limit the scope for a shape? [SHACL Spec] (from on 2015-04-28)
Related notes:
RESOLUTION: Close ISSUE-48 by adding a requirement that the effect of expressive scopes be in SHACL
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