Tracker summary for Harold Solbrig

Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 23 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-18 (edit) open Send uri suggestion document to the list Harold Solbrig 2015-03-17
ACTION-34 (edit) open And rob to try tony's fhir ontology and provide feedback Harold Solbrig 2015-11-17
ACTION-53 (edit) open Make a dir on github for shex Harold Solbrig 2016-04-26
ACTION-55 (edit) open Add his proposed fixes to his slides Harold Solbrig 2016-05-24
ACTION-56 (edit) open Start discussion in zulip about the exact semantics of multiple codings Harold Solbrig 2016-05-31
ACTION-58 (edit) open Work on minvalue/maxvalue and other obvious fhir features that are missing from fhir rdf Harold Solbrig 2016-06-07
ACTION-59 (edit) open Check on validating the validators with failing test cases. Harold Solbrig 2016-06-07
ACTION-60 (edit) open Provide the list of remaining items that need to be implemented in fhir rdf Harold Solbrig 2016-06-21
ACTION-62 (edit) open Prepare slicing and extension examples for discussion next week Harold Solbrig 2016-06-21
ACTION-64 (edit) open Put together examples of fhir on Harold Solbrig 2016-07-05
ACTION-66 (edit) open Check w linda for a link to the snomed-fhir mapping Harold Solbrig 2016-08-23
ACTION-68 (edit) open Let grahame know that fhir:noderole is missing from some examples such as Harold Solbrig 2016-09-06
ACTION-69 (edit) open Discuss with grahame that non-derefable sourceuri must fail strong validation Harold Solbrig 2016-09-13
ACTION-72 (edit) open Work with grahame about fhir:index and fhir:concept missing from the datatype def Harold Solbrig 2016-11-22
ACTION-74 (edit) open Follow up on fhir:concept issue of instance vs class Harold Solbrig 2017-01-24
ACTION-75 (edit) open Document the owl importing sequence needed to make it work, so that david can add it to the web pages Harold Solbrig 2017-02-07
ACTION-77 (edit) open Find the fhir resource uri regex Harold Solbrig 2017-02-07
ACTION-78 (edit) open Update the generation of fhir.ttl to focus only on reasoning support -- not validation Harold Solbrig 2017-02-14
ACTION-79 (edit) open Initiate discussion with grahame about adding conneg and a variable for ont version. Harold Solbrig 2017-04-04
ACTION-83 (edit) open Come up with examples of compositional expression in fhir Harold Solbrig 2017-05-09
ACTION-84 (edit) open Initiate discussion with grahame about adding conneg and a variable for ont version. Harold Solbrig 2017-05-09
ACTION-91 (edit) open Will sched teleconference with grahame at dev days and notify the rest of us about time/day Harold Solbrig 2017-11-14
ACTION-92 (edit) open Clean up slides on fhir rdf conneg and give to david to post online Harold Solbrig 2017-11-14

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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