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Semantic Web Infrastructure for Health Informatics

05 June, 2014

Data Value

Data utility depends on whether it

Data dimensions

Size/Structure (false) dichotomy

image/svg+xml StructuredData BigData MendelianDiseases EverythingElse Structure Size

Fiscal Pressure

What to want

peeking under the horizon

What's needed for clinical practice

Meaningful Use Objectives:

What's needed for research over populations

treatment research



practice data +

to build

heat map


Clinical care:

Clinical trials:

inclusion/exclusion criteria


protocol specifies a small number of specific acquisitions with special terminology codes.

Data scale

Growing data size:

Growing data vectors:


Clinical care

Clinical trials

How's that going?

Clinical care

Too early to tell.

263870008 (SNOMED code for Sequestration)

Clinical trials

Around 2009, CDISC members identified a need for intra and inter pharma sharing of trial metadata:

They were going to call it SHARE.

4 years later,

Three forms of standards:

Semantic standards:

Reduce the n2 pressure.

dense network

Clinical Informatics: information model

General-purpose graph structure for medical information:

Tells you where to write but not how to write:

information model (RIM)

image/svg+xml Diagnosis Evidence Evidence Rectord Target IsabellaJones NEXTGENMedicalPractice PATIENTRole recordTarget player scoper ClinicalDocument Diagnosis 282291009 20130605 20130602 SNOMED Encounter REFR DRIV DRIV 20130131 inpatient

Clinical Informatics: terminology model

Taxonomies used for:

terminology model

image/svg+xml Diagnosis 282291009

Clinical Informatics: connected models

image/svg+xml Diagnosis Evidence Evidence Rectord Target IsabellaJones NEXTGENMedicalPractice PATIENTRole recordTarget player scoper ClinicalDocument Diagnosis 282291009 20130605 20130602 SNOMED Encounter REFR DRIV DRIV 20130131 inpatient Information Model Terminology Model Diagnosis 282291009

Interoperability value proposition

Interoperability state of the art

Technical barriers:

Priority TAs (Therapeutic Areas)

FDA (CDER) project billed as:

page screenshot

Statement of Work

Establish common study data standards:

High-level goals

Code everything!


cope gracefully with:

interoperate with EHRS:

RDF toolbox available for reuse

Existing Models/Standards

Controlled Terminologies:


Portable BRIDG Representation



:SerumCreatinineLevel a owl:Class ;
        [ owl:onProperty bridg:resultIn ; owl:allValuesFrom bridg:PerformedClinicalResult ],
        [ owl:onProperty bridg:resultIn ; owl:cardinality 1 ]  .


:GraftBPARAssessment a owl:Class ;      
    rdfs:subClassOf core:NegativeOutcome ;
    owl:equivalentClass [
        a owl:Class ;
        owl:intersectionOf (
          [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty core:afterIntervention ;
            owl:someValuesFrom [
                a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty core:hasPathologyFinding ;
                owl:hasValue :BanffIII
          [ a owl:Restriction ;
            owl:onProperty core:hasResultValue ;
            owl:hasValue :NonFunctioningGraft


<> a owl:Ontology ;
    owl:imports <> ,
        <> ,
        <> .


SELECT ?outcomeType ?dose
       (AVG(?endpoint-time) AS ?rate)
    # drug of interest
    ?adminDrug dt:CD.displayName "Upsidasium" ;
        … codingSystem … .

    # subjects in studies about drug
    ?arm :studySubject ?adminDrug ;
        :studyParticipation ?subject .

    # demographic selection
    ?subject :taxon ncbitax:7609 .

    # outcomes assessing prescription performance
    ?outcome :intervention ?p ;
        :value [ a ?outcomeType ] .

    # ... of that drug on that subject (participation)
    ?p a :Prescription ;
        :involvedSubject ?subject ;
        :medication ?adminDrug .
} ORDER BY ?dose

EHR Interop

:subjectspostOpDay3GFR a rrej:RenalFunctionObservation ;
    mm:observationTime "2013-07-08T14:50:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    rrej:gfrFlowRate [ data:value 12.0 ; data:units ucum:mL-per-minute ].

Would be in a table with codes in an EMR:

obs idwhencoding system ObsCode valueunitsaddressingperformer
12342013-07-08T14:50:00CPT 82565 12mL-per-minute
56782013-07-08T14:50:00SNOMED 2014-01-0124137400912mL-per-minute
43212013-07-08T14:50:00LOINC 48643-1 12mL-per-minute

or C-CDA:

<observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
  <code code="48643-1" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC"
        displayName="Glomerular filtration rate/1.73 sq" />
  <effectiveTime value="201307081450"/>
  <value type="PQ" value="12.0" unit="mL/min"/>
  <referenceRange />

SemWeb plumbing work

Information model efforts

Needed: EPIC Cerner SIEMENS AllScripts HP athenahealth NextGen eClinicalWorks McKesson Greenway Praxis e_MDCureMD MediTab NextTech ADP ...