
XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 22 April 2009

Alessio Cartocci, Gregory Rosmaita, Markus Gylling, Roland Merrick, Shane McCarron, Steven Pemberton, Tina Holmboe
Roland Merrick
Steven Pemberton
  1. cycle Access Module back through Last Call link
  2. XHTML2 WG will target 29 May 2009 as end of review period link
13:42:04 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/22-xhtml-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/22-xhtml-irc

13:42:06 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs public

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs public

13:42:08 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be IA_XHTML2

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be IA_XHTML2

13:42:08 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

13:42:09 <trackbot> Meeting: XHTML2 Working Group Teleconference
13:42:09 <trackbot> Date: 22 April 2009
13:42:21 <Roland> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0042.html
13:42:27 <Roland> Chair: Roland
13:42:49 <Tina> I sent a regret message (no voice).

Tina Holmboe: I sent a regret message (no voice).

13:43:06 <Tina> It appears it got lost somewhere in the W3C mailing list system.

Tina Holmboe: It appears it got lost somewhere in the W3C mailing list system.

13:44:42 <Zakim> IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started

13:44:49 <Zakim> +Roland

Zakim IRC Bot: +Roland

13:45:22 <Zakim> +Markus

Zakim IRC Bot: +Markus

13:46:09 <Zakim> +McCarron

Zakim IRC Bot: +McCarron

13:46:24 <Steven> zakim, dial steven-617

Steven Pemberton: zakim, dial steven-617

13:46:24 <Zakim> ok, Steven; the call is being made

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Steven; the call is being made

13:46:25 <Zakim> +Steven

Zakim IRC Bot: +Steven

13:48:09 <oedipus> regrets+ Tina

Gregory Rosmaita: regrets+ Tina

13:49:08 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

13:49:20 <alessio> zakim, IPcaller is Alessio

Alessio Cartocci: zakim, IPcaller is Alessio

13:49:20 <Zakim> +Alessio; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alessio; got it

13:50:06 <ShaneM> zakim, who is here

Shane McCarron: zakim, who is here

13:50:06 <Zakim> ShaneM, you need to end that query with '?'

Zakim IRC Bot: ShaneM, you need to end that query with '?'

13:50:07 <Steven> scribe: Steven

(Scribe set to Steven Pemberton)

13:50:09 <Zakim> +Gregory_Rosmaita

Zakim IRC Bot: +Gregory_Rosmaita

13:50:10 <ShaneM> zakim, who is here?

Shane McCarron: zakim, who is here?

13:50:11 <Zakim> On the phone I see Roland, Markus, McCarron, Steven, Alessio, Gregory_Rosmaita

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Roland, Markus, McCarron, Steven, Alessio, Gregory_Rosmaita

13:50:12 <Zakim> On IRC I see alessio, Steven, oedipus, Zakim, RRSAgent, markus, Roland, ShaneM, Tina, markbirbeck, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see alessio, Steven, oedipus, Zakim, RRSAgent, markus, Roland, ShaneM, Tina, markbirbeck, trackbot

13:50:55 <Steven> Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0042
13:51:01 <Steven> Topic: Documents

1. Documents

13:51:19 <Steven> Subtopic: PERs

1.1. PERs

created using i/SP: out of our hands/ScribeNick+ oedipus

Gregory Rosmaita: ScribeNick+ oedipus

13:52:37 <oedipus> SP: out of our hands now that transition request submitted; wait until end of review period - approximately 4 weeks

Steven Pemberton: out of our hands now that transition request submitted wait until end of review period - approximately 4 weeks [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:52:42 <oedipus> RM: end of may, then?

Roland Merrick: end of may, then? [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:52:52 <oedipus> SP: yes

Steven Pemberton: yes [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:52:58 <Steven> Subtopic: Access

1.2. Access

13:53:11 <Roland> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0043.html

Roland Merrick: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0043.html

13:53:11 <oedipus> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0043.html

Gregory Rosmaita: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0043.html

13:53:18 <oedipus> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/CR-xhtml-access-20090417/xhtml-access-diff.html

Gregory Rosmaita: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2009/CR-xhtml-access-20090417/xhtml-access-diff.html

13:54:14 <oedipus> SP: sinking feeling comparing DIFF document and current draft cited above -- normative change - not quite happy with going to CR, but fear must go back through LC -- added @media and @order so probably need to recycle

Steven Pemberton: sinking feeling comparing DIFF document and current draft cited above -- normative change - not quite happy with going to CR, but fear must go back through LC -- added @media and @order so probably need to recycle [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:54:17 <oedipus> RM: correct

Roland Merrick: correct [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:54:38 <oedipus> SP: don't think can get away with CR, have to take to Last Call again because of normative changes

Steven Pemberton: don't think can get away with CR, have to take to Last Call again because of normative changes [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:55:09 <oedipus> proposed RESOLVED: cycle Access Module back through Last Call

Gregory Rosmaita: proposed RESOLVED: cycle Access Module back through Last Call

13:55:31 <oedipus> RESOLVED: cycle Access Module back through Last Call

RESOLVED: cycle Access Module back through Last Call

13:55:40 <oedipus> SM: timing?

Shane McCarron: timing? [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:55:46 <oedipus> RM: short document - short LC

Roland Merrick: short document - short LC [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:55:51 <oedipus> SP: official minimum is 3 weeks

Steven Pemberton: official minimum is 3 weeks [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:56:11 <oedipus> SP: HCG call this friday at which will mention - can ask if any objections to 3 or 4 week LC period

Steven Pemberton: HCG call this friday at which will mention - can ask if any objections to 3 or 4 week LC period [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:56:26 <oedipus> SM: target 31 may 2009 as END of review period

Shane McCarron: target 31 may 2009 as END of review period [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:56:43 <oedipus> RESOLVED: XHTML2 WG will target 29 May 2009 as end of review period

RESOLVED: XHTML2 WG will target 29 May 2009 as end of review period

13:57:02 <oedipus> SP: need to update action item to request LC

Steven Pemberton: need to update action item to request LC [ Scribe Assist by Gregory Rosmaita ]

13:57:34 <oedipus> i/SP: out of our hands/ScribeNick+ oedipus
13:58:11 <oedipus> rrsagent, make minutes

Gregory Rosmaita: rrsagent, make minutes

13:58:11 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/22-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/22-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus

13:58:31 <oedipus> rrsagent, make logs world

Gregory Rosmaita: rrsagent, make logs world

14:00:29 <oedipus> http://esw.w3.org/topic/PF/XTech/HTML5/UAI-TF

Gregory Rosmaita: http://esw.w3.org/topic/PF/XTech/HTML5/UAI-TF

14:00:44 <Steven> scribe: Steven
14:01:08 <Steven> Subtopic: WAI-ARIA last call comments

1.3. WAI-ARIA last call comments

14:01:47 <Steven> Steven: As I understand it, the ball is in WAI's court, to provide new wording, and run it past the affected people

Steven Pemberton: As I understand it, the ball is in WAI's court, to provide new wording, and run it past the affected people

14:02:11 <Steven> Gregory: There is some worry about ARIA being delayed

Gregory Rosmaita: There is some worry about ARIA being delayed

14:04:22 <Steven> ... I am also missing a role="form"

... I am also missing a role="form"

14:06:28 <Steven> Roland: Let's discuss this at length tomorrow

Roland Merrick: Let's discuss this at length tomorrow

14:06:38 <oedipus> ACTION: Gregory - prepare wiki page with background to ARIA's role dependency question

ACTION: Gregory - prepare wiki page with background to ARIA's role dependency question

14:06:38 <trackbot> Created ACTION-75 - - prepare wiki page with background to ARIA's role dependency question [on Gregory Rosmaita - due 2009-04-29].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-75 - - prepare wiki page with background to ARIA's role dependency question [on Gregory Rosmaita - due 2009-04-29].

14:06:39 <Steven> Topic: Actions

2. Actions

14:07:02 <oedipus> f2f agenda request - D for dialog: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/ProposedElements/D

Gregory Rosmaita: f2f agenda request - D for dialog: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/ProposedElements/D

14:07:02 <oedipus> D for dialog issue - "a single letter element to mark dialog (block and inline) should be added to XHTML2": http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/tracker/issues/3

Gregory Rosmaita: D for dialog issue - "a single letter element to mark dialog (block and inline) should be added to XHTML2": http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/tracker/issues/3

14:07:03 <Steven> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/tracker/actions/open


14:07:36 <Tina> I'd suggest 'dialogue' instead of 'd'

Tina Holmboe: I'd suggest 'dialogue' instead of 'd'

14:08:00 <oedipus> tina, dialogue is problematic because of dialog - a different concept entirely

Gregory Rosmaita: tina, dialogue is problematic because of dialog - a different concept entirely

14:08:33 <oedipus> tina, HTML5's mistake is to use dialog as the element name - it is wrong, plus D will be used A LOT on pages (short stories, etc.) so a terse element name is best

Gregory Rosmaita: tina, HTML5's mistake is to use dialog as the element name - it is wrong, plus D will be used A LOT on pages (short stories, etc.) so a terse element name is best

14:08:56 <Steven> Subtopic: action 67

2.1. ACTION-67

14:08:59 <Tina> 'd' is problematic 'cause it's a single letter. Being terse isn't a good idea in a language designed for both automatic and manual production.

Tina Holmboe: 'd' is problematic 'cause it's a single letter. Being terse isn't a good idea in a language designed for both automatic and manual production.

14:09:01 <Steven> Close ACTION-67

Close ACTION-67

14:09:01 <trackbot> ACTION-67 - talk to Richard to ask if someone from ITS can join an XHTML2 call to discuss this further closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-67 - talk to Richard to ask if someone from ITS can join an XHTML2 call to discuss this further closed

14:10:57 <Steven> Roland: We can do 71 tomorrow

Roland Merrick: We can do 71 tomorrow

14:11:07 <Steven> Gregory: I can see if Janina can join us tomorrow

Gregory Rosmaita: I can see if Janina can join us tomorrow

14:11:37 <Steven> Roland: 73?

Roland Merrick: 73?

14:11:55 <Steven> Shane: Not done yet

Shane McCarron: Not done yet

14:12:01 <Steven> ... actually really hard

... actually really hard

14:13:08 <ShaneM> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0002.html

Shane McCarron: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0002.html

14:13:31 <Steven> close action-74

close ACTION-74

14:13:31 <trackbot> ACTION-74 Reply to message 0002 closed

Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-74 Reply to message 0002 closed

14:13:51 <Steven> Roland: 75?

Roland Merrick: 75?

14:14:20 <Steven> Shane: Just created!

Shane McCarron: Just created!

14:14:25 <Steven> [laughter]


14:15:06 <Steven> Topic: VFtF Agenda

3. VFtF Agenda

14:15:15 <Steven> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2009-04-FtF-Agenda#2009-04-23


14:15:34 <oedipus> tina, the complaint is two-fold: HTML5 is considering an element akin to ARIA's "dialogbox" which would be "dialog" which has a specific programmatic meeting (computing term) whereas all of the english-language reference works explicitly state that "dialogue" is the proper term, but it is a homonym with "dialog" which is a different concept, so to keep ambiguity to a minimum, i have proposed D

Gregory Rosmaita: tina, the complaint is two-fold: HTML5 is considering an element akin to ARIA's "dialogbox" which would be "dialog" which has a specific programmatic meeting (computing term) whereas all of the english-language reference works explicitly state that "dialogue" is the proper term, but it is a homonym with "dialog" which is a different concept, so to keep ambiguity to a minimum, i have proposed D

14:15:40 <Steven> Roland: What do we need to talk about for new draft of XHTML2?

Roland Merrick: What do we need to talk about for new draft of XHTML2?

14:15:49 <oedipus> f2f agenda request - D for dialog: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/ProposedElements/D

Gregory Rosmaita: f2f agenda request - D for dialog: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/ProposedElements/D

14:16:44 <Steven> Markus: Expressing subsets in modularization

Markus Gylling: Expressing subsets in modularization

14:17:48 <Steven> Steven: Isn't that M12N v2 rather than XHTML2?

Steven Pemberton: Isn't that M12N v2 rather than XHTML2?

14:18:12 <Steven> Shane: All our work is public now

Shane McCarron: All our work is public now

14:18:41 <Steven> ... so I don't understand why we need editor's drafts and WDs

... so I don't understand why we need editor's drafts and WDs

14:19:26 <Steven> Steven: A WD is more visible, and an announcement gets made when we produce a WD

Steven Pemberton: A WD is more visible, and an announcement gets made when we produce a WD

14:19:54 <Steven> Roland: :And the 'Previous version' links only link WDs

Roland Merrick: :And the 'Previous version' links only link WDs

14:19:58 <Steven> s/;/
14:20:10 <Steven> Markus: XForms integration is the largest undone work

Markus Gylling: XForms integration is the largest undone work

14:20:15 <Steven> Shane: And ITS

Shane McCarron: And ITS

14:20:21 <Steven> ... and XML Events 2, which is related

... and XML Events 2, which is related

14:20:42 <ShaneM> zakim, who is noisy?

Shane McCarron: zakim, who is noisy?

14:20:42 <Zakim> I am sorry, ShaneM; I don't have the necessary resources to track talkers right now

Zakim IRC Bot: I am sorry, ShaneM; I don't have the necessary resources to track talkers right now

14:21:34 <Steven> Shane: Also finishing Relax NG and Schema implementations, which are dependent on those issues above

Shane McCarron: Also finishing Relax NG and Schema implementations, which are dependent on those issues above

14:21:52 <Steven> ... though we could mark them as Work in Progress

... though we could mark them as Work in Progress

14:22:03 <Steven> ... and publish tomorrow

... and publish tomorrow

14:22:28 <Steven> Shane: I do have a marked up version of the last ED with many editorial changes which still need to be made

Shane McCarron: I do have a marked up version of the last ED with many editorial changes which still need to be made

14:22:38 <Steven> ... another editorial eye would be good

... another editorial eye would be good

14:22:57 <Steven> Roland: How about sharing that work out?

Roland Merrick: How about sharing that work out?

14:23:09 <Steven> Shane: Each section had a champion in the past

Shane McCarron: Each section had a champion in the past

14:23:23 <Steven> ... but we don't have that at present

... but we don't have that at present

14:23:58 <Steven> Roland: It helps that we now include stiff by reference

Roland Merrick: It helps that we now include stuff by reference

14:24:07 <Steven> s/stiff/stuff
14:24:19 <Steven> Shane: Suggest a date Roland!

Shane McCarron: Suggest a date Roland!

14:24:23 <Steven> Roland: In May

Roland Merrick: In May

14:24:34 <Steven> ... let's discuss this tomorrow

... let's discuss this tomorrow

14:25:31 <Steven> ... I have updated the wiki

... I have updated the wiki

14:26:27 <alessio> zakim, mute me

Alessio Cartocci: zakim, mute me

14:26:27 <Zakim> Alessio should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Alessio should now be muted

14:27:15 <alessio> http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2009-04-FtF-Agenda#2009-04-23

Alessio Cartocci: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2009-04-FtF-Agenda#2009-04-23

14:27:46 <Steven> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2009Apr/0041.html


14:28:05 <Steven> Steven: Can we just prepare now for the ITS discussion?

Steven Pemberton: Can we just prepare now for the ITS discussion?

14:28:43 <Steven> Roland: Let us prep before 14utc, ready for the actual discussion at 14utc

Roland Merrick: Let us prep before 14utc, ready for the actual discussion at 14utc

14:28:48 <Steven> Steven: Excellent

Steven Pemberton: Excellent

14:28:57 <alessio> ok

Alessio Cartocci: ok

14:30:32 <Steven> Previous discussion - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/meeting/2009-03-26#how_to_incorporate_ITS

Previous discussion - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/meeting/2009-03-26#how_to_incorporate_ITS

14:32:15 <alessio> zakim, unmute me

Alessio Cartocci: zakim, unmute me

14:32:15 <Zakim> Alessio should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Alessio should no longer be muted

14:32:28 <Zakim> -Markus

Zakim IRC Bot: -Markus

14:32:30 <Zakim> -Steven

Zakim IRC Bot: -Steven

14:32:33 <Zakim> -Gregory_Rosmaita

Zakim IRC Bot: -Gregory_Rosmaita

14:32:37 <Zakim> -Roland

Zakim IRC Bot: -Roland

14:32:38 <Zakim> -Alessio

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alessio

14:32:38 <Zakim> -McCarron

Zakim IRC Bot: -McCarron

14:32:40 <Zakim> IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended

14:32:41 <Zakim> Attendees were Roland, Markus, McCarron, Steven, Alessio, Gregory_Rosmaita

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were Roland, Markus, McCarron, Steven, Alessio, Gregory_Rosmaita

14:32:41 <Steven> [ADJOURN]


14:33:45 <Steven> rrsagent, make log public

rrsagent, make log public

14:33:56 <alessio> bye!

Alessio Cartocci: bye!

Formatted by CommonScribe