See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: jamesn
CS: request an agenda item for HTML API mapping guide and a staff member to help
LW: M376 was released this week in Europe
JS: European Section 508
<LJWatson> M376 announcement
GZ: there is a procurement tool available called managing
accessibility public procurement
... it is in a phase where can sumit comments but
need a login.
<Gottfried> Online procurement toolkit:
JS: any corrections? One already noted in the minutes?
any objection to publishing?
... none noted
RESOLUTION: publish last weeks minutes with a redaction as noted in the minutes
SM: I have completed my review of DOM4 and have lots of comments but none have anything to do with accessibility. From the perspective of this WG unless there is some concern we used to have that I don't appreciate then this is really innocuous
JS: lets spend some time brainstorming
RS: includes all the methods for the DOM element
something we have been pushing for in aria is to get the computed role. Would this be the
place to get this
SM: no becuase this is not the HTML DOM instead it is the abstract DOM
JS: we were looking at mutation events etc.
SM: the rich mutation interface is well specified. To the extent it is supported great - but I don't know if it is
RS: I thought the browsers wanted to remove mutation events
SM: I recall that too but here it is
... they have spent a
lot ofg time documenting them
... it is heavily specified
... I don't know of
any specific requirments. It is rich and I don't know of anything missing
... there is
a section on ranges in docs
... and how those ranges are updated as mutation events
RS: really hasn't changed at all.
... only thing that has
changed is they took ownership
SM: section 9 includes the changes
... the things that
they are removing are to do with the XMLness of the DOM
... some of them I will miss
but I think they will get rid of them anyway
... the DOM exposed all the DTD
interfaces etc. and they will remove those
... I dont see a11y concerns here. I don't
think computed role fits here
RS: does it have active element?
SM: don't believe so
RS: the currently focused active element in the document
SM: I don't believe that is here
RS: do they have methods for setting focus on the dom elements?
SM: not at that level
... just a doc tree
RS: no keyboard events
SM: high level event interfaces. Talks about how to contruct
them but doesn't specify the events themselves
... asked about event types. The only
thing they do specify is custom event, mouse event and ui event. They just specify those
strings then refer to other strings for the events
RS: what other specs to they refer to?
SM: like SVG - also DOM3 events. My guess is that the DOM3 events community will rely on but this spec doesn't rely on it
MC: comments like hairy don't need to be PF comments
S: my comments are all editorial
<trackbot> ACTION-1374 -- Shane McCarron to Work with rich and cynthia for pf comments on dom 4 by feb 26th for dicussion -- due 2014-02-12 -- OPEN
MC: close this action
<MichaelC> close action-1374
<trackbot> Closed action-1374.
JS: will convey this to the HTML a11y TF tomorrow
... will
convey to HTML WG that we reviewed it and found no a11y issues
JS: expressed some other concerns last week. For example IndieUI
is not mentioned. Need coordiantion and is not specified
... don't reacll is we had
any other concerns except perhaps speech
... here focus specifically on the CSS
JN: language needs tweaking
MC: asking for an index of properties which they used to
... not sure would expect the charter to be changed
JN: not sure it would be normative so may not need to be in the charter
JS: do want to convey it with some force
... what is the
appropriate way to convey this and get it done
... needs to be a deliverable as it
will need ongoing maintainence
MC: they do snapshots
... the snapshots say that these are
the modules that form CSS 2010
<MichaelC> Draft CSS charter
JN: Snapshot seems to fill the role - but it is 3 years old
<Gottfried> JN: We need to know what is going to be improved in the future.
<Gottfried> MC: The comment could include this.
JS: we also thought they should referece IndieUI
JN: The Deliverables in the charter does not seem to be accurate as to what they plan to produce
<Gottfried> JN: The snapshots are not planned to be updated.
JN: some of the items explicitly state that the document is not going to be updates
JS: include the example in the comment
... lets finish
this by email
... the list of deliverables being inaccurate gets in the way of
MC: Should it be that IndieUI being a dependency be sumbitted by
... should sent a note to IndieUi saying we are doing this
JN: somebody else should draft that note
<scribe> ACTION: janina to draft comment as to why indieUI should be a dependency of the CSS WG in their charter [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1394 - Draft comment as to why indieui should be a dependency of the css wg in their charter [on Janina Sajka - due 2014-03-05].
<trackbot> ACTION-1387 -- Cynthia Shelly to Review css 3 background and borders spec -- due 2014-02-26 -- OPEN
CS: will send by email.
Deadline March 3
<trackbot> ACTION-1384 -- Karl Groves to Draft note for vibration api about colliding with at-generated vibrations, and noting a11y-positive use cases -- due 2014-02-19 -- OPEN
JS: tendered regrets this weeks and last
MC: ends March 4.
JS: there were coments on behalf of ETS on that
<MichaelC> action-1378 due 5 March
<trackbot> Set action-1378 Investigate nfc api and report back due march 5th 2014 due date to 2014-03-05.
<trackbot> action-1375 -- James Nurthen to Investigate further due feb 19 include james craig and cynthia -- due 2014-02-12 -- OPEN
close action-1375
<trackbot> Closed action-1375.
MC: No new last calls but a "gazillion" CSS drafts
some FPWD status like the display module
... they are seperating the display property
into pieces. We should take a l,ook as being enhanced and fragmented
<MichaelC> CSS Display Level 3 FPWD
MC: this is like displaying things as a block or a table. Also things like table cells can be tables themselves
<MichaelC> CSS Font Loading Level 3 FPWD
MC: don't think we will need to look at that too closely
... regions and also masking module
... how content can ovelap and wrap
JS: Q? or comments?
LW: Just had a quick look at the block
JN: CSS driving roles is an issue
MC: they are aware of that and are trying to deal with it
<MichaelC> Quick-fix support for XML
<MichaelC> Quick-fix support for XML
MC: think we don't care
JS: agree
zakim take up item 5
MC: looks liek the traget date will change.
... due to
other stuff which may bury the ARIA announcement
... doesn't even give us any more
breathing room
... don't expect much impact but some folks may need to multi-task
JS: I actually like it right at the beginning of the
... Pre-sessions and the WCAG F2F
JF: do we have sufficient signatures
MC: looking quite good
... not that we need more but would
like to ping some people to make contact
JF: have been keeping a check to see who has repsonded
JS: 10 days left. Midnight boston time on the 7th May
fingers crossed that no formal comments that we have to respond to
... everyone is
pulling to get this done
... done for the day
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/JS/JN/ Found Scribe: jamesn Inferring ScribeNick: jamesn Default Present: janina, Michael_Cooper, Gottfried, Cynthia_Shelly, Léonie_Watson, Joanmarie_Diggs, JF, James_Nurthen, ShaneM, Mary_Jo_Mueller, wuwei Present: janina Michael_Cooper Gottfried Cynthia_Shelly Léonie_Watson Joanmarie_Diggs JF James_Nurthen ShaneM Mary_Jo_Mueller wuwei Agenda: Found Date: 26 Feb 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: janina WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]