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<jamesn> agenda: this
<scribe> scribe: Léonie Watson
<scribe> scribenick: LJWatson
JN: Want thoughs on defficiencies of APG as it is, and ideas for where it should go.
LW: Getting over the hurdle of learning ARIA for first time is a challenge.
JG: Review design/interaction
patterns for suitability.
... Include things not to do in design patterns, as well as
things to do.
... Guidance on when/which design pattern to choose.
JN: UI design
... Provide alternative methods.
GB: People consider this doc to be mormative, but it isn't.
LW: Too radical to suggest a
title that makes it clearer that it's an informative
... Update design pattern examples?
<jemma_> I think so.
JN: Anyone disagree design patterns should be our primary focus?
JG: Should make what's there better before adding to it.
<jemma_> as a developer, I use UI patterns more than reading through aria doc
<jemma_> not all of UI patterns
<jemma_> just most used ones first?
JN: Need to think about how to
approach this.
... First approach is to file/track bugs.
<jemma_> yes, I agree with you what you just said
JN: Myself and Matt [King] will edit the doc, but it'll be on Github for people to contribute to.
LW: Bugzilla component?
JN: Discussion about whether to use Bugzilla or Tracker.
<jemma_> I don't know tracker but I have used bugzilla...
JN: Using both ATM.
<jemma_> either way works for me.
JN: Can do a lot of work
discussing/responding to bugs offline.
... Is everyone happy with Bugzilla?
<jemma_> I got the error accessing the link, Sorry, Insufficient Access Privileges
MK: How should we prioritise things?
JN: Suggest we first log bugs
against the stuff we know is broken.
... Just design patterns for now.
MK: Think design patterns are
subjective. We should perhaps walk through them as a
... We could review 3 patterns per call, give people time to
read/review beforehand.
... Could each raise bugs ahead of the meetings, for review on
LW: Would also give good indication where multiple design patterns exist.
MK: Possible to file bugs against a specific widget?
JN: It's possible in Bugzilla.
<jemma_> such as "toggle", "tab-list"...?
<scribe> ACTION: James Nurthen to ask Michael about adding sub-components for individual design patterns/widgets to Bugzilla. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
MK: Can we make a start?
JN: Yes, we can retro-actively assign bugs to sub-components.
<jemma_> accordion sounds good.
<jemma_> it is used a lot by developers
MK: Should start with the building block widgets, then move onto the more complex widgets.
JG: Can use the taxonomy?
JN: Could go for simple widgets alphabetically?
MK: Agree
JN: I can put the list/running order together done today.
MK: Lack of reliable examples is
a problem, and a huge project.
... We should have a definitive W3C hosted set of examples.
LW: Github repo?
MK: Thoughts on associating the APG with specific ARIA versions?
JN: This is a non recc track
... Should we start with a 1.1 APG anyway?
LW: Makes sense.
MK: We should change title then.
MK: ARIA 1.1 should go to recc
early 2016?
... Seems we should be able to publish a cleaned up version of
APG 1.0 mid 2015?
JN: Master APG on Github is APG
... Think the expectation from PF is that we'll work on APG
MK: We can publish a working
draft of APG 1.1 before ARIA 1.1 goes to recc.
... Would it confuse browser/AT vendors if we went to APG
LW: Think it would encourage them to fix existing errors/incomplete support.
MK: Consensus is to call it APG 1.1?
JN: If the widget is usable, think it's ok to include it. Unless to advise so would do harm.
LW: We're getting close to interoperability requirements for what should be included.
MK: Everything should be supported by at least two/three browsers.
BG: Not many widgets in 1.0 that aren't supported.
<jongund> I have to leave a little early today
MK: Agree ATs need guidance for
supporting roles approprriately.
... If we think this doc is a prerequisite, we've created
ourselves a new problem. Don't think this doc is that.
<jongund> Sorry I need to leave
MK: We need to be able to point AT vendors at 1.1 features so they can start to think about support.
JN: We could use highlighted
notes to indicate new/unsupported features?
... We don't have the bandwidth to work on multiple versions of
the APG.
MK: Some way to include notes
could work.
... Some way to clearly indicate the status of each
JN: If we have robust examples,
it would be easy to do a "can I use" test against it.
... Could use spec notes to highlight features that lack
MK: Ok, let's do that.
JN: Next week let's try to get
through button, checkbox radiobutton.
... Could also review existing issues.
MK: No meeting on 31st Oct.
<jemma_> I am ok with bugzilla too.
<jemma> bye
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Léonie Watson Found ScribeNick: LJWatson Present: James_Nurthen Léonie_Watson Jemma Bryan_Garaventa Jon_Gunderson Matt_King Got date from IRC log name: 17 Oct 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: james nurthen WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]