HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

27 Mar 2014

See also: IRC log


Mark_Sadecki, janina, paulc, Plh, Cynthia_Shelly, Adrian_Roselli, Suzanne_Taylor, Judy, David_MacDonald
John Foliot, Billy Gregory
Cynthia Shelly


<trackbot> Date: 27 March 2014

Identify Scribe

<paulc> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tests-cr-exit/

<MarkS> scribe: Cynthia Shelly

Additional Clock Adjustments Coming

<MarkS> scribeNick: cyns

HTML-WG & Web Apps F2F

<MarkS> HTML WG F2F Agenda

<MarkS> Register for HTML WG F2F

<scribe> scribe: cyns

JS: several of us going to html 5 f2f next week
... goal is to clear 5.0

PL: will also make progress on 5.1.

Reviving and Expanding Media Subteam

<MarkS> Media Subteam Revival

<MarkS> Join the Media Sub-team

JS: consensus on date and time from survey?
... I hear there was CSUN recruiting?

MS: survey closes today. best time monday 11am EDT
... yes, made several contacts who are interested. should we leave it open for new members to respond? that will take some time

JS: lets go ahead and start, adjust later if needed

RESOLUTION: media sub team will resume teleconfereces mondays at 11AM EDT, starting next week

MS: Erik Carlson from Apple expressed interest in rejoining

JS: he was very active last time. this is good.
... next stage is content to allow testing the user requirements in user agents. media with video, captions, recorded audio descriptions, level based navigation, etc.

Longdesc Update

JS: we need to respond to Sam.

MS: making progress in CG, progress on implemenation testing and reporting continues. April 17 may be difficutl to meet, probably first week of May instead.

Canvas 2D Status & Next Steps

JS: we expect to have a draft of exit criteria in about 2 weeks

MS: new draft of L1, hoping to get to rec by end of year. continuing feedback from msft and mozilla. waiting for for feedback from google. will ask dominic for feedback this week.
... we will cooperate as much as possible with what-wg, but will deviate in some places. we think these are legit issues in that spec, and will also file bugs there

JS: need to let Sam know if we are on track. we should know more after monday's draft.
... our 2 impl are mozilla and chrome.

PC: how close are those implemenations to what you're proposing?

MS: rick said it wouldn't take that long. i dont know about dominic. he plans to get to it soon, but doesn't have date.

JM: there is some concern from rick about changes making additional complexity. there may be more discussion.

PC: I think you should respond to Sam's email about what implementations you're using. Say how aligned they are, or that you need more time.

JS: would prefer to answer that next week
... Mark has done a lot of work to get feedback from Dominic. Thank you, Mark.

Alt Guidance & Next Steps

JS: need steve faulkner

PC: here's my concern. I asked if steve's work is in 5.1 and how much needs to be moved to 5.0.
... 5.0 is now down to zero bugs. I don't want a cfc that says we're done, and have a11y-tf say no, we're still working on alt guidance.

JS: I agree.

PC: there are no bugs on alt text. that says there is no work. but steve's plan was to port back from 5.1.

DM: I talked to steve at csun, and I get the sense that he's done or almost done. I think we're close to moving it over.

JS: I need to ping him and find out the status. time is running out.
... Looking at the content, it is close, if not fully synched up. Need to verify taht work is done.

PC: once work is done, task force can declare that we don't need the alt text doc. we can add status to that saying that it's been incorporated.
... I don't want task force to discover late that the work isn't done, and wg wants to move forward.

JS: we have 1 more tf call before the f2f. we need to close this next week.

PC: that would be good. I'm not insisting. chairs are assuming there are no more bugs except at risk features. if tf thinks there is more alt techniques work that needs to be done, best way to signal that is to open 5.0 bugs.

<SteveF> sorry I am here but also in a work meeting

<SteveF> AS far as I am concerned what is in 5.1 but not in 5.0 just needs to go into 5.0 and we are done

PC: steve enumerated bugs that were outstanding, there were some that weren't in 5.0

DM: can confirm that there are things in 5.1 and not in 5.0
... there is still a port.

JS: I think Paul is asking for bugs for the ports.

<SteveF> There is an issue with the PF in regards adding a link to other advice - but a) no bug has been filed and b) its a minor editorial addition (form editors point of view)

PC: yes. I asked a month ago for which are being moved

<SteveF> I will go through and mark 5.1 bugs that have been resolved and need to be ported as CR bugs

PC: wg needs to knwo when backport is done. would like a clear statement about the changes made and to be made.

<SteveF> I would hazard that the remaining woll be back ported next time robin does a cherry pick to 5.0

PC: editors had an agreement to go to 0 bugs on 3/15 and we've known about this since feb. as soon as he marks these 5.0, we're out of 0 bugs, and I'm not happy about that

<SteveF> They will be resolved bugs - what is the issue?

JS: had a request in wai to aditional guidance.

JB: yes, tehre should be a bug on that

JS: we need a location to point to

PC: why is this not done? we're in the end game here.
... Steve, I don't understand how Robin knows which items are going to be back ported. are they marked editorial?
... I will start a thread with steve and robin on editors list
... I expect html5 to go back to last call, as described in plan 2014, in june. there will likely be a heartbeat after april meeting. I would like no changes between heartbeat and last call.

Table Summary Issues Redux

JS: at csun we talked about what issues might be left over. table summary needs some editorial work. close gap btwn wcag and html

MS: bug from Joshue Oconnor. one to bring back summary. one that table examples need work
... we all agreed taht it wasn't worth the fight to bring back summary. we have better alternaitves on teh horizon
... close old bug, open new one against 5.1 suggesting improved examples. Josh will create some better techniques in wcag.
... thoughts?

JS: one possible replacement in aria draft
... aria 1.1
... don't hear any disagreement. If we get consensus fast enough on 5.1, may ask to port back to 5.0.

DM: currently no solution.

MS: details/summary is no longer at risk. is that right?

DM: not programitcally associated with table, but implemented in chrome

MS: can put it in the caption

DM: don't think that works with AT.

MS: let's run some tests
... I think this may work in FF too

JS: also need to find out where we are with support for aria-describedat. I'll find out

MS: no quorum this week. summary was most pressing issue.

<David> http://www.davidmacd.com/test/details.html

<MarkS> http://caniuse.com/details

<David> above is the Table Summary tests

<MarkS> these are static test results. we should probably re run these

<David> They are tests from the time I made the files several moths ago

<David> Sure... I hope things are getting fixed...

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014/03/27 18:28:49 $