
Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 06 November 2015

Phil Archer, Yaso Córdova, Annette Greiner, Manuel Carrasco Benitez, Hadley Beeman, Newton Calegari, Eric Stephan, Antoine Isaac
Hadley Beeman
Phil Archer
  1. Accept last week's minutes link
  2. dqv:asQualityMeasure dqv:computedOn will not have defined domains and ranges but will encourage use of relevant DCAT classes link

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14:01:54 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-irc

14:01:56 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs 351

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs 351

14:01:58 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be DWBP

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be DWBP

14:01:58 <Zakim> I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot

14:01:59 <trackbot> Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
14:01:59 <trackbot> Date: 06 November 2015
14:02:12 <phila> present+ phila, yaso

Phil Archer: present+ phila, yaso

14:03:52 <annette_g> present+ annette_g

Annette Greiner: present+ annette_g

14:03:55 <MTCarrasco> present+ MTCarrasco

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: present+ MTCarrasco

14:04:26 <hadleybeeman> present+ hadleybeeman

Hadley Beeman: present+ hadleybeeman

14:05:14 <newtonca_> present+ newtonca_

Newton Calegari: present+ newtonca_

14:05:18 <hadleybeeman> hadleybeeman has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20151106

Hadley Beeman: hadleybeeman has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20151106

14:05:38 <annette_g> Is someone having construction done?

Annette Greiner: Is someone having construction done?

14:05:58 <newton> newton

Newton Calegari: newton

14:06:14 <Ig_Bittencourt> zakim, mute me

Ig Bittencourt Santana Pinto: zakim, mute me

14:06:14 <Zakim> sorry, Ig_Bittencourt, I can't do that anymore

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, Ig_Bittencourt, I can't do that anymore

14:06:22 <ericstephan> present+ ericstephan

Eric Stephan: present+ ericstephan

14:06:42 <BernadetteLoscio> present +BernadetteLoscio

Bernadette Farias Loscio: present +BernadetteLoscio

14:07:17 <antoine> present+ antoine

Antoine Isaac: present+ antoine

14:07:42 <hadleybeeman> zakim, who is here?

Hadley Beeman: zakim, who is here?

14:07:42 <Zakim> Present: phila, yaso, annette_g, MTCarrasco, hadleybeeman, newtonca_, ericstephan, antoine
14:07:45 <Zakim> On IRC I see laufer, newton, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, Makx, ericstephan, annette_g, Zakim, RRSAgent, MTCarrasco, antoine, phila, Ig_Bittencourt, yaso, hadleybeeman, rhiaro,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see laufer, newton, gatemezi, BernadetteLoscio, Makx, ericstephan, annette_g, Zakim, RRSAgent, MTCarrasco, antoine, phila, Ig_Bittencourt, yaso, hadleybeeman, rhiaro,

14:07:45 <Zakim> ... trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: ... trackbot

14:08:22 <laufer> present+ laufer

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown laufer: present+ laufer

14:08:42 <Ig_Bittencourt> present+ Ig_Bittencourt

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown Ig_Bittencourt: present+ Ig_Bittencourt

14:08:48 <phila> scribe: phila

(Scribe set to Phil Archer)

14:08:53 <phila> scribeNick: phila
14:08:57 <hadleybeeman> http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2015-10-30

Hadley Beeman: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/dwbp/2015-10-30

14:09:01 <phila> PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

14:09:07 <phila> +0 (absent)

+0 (absent)

14:09:08 <hadleybeeman> +0

Hadley Beeman: +0

14:09:10 <ericstephan> +1

Eric Stephan: +1

14:09:12 <yaso> 0

Yaso Córdova: 0

14:09:13 <newton> +0 (absent)

Newton Calegari: +0 (absent)

14:09:18 <Ig_Bittencourt> +0

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown Ig_Bittencourt: +0

14:09:20 <yaso> +0

Yaso Córdova: +0

14:09:24 <laufer> 0 (not there)

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown laufer: 0 (not there)

14:09:24 <antoine> 0 (absent)

Antoine Isaac: 0 (absent)

14:09:27 <BernadetteLoscio> 0

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: 0

14:09:40 <annette_g> +1

Annette Greiner: +1

14:10:00 <phila> RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes

RESOLVED: Accept last week's minutes

14:10:09 <annette_g> *now I see why we had trouble with phila's name

Annette Greiner: *now I see why we had trouble with phila's name

14:10:12 <phila> Topic: Update on the vocabs

1. Update on the vocabs

14:10:35 <ericstephan> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/New_thoughts_on_citations

Eric Stephan: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/New_thoughts_on_citations

14:10:36 <phila> Dataset Usage...

Dataset Usage...

14:10:58 <ericstephan> https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Newer_thoughts_on_citations

Eric Stephan: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Newer_thoughts_on_citations

14:10:59 <phila> ericstephan: I talked last week about new thoiughts on data citations. Not spent a lot of time on it this week, but...

Eric Stephan: I talked last week about new thoiughts on data citations. Not spent a lot of time on it this week, but...

14:11:18 <phila> ... I've got something called even newer thoughts on citations - we're trying to move forward.

... I've got something called even newer thoughts on citations - we're trying to move forward.

14:11:35 <phila> ... We've found a good citation model from the Force11 and OKFN

... We've found a good citation model from the Force11 and OKFN

14:11:53 <phila> ... They've been looking at how they tie in to JSON-LD

... They've been looking at how they tie in to JSON-LD

14:12:06 <phila> ... They also form a community that we can call on for vclidation of the model

... They also form a community that we can call on for validation of the model

14:12:15 <phila> ... Hoping for closure next week.

... Hoping for closure next week.

14:12:25 <phila> hadleybeeman: Do you need anything from the rest of the WG before next week?

Hadley Beeman: Do you need anything from the rest of the WG before next week?

14:12:27 <BernadetteLoscio> ;)

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: ;)

14:12:34 <phila> ericstephan: No, I just need to talk to Sumit and Berna

Eric Stephan: No, I just need to talk to Sumit and Berna

14:12:47 <phila> ... We just need the editors to get together and move forward.

... We just need the editors to get together and move forward.

14:12:58 <phila> Data Quality Vocabulary

Data Quality Vocabulary

14:13:28 <newton> s/vclidation/validation
14:13:31 <phila> antoine: Usual scheduling problems.

Antoine Isaac: Usual scheduling problems.

14:13:42 <phila> ... New sections have been added

... New sections have been added

14:14:59 <phila> ... Looked at DCAT Dataset and Distribution

... Looked at DCAT Dataset and Distribution

14:15:55 <phila> ... dqv:computedOn and dqv:asQualityMeausure may not need to have strict dcat:Dataset/Distribution for domain and ranges. Prob say that we expect them to be used with them but they may not be

... dqv:computedOn and dqv:asQualityMeausure may not need to have strict dcat:Dataset/Distribution for domain and ranges. Prob say that we expect them to be used with them but they may not be

14:16:15 <phila> ... I believe last week discussed this and general consensus that informal D&R is probbaly better

... I believe last week discussed this and general consensus that informal D&R is probbaly better

14:16:15 <hadleybeeman> s/dvq:asQualityMeausure/dqv:asQualityMeasure

Hadley Beeman: s/dvq:asQualityMeausure/dqv:asQualityMeasure (warning: replacement failed)

14:16:16 <phila> q+


14:16:24 <phila> q-


14:16:53 <phila> phila: +1 to not defining domain and range unless necessary

Phil Archer: +1 to not defining domain and range unless necessary

14:17:15 <phila> antoine: If there is an objection, OK, we can discuss by e-mail. If not then we'll take it as resolved

Antoine Isaac: If there is an objection, OK, we can discuss by e-mail. If not then we'll take it as resolved

14:17:22 <laufer> no objection

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown laufer: no objection

14:17:50 <phila> RESOLUTION: dvq:asQualityMeausure and dqv:asQualityMeasure will not have defined domains and ranges but will encourage use of relevant DCAT classes

RESOLVED: dqv:asQualityMeasure dqv:computedOn will not have defined domains and ranges but will encourage use of relevant DCAT classes

14:18:13 <phila> antoine: Next question is one of schedule

Antoine Isaac: Next question is one of schedule

14:18:19 <hadleybeeman> s/dvq:asQualityMeausure/dqv:asQualityMeasure
14:18:45 <hadleybeeman> s/and dqv:asQualityMeasure/dqv:computedOn
14:18:51 <phila> antoine: We have had feedback that is significant and we'd like to address that before we go for a new draft. OK? This will put us back a little but it feels right

Antoine Isaac: We have had feedback that is significant and we'd like to address that before we go for a new draft. OK? This will put us back a little but it feels right

14:19:00 <hadleybeeman> s/dqv:computedOn/and dqv:computedOn
14:19:12 <phila> phila: What kind of delay?

Phil Archer: What length of delay?

14:19:15 <phila> s/kind/length/
14:19:44 <phila> antoine: I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe 3 at most

Antoine Isaac: I don't know, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe 3 at most

14:20:06 <phila> antoine: Other issues are more tech so we should continue that discussion on the mailing list

Antoine Isaac: Other issues are more tech so we should continue that discussion on the mailing list

14:20:16 <phila> hadleybeeman: So please jump in to the Ml discussions

Hadley Beeman: So please jump in to the Ml discussions

14:20:21 <phila> Topic: Best Practices

2. Best Practices

14:20:39 <phila> hadleybeeman: It occurs to me that we should ytalk about the two things in the agenda but are there otehr things we should cover today?

Hadley Beeman: It occurs to me that we should talk about the two things in the agenda but are there otehr things we should cover today?

14:20:57 <newton> s/ytalk/talk
14:21:05 <phila> -> http://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/bp/ Share-PSI BPs

-> http://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/bp/ Share-PSI BPs

14:21:13 <BartvanLeeuwen> present+ BartvanLeeuwen

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BartvanLeeuwen: present+ BartvanLeeuwen

14:21:29 <hadleybeeman> phila: this is for information. The Share-PSI project has a project review in 2 weeks time, in front of the European Commission

Phil Archer: this is for information. The Share-PSI project has a project review in 2 weeks time, in front of the European Commission [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:21:30 <gatemezi> present+ gatemezi

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown gatemezi: present+ gatemezi

14:21:42 <hadleybeeman> ...One of the things we are being judged on is the best practices of that project.

Hadley Beeman: ...One of the things we are being judged on is the best practices of that project.

14:22:04 <hadleybeeman> ...To remind you: we all said that if those BPs are technical, then we should take care of it (which is happeneing).

Hadley Beeman: ...To remind you: we all said that if those BPs are technical, then we should take care of it (which is happeneing).

14:22:18 <hadleybeeman> ...But if it is policy-related, and out of scope for this group, then Share-PSI should handle it.

Hadley Beeman: ...But if it is policy-related, and out of scope for this group, then Share-PSI should handle it.

14:22:29 <hadleybeeman> ...As a result, there is a lot of them.

Hadley Beeman: ...As a result, there is a lot of them.

14:22:41 <hadleybeeman> ...I just wanted this group to be aware of this set of BPs.

Hadley Beeman: ...I just wanted this group to be aware of this set of BPs.

14:23:02 <hadleybeeman> ...If you are writing a policy statement, the Share PSI BPs might be useful.

Hadley Beeman: ...If you are writing a policy statement, the Share PSI BPs might be useful.

14:23:16 <hadleybeeman> ...There are 40 partners and 22-23 sets of guidelines being created across Europe.

Hadley Beeman: ...There are 40 partners and 22-23 sets of guidelines being created across Europe.

14:23:25 <hadleybeeman> ...This will help us in DWPB to prove implementation experience.

Hadley Beeman: ...This will help us in DWPB to prove implementation experience.

14:23:42 <hadleybeeman> ...(to implement what we are recommending)

Hadley Beeman: ...(to implement what we are recommending)

14:23:55 <antoine> this is really great!

Antoine Isaac: this is really great!

14:24:09 <hadleybeeman> ...We agreed in Sao Paolo that our next working group will be held with the Share PSI meeting, 14-16 March in Zagreb, Croatia

Hadley Beeman: ...We agreed in Sao Paolo that our next working group will be held with the Share PSI meeting, 14-16 March in Zagreb, Croatia

14:24:17 <hadleybeeman> ...There are a few of us in both groups.

Hadley Beeman: ...There are a few of us in both groups.

14:24:26 <yaso> thanks for the report, Phil

Yaso Córdova: thanks for the report, Phil

14:25:23 <hadleybeeman> topic:  Webby URIs -- links to values within datasets
14:25:44 <hadleybeeman> phila: This came from Jeremy Tandy, from CSV on the Web and Spatial Data on the Web. He pointed out that it was missing, so I quickly wrote it.

Phil Archer: This came from Jeremy Tandy, from CSV on the Web and Spatial Data on the Web. He pointed out that it was missing, so I quickly wrote it. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:25:46 <phila> -> http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#identifiersWithinDatasets

-> http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#identifiersWithinDatasets

14:25:55 <hadleybeeman> It's now this BP, number 11.

Hadley Beeman: It's now this BP, number 11.

14:26:16 <annette_g> q+

Annette Greiner: q+

14:26:18 <hadleybeeman> ...What was missing was persistent URIs within the data, or something that can be turned into a persistent URI

Hadley Beeman: ...What was missing was persistent URIs within the data, or something that can be turned into a persistent URI

14:26:35 <hadleybeeman> ...I'm pleased that BernadetteLoscio reviewed it.  We need others to look at it and agree/comment.

Hadley Beeman: ...I'm pleased that BernadetteLoscio reviewed it. We need others to look at it and agree/comment.

14:26:48 <hadleybeeman> ...It agrees the "webby data" thing that Eric Wilde keeps talking about .

Hadley Beeman: ...It agrees the "webby data" thing that Eric Wilde keeps talking about .

14:26:58 <BernadetteLoscio> q+

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: q+

14:27:06 <hadleybeeman> ...I want to make sure we don't write things we aren't comfortable with. And that doesn't go against what he or a future group might write.

Hadley Beeman: ...I want to make sure we don't write things we aren't comfortable with. And that doesn't go against what he or a future group might write.

14:27:15 <hadleybeeman> ...Grateful for feedback.

Hadley Beeman: ...Grateful for feedback.

14:27:17 <MTCarrasco> +

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: +

14:27:19 <hadleybeeman> ack annette_g

Hadley Beeman: ack annette_g

14:28:09 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: Subsetting data? Can we address that here too?

Annette Greiner: Subsetting data? Can we address that here too? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:28:10 <MTCarrasco> ?

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: ?

14:28:28 <ericstephan> +1 annette_g

Eric Stephan: +1 annette_g

14:28:35 <hadleybeeman> phila: This has come up a lot in the Spatial Web group. When they met in Sapporo, they were trying to establish the relationship between them and us.

Phil Archer: This has come up a lot in the Spatial Web group. When they met in Sapporo, they were trying to establish the relationship between them and us. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:28:53 <hadleybeeman> ...Geospatial datasets are enormous; so subsets are helpful.

Hadley Beeman: ...Geospatial datasets are enormous; so subsets are helpful.

14:29:05 <hadleybeeman> ...This raises the question: who writes it? Us or them?

Hadley Beeman: ...This raises the question: who writes it? Us or them?

14:29:26 <hadleybeeman> ...They are thinking: Protocol OpenSearch, which is a standard query string that you send to a search engine.

Hadley Beeman: ...They are thinking: Protocol OpenSearch, which is a standard query string that you send to a search engine.

14:29:47 <hadleybeeman> ...Its what's allows you in your browser to select different search engines, since the query that is sent to Google or Yandex or Yahoo is the same.

Hadley Beeman: ...Its what's allows you in your browser to select different search engines, since the query that is sent to Google or Yandex or Yahoo is the same.

14:29:50 <hadleybeeman> ...q=......

Hadley Beeman: ...q=......

14:29:54 <antoine> http://www.opensearch.org/

Antoine Isaac: http://www.opensearch.org/

14:30:02 <hadleybeeman> ...That search string is independent of the technology that uses it.

Hadley Beeman: ...That search string is independent of the technology that uses it.

14:30:23 <hadleybeeman> ...OGC added to that — but only in 2 dimensions

Hadley Beeman: ...OGC added to that — but only in 2 dimensions

14:30:34 <hadleybeeman> ...Spatial data are looking at adding in time and space

Hadley Beeman: ...Spatial data are looking at adding in time and space

14:30:45 <hadleybeeman> ...Where this fits between the two groups — open to debate.

Hadley Beeman: ...Where this fits between the two groups — open to debate.

14:30:58 <hadleybeeman> ....@annette_g, is your use case under spatial/temporal?

Hadley Beeman: ....@annette_g, is your use case under spatial/temporal?

14:31:12 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: No. Commonly done with a data cube.

Annette Greiner: No. Commonly done with a data cube. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:31:17 <hadleybeeman> ...Certainly can be.

Hadley Beeman: ...Certainly can be.

14:31:43 <ericstephan> +1 annette_g

Eric Stephan: +1 annette_g

14:31:52 <Caroline> Present+ Caroline

Scribe problem: the name 'Caroline' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'Caroline' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown Caroline: Present+ Caroline

14:31:53 <hadleybeeman> ...My feeling is we don't need to define a new way of referencing it, but publishers should provide it.

Hadley Beeman: ...My feeling is we don't need to define a new way of referencing it, but publishers should provide it.

14:32:06 <ericstephan> q+

Eric Stephan: q+

14:32:12 <hadleybeeman> phila: Are you happy to leave it at that? Or should we define a way to identify a subset of a dataset?

Phil Archer: Are you happy to leave it at that? Or should we define a way to identify a subset of a dataset? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:32:16 <MTCarrasco> q+

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: q+

14:32:17 <phila> q+ MTCarrasco

q+ MTCarrasco

14:32:27 <phila> ack b

ack b

14:32:30 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: Since our charter doesn't indicate we define new technologies, that's beyond our scope.

Annette Greiner: Since our charter doesn't indicate we define new technologies, that's beyond our scope. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:32:48 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: @annette_g, if we have a best practice for this, where does it fit?  Data access/

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: @annette_g, if we have a best practice for this, where does it fit? Data access/ [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:33:09 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: Yes, that is a good place. But I'm also seeing if you want identifiers for subsets, it's also related to identifiers.

Annette Greiner: Yes, that is a good place. But I'm also seeing if you want identifiers for subsets, it's also related to identifiers. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:33:21 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: So it's to have identifiers for subsets, and a way to access subsets?

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: So it's to have identifiers for subsets, and a way to access subsets? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:33:41 <phila> I talked about this yesterday at SemWebPro (Paris) and used this slide to illustrate it http://www.w3.org/2015/Talks/1105_phila_semwebpro/#(14)

I talked about this yesterday at SemWebPro (Paris) and used this slide to illustrate it http://www.w3.org/2015/Talks/1105_phila_semwebpro/#(14)

14:33:41 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: Primarily it's about access. A corollary of that is that they need identifiers.  The sections should reference each other.

Annette Greiner: Primarily it's about access. A corollary of that is that they need identifiers. The sections should reference each other. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:34:00 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: It would be nice. We could give an example? It's hard to see how to adjust the document.

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: It would be nice. We could give an example? It's hard to see how to adjust the document. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:34:17 <hadleybeeman> annette_g: I wrote this in the OpenMSI use case. They allow selection of subsets of the data.

Annette Greiner: I wrote this in the OpenMSI use case. They allow selection of subsets of the data. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:34:35 <hadleybeeman> ...The data is terabytes, so too big to work with by download.

Hadley Beeman: ...The data is terabytes, so too big to work with by download.

14:34:42 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: Okay, I'll look at it.

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Okay, I'll look at it. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:34:48 <phila> q+ to say that subsetting is something for next iteration of the doc

q+ to say that subsetting is something for next iteration of the doc

14:34:48 <hadleybeeman> ...I don't know how to include this yet.

Hadley Beeman: ...I don't know how to include this yet.

14:34:54 <phila> ack e

ack e

14:35:22 <phila> ericstephan: +1 There are a numebr of communities that need to do this

Eric Stephan: +1 There are a number of communities that need to do this

14:35:37 <newton> s/numebr/number
14:35:47 <phila> ... I think this has an opportunity for domains that don't do that, and are burdened by always using the full dataset

... I think this has an opportunity for domains that don't do that, and are burdened by always using the full dataset

14:35:59 <phila> ... Some domains will be very opiniated about how to do that

... Some domains will be very opiniated about how to do that

14:36:02 <fradulov> present+ fradulov

Scribe problem: the name 'fradulov' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'fradulov' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown fradulov: present+ fradulov

14:36:08 <phila> q?


14:36:12 <MTCarrasco> There should be a way for URIs to directly identify at least the variants: language, format, version and subsets (granularity)

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: There should be a way for URIs to directly identify at least the variants: language, format, version and subsets (granularity)

14:36:12 <hadleybeeman> ack mt

Hadley Beeman: ack mt

14:36:17 <MTCarrasco> http://dragoman.org/comuri.html#variant

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: http://dragoman.org/comuri.html#variant

14:36:38 <MTCarrasco> http://dragoman.org/webdata.html#granularity

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: http://dragoman.org/webdata.html#granularity

14:36:48 <phila> MTCarrasco: The question of granularity is more general. We need to address the variance of things like language, format etc. For subsetting - it's not the same

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: The question of granularity is more general. We need to address the variance of things like language, format etc. For subsetting - it's not the same

14:36:58 <hadleybeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

14:37:01 <phila> ... if you want a single term that's a few bytes, you don't want 2 TB of data

... if you want a single term that's a few bytes, you don't want 2 TB of data

14:37:12 <phila> ... And this should be done with URIs

... And this should be done with URIs

14:37:14 <hadleybeeman> +1 to using URIs as identifiers

Hadley Beeman: +1 to using URIs as identifiers

14:37:14 <phila> ... this is in my draft

... this is in my draft

14:37:30 <phila> phila: +1 on using URis for this as well

Phil Archer: +1 on using URis for this as well

14:37:43 <phila> MTCarrasco: Mememnto is not always webby.

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: Mememnto is not always webby.

14:37:52 <phila> ... It relies on an off-the Web protocol

... It relies on an off-the Web protocol

14:37:53 <hadleybeeman> ack phila

Hadley Beeman: ack phila

14:37:53 <Zakim> phila, you wanted to say that subsetting is something for next iteration of the doc

Zakim IRC Bot: phila, you wanted to say that subsetting is something for next iteration of the doc

14:38:16 <hadleybeeman> phila: on Memento: I'm not disagreeing, but I think that' s a side issue.

Phil Archer: on Memento: I'm not disagreeing, but I think that' s a side issue. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:38:29 <hadleybeeman> ...I think we all agree that we need URIs for identifiers, and subsets are useful.

Hadley Beeman: ...I think we all agree that we need URIs for identifiers, and subsets are useful.

14:38:41 <hadleybeeman> ...I'd suggest we make a note that we are talking about this, and Spatial Data are talking about this.

Hadley Beeman: ...I'd suggest we make a note that we are talking about this, and Spatial Data are talking about this.

14:38:45 <ericstephan> At times it is cheaper to move the code to the data to do something such as extraction.

Eric Stephan: At times it is cheaper to move the code to the data to do something such as extraction.

14:38:52 <BernadetteLoscio> we're gonna include a note about this

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: we're gonna include a note about this

14:38:57 <hadleybeeman> ...It will take a while to sort this.

Hadley Beeman: ...It will take a while to sort this.

14:38:57 <BernadetteLoscio> yes

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: yes

14:39:22 <hadleybeeman> ...I'd suggest we have an action for the editors to note in the document that we are discussing this, and talking to Spatial Data on the Web too.

Hadley Beeman: ...I'd suggest we have an action for the editors to note in the document that we are discussing this, and talking to Spatial Data on the Web too.

14:40:12 <phila> action: BernadetteLoscio to add note to the BP doc that we are discussing the issue of subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. And that we're talking to the SDW WG about this issue too

ACTION: BernadetteLoscio to add note to the BP doc that we are discussing the issue of subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. And that we're talking to the SDW WG about this issue too

14:40:13 <trackbot> Created ACTION-216 - Add note to the bp doc that we are discussing the issue of subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. and that we're talking to the sdw wg about this issue too [on Bernadette Farias Loscio - due 2015-11-13].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-216 - Add note to the bp doc that we are discussing the issue of subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. and that we're talking to the sdw wg about this issue too [on Bernadette Farias Loscio - due 2015-11-13].

14:40:48 <phila> issue: What to say about subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. This to be done in conjunction with SDW WG about this issue

ISSUE: What to say about subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. This to be done in conjunction with SDW WG about this issue

14:40:48 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-208 - What to say about subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. this to be done in conjunction with sdw wg about this issue.  Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/208/edit>.

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-208 - What to say about subsetting data, and identifying those subsets. this to be done in conjunction with sdw wg about this issue. Please complete additional details at <http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/208/edit>.

14:41:04 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: There was another message from Erik about Webby data about typed links

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: There was another message from Erik about Webby data about typed links

14:41:15 <phila> ... I think I'll raise an issue about this and discuss it by mail

... I think I'll raise an issue about this and discuss it by mail

14:41:23 <phila> ... I will send a message about this

... I will send a message about this

14:41:34 <phila> ... We are reviewing the document and complementing it with examples

... We are reviewing the document and complementing it with examples

14:41:41 <phila> ... We really need some help with some sections

... We really need some help with some sections

14:41:51 <phila> ... One of them is the data preservation section created by Christophe

... One of them is the data preservation section created by Christophe

14:41:56 <phila> ... Who is not in the WG any more

... Who is not in the WG any more

14:42:14 <phila> ... So I need some help to create some examples. This is a subject that isn't my thing

... So I need some help to create some examples. This is a subject that isn't my thing

14:42:15 <gatemezi> Is the term "Webby data" owl:sameAs "Data on the Web"?

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown gatemezi: Is the term "Webby data" owl:sameAs "Data on the Web"?

14:42:20 <phila> q+ to offer to contact CG

q+ to offer to contact CG

14:42:33 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: We need help to write some text

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: We need help to write some text

14:42:42 <phila> ... And they're not all to the same standard

... And they're not all to the same standard

14:42:47 <hadleybeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

14:42:54 <hadleybeeman> ack phila

Hadley Beeman: ack phila

14:42:54 <Zakim> phila, you wanted to offer to contact CG

Zakim IRC Bot: phila, you wanted to offer to contact CG

14:42:54 <phila> ack q

ack q

14:43:24 <hadleybeeman> phila: I will take an action to write to Christophe (who hasn't disappeared, he just isn't in the group anymore) and ask if he can help the group by writing some examples.

Phil Archer: I will take an action to write to Christophe (who hasn't disappeared, he just isn't in the group anymore) and ask if he can help the group by writing some examples. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:43:29 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: Great. I can do this with him.

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Great. I can do this with him. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:43:31 <phila> action: phila to write to Christophe and ask for help with writing the examples for data preservation

ACTION: phila to write to Christophe and ask for help with writing the examples for data preservation

14:43:32 <trackbot> Created ACTION-217 - Write to christophe and ask for help with writing the examples for data preservation [on Phil Archer - due 2015-11-13].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-217 - Write to christophe and ask for help with writing the examples for data preservation [on Phil Archer - due 2015-11-13].

14:43:38 <gatemezi> I would suggest to clarify the term in our glossary?!

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown gatemezi: I would suggest to clarify the term in our glossary?!

14:43:42 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: The other section I need help with is data access

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: The other section I need help with is data access

14:43:51 <phila> ... But I was discussing this with Newton before the meeting

... But I was discussing this with Newton before the meeting

14:44:03 <phila> ... We;re going to change some stuff in that section. Again we need help and feedback

... We're going to change some stuff in that section. Again we need help and feedback

14:44:12 <newton> s/We;re/We're
14:44:29 <phila> ... We don't have examples now. We need to review this section. I hope to have the section done by next meeting

... We don't have examples now. We need to review this section. I hope to have the section done by next meeting

14:44:38 <phila> ... We also need help with data identifiers examples

... We also need help with data identifiers examples

14:44:46 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: You said, phil, that you;d do that

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: You said, phil, that you'd do that

14:45:06 <newton> s/you;d/you'd
14:45:21 <hadleybeeman> phil: I will.

Phil Archer: I will. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:45:30 <phila> action: phila To add the example for the data identifiers section

ACTION: phila To add the example for the data identifiers section

14:45:30 <trackbot> Created ACTION-218 - Add the example for the data identifiers section [on Phil Archer - due 2015-11-13].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-218 - Add the example for the data identifiers section [on Phil Archer - due 2015-11-13].

14:45:38 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: I created a document — feel free to improve the example.

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: I created a document — feel free to improve the example. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:45:43 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: Everyone is free to improve things

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Everyone is free to improve things

14:46:01 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: Please use the same example in each case

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Please use the same example in each case

14:46:12 <phila> ... So we have how to apply the BPs to the smae example

... So we have how to apply the BPs to the smae example

14:46:25 <Ig_Bittencourt> I can help with examples to Data Vocabularies.

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown Ig_Bittencourt: I can help with examples to Data Vocabularies.

14:46:29 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: I also need help with the data vocabularies section, with examples#

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: I also need help with the data vocabularies section, with examples#

14:46:36 <phila> ... In the way that...

... In the way that...

14:47:06 <phila> ... Also some of the BPs need rewriting, especially in the intended outcomes section.

... Also some of the BPs need rewriting, especially in the intended outcomes section.

14:47:26 <phila> ... Don't know if others agree, but there is a uniformity/standard we're trying to reach for each BP

... Don't know if others agree, but there is a uniformity/standard we're trying to reach for each BP

14:47:37 <phila> ... 'It should be possible to...'

... 'It should be possible to...'

14:47:51 <phila> ... I think it would be nice to have this type of description for each BP

... I think it would be nice to have this type of description for each BP

14:48:02 <hadleybeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

14:48:08 <phila> ... But I don't feel comfortable changing BPs I didn't write

... But I don't feel comfortable changing BPs I didn't write

14:48:09 <antoine> q+

Antoine Isaac: q+

14:48:19 <hadleybeeman> ack antoine

Hadley Beeman: ack antoine

14:48:37 <phila> antoine: I was editing this section. not sure I'll have time to do a lot of work on it, but I can't do examples in next week or so

Antoine Isaac: I was editing this section. not sure I'll have time to do a lot of work on it, but I can't do examples in next week or so

14:48:51 <phila> ... Is it the case that the intended outcomes in the vocab section are not good

... Is it the case that the intended outcomes in the vocab section are not good

14:48:59 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: Not quality, the way it's written

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Not quality, the way it's written

14:49:22 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: If the Wg agrees, I think it's noice to have a common form of words (scribe interpretation)

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: If the Wg agrees, I think it's noice to have a common form of words (scribe interpretation)

14:49:29 <phila> phila: +1 on uniformity of style

Phil Archer: +1 on uniformity of style

14:49:40 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: It's about style, not substance

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: It's about style, not substance

14:49:51 <annette_g> +1 for consistency

Annette Greiner: +1 for consistency

14:50:12 <phila> antoine: OK, I can try, but I don't see a consistent style, e.g. no. 11

Antoine Isaac: OK, I can try, but I don't see a consistent style, e.g. no. 11

14:50:18 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: That's why I need help.

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: That's why I need help.

14:50:21 <phila> q+


14:50:28 <hadleybeeman> ack phila

Hadley Beeman: ack phila

14:50:47 <hadleybeeman> phila: @BernadetteLoscio, could you point us toward one BP where you think the style is right?

Phil Archer: @BernadetteLoscio, could you point us toward one BP where you think the style is right? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:51:04 <hadleybeeman> ...I can then look at the ones I've written and will edit them to match the style you want.

Hadley Beeman: ...I can then look at the ones I've written and will edit them to match the style you want.

14:51:08 <MTCarrasco> Common style +1

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: Common style +1

14:51:15 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: BP for data formats anda data versioning, quality - all follow the smae style

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: BP for data formats anda data versioning, quality - all follow the same style

14:51:25 <hadleybeeman> s/smae/same
14:51:33 <phila> ... until no. 9 they're the same, then they become less consistent

... until no. 9 they're the same, then they become less consistent

14:51:44 <phila> ... IDs, vocabs, need changing

... IDs, vocabs, need changing

14:52:02 <phila> q+ minor Q - reuse or re-use?

q+ minor Q - reuse or re-use?

14:52:07 <antoine> q+

Antoine Isaac: q+

14:52:23 <hadleybeeman> phila: Thanks, I will look at the ones I need to.

Phil Archer: Thanks, I will look at the ones I need to. [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:52:39 <hadleybeeman> ... Also, I will do a "native English" check.

Hadley Beeman: ... Also, I will do a "native English" check.

14:52:58 <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: Is it best to start this now, or after this review is done?

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Is it best to start this now, or after this review is done? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:53:02 <phila> phila: Offers a native speaker check

Phil Archer: Offers a native speaker check

14:53:23 <annette_g> without!!

Annette Greiner: without!!

14:53:59 <ericstephan> I rely on my technical editor to tell me ;-)

Eric Stephan: I rely on my technical editor to tell me ;-)

14:54:11 <phila> reuse as the verb

reuse as the verb

14:54:16 <ericstephan> I can ask

Eric Stephan: I can ask

14:54:20 <phila> also no hyphen for the nous

also no hyphen for the nous

14:54:25 <annette_g> :)

Annette Greiner: :)

14:54:36 <hadleybeeman> Hadley: from the dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reuse

Hadley Beeman: from the dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reuse [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

14:55:00 <BernadetteLoscio> q?

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: q?

14:55:04 <newton> q+

Newton Calegari: q+

14:55:13 <hadleybeeman> ack antoine

Hadley Beeman: ack antoine

14:55:21 <phila> antoine: Rewriting the intended outcome...

Antoine Isaac: Rewriting the intended outcome...

14:55:35 <annette_g> *loll, lau-fer*

Annette Greiner: *loll, lau-fer*

14:55:40 <phila> ... is the idea that every IO starts "it should be possible to...

... is the idea that every IO starts "it should be possible to...

14:56:03 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: Basically, yes. The idea was to use RFC terms whuch we've got rid of

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: Basically, yes. The idea was to use RFC terms whuch we've got rid of

14:56:13 <phila> antoine: Then feel free to do it in the vocab sedction

Antoine Isaac: Then feel free to do it in the vocab section

14:56:35 <hadleybeeman> s/sedction/section
14:56:45 <phila> ... So if we're doing that then I woinder why we decided to drop the RFC keywords. Anyway, I don't have tme to do it

... So if we're doing that then I woinder why we decided to drop the RFC keywords. Anyway, I don't have time to do it

14:56:50 <hadleybeeman> s/tme/time
14:56:58 <phila> antoine: You can do it, I don't think I have time to

Antoine Isaac: You can do it, I don't think I have time to

14:57:10 <ericstephan> Sorry I have to go....

Eric Stephan: Sorry I have to go....

14:57:11 <hadleybeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

14:57:22 <phila> (scribe notes tone is more, I could but I don't think I want to, but I'm not going to stop you, you're the editor)

(scribe notes tone is more, I could but I don't think I want to, but I'm not going to stop you, you're the editor)

14:57:38 <hadleybeeman> ack newton

Hadley Beeman: ack newton

14:57:48 <hadleybeeman> q+ newton

Hadley Beeman: q+ newton

14:58:06 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: I included a new section in the doc 'BP Benefits'

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: I included a new section in the doc 'BP Benefits'

14:58:12 <phila> phila: Really likes that new section

Phil Archer: Really likes that new section

14:58:13 <BernadetteLoscio> http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#bp-benefits

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#bp-benefits

14:58:24 <phila> phila: It actually matches what we're doing in the Share-PSI work

Phil Archer: It actually matches what we're doing in the Share-PSI work

14:58:39 <hadleybeeman> q?

Hadley Beeman: q?

14:58:46 <phila> BernadetteLoscio: So it's an action on the group to review

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: So it's an action on the group to review

14:58:59 <phila> ack n

ack n

14:59:27 <phila> newton: My point is about a possible new BP about content negotiation. Berna and I werre talking about this. WE don't have a BP about conneg. Should we have?

Newton Calegari: My point is about a possible new BP about content negotiation. Berna and I werre talking about this. WE don't have a BP about conneg. Should we have?

14:59:34 <yaso> +1 to newton

Yaso Córdova: +1 to newton

14:59:37 <annette_g> q+

Annette Greiner: q+

14:59:54 <hadleybeeman> phila: my initial reaction is: where do we stop?

Phil Archer: my initial reaction is: where do we stop? [ Scribe Assist by Hadley Beeman ]

15:00:01 <MTCarrasco> q+

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: q+

15:00:02 <yaso> maybe citing conneg in the best practices that already exists

Yaso Córdova: maybe citing conneg in the best practices that already exists

15:00:03 <annette_g> +1 to phil

Annette Greiner: +1 to phil

15:00:13 <newton> -> we have an item about content negotiation http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/#implementation

Newton Calegari: -> we have an item about content negotiation http://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/#implementation

15:00:17 <hadleybeeman> ...If we tell people they should use conneg, which I think they should — then where do we stop? Should we tell them to use HTML?

Hadley Beeman: ...If we tell people they should use conneg, which I think they should — then where do we stop? Should we tell them to use HTML?

15:00:23 <hadleybeeman> zakim, close the queue

Hadley Beeman: zakim, close the queue

15:00:23 <Zakim> ok, hadleybeeman, the speaker queue is closed

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, hadleybeeman, the speaker queue is closed

15:00:32 <annette_g> q-

Annette Greiner: q-

15:00:44 <phila> hadleybeeman: Please continue this on the list, but we're out of time.

Hadley Beeman: Please continue this on the list, but we're out of time.

15:00:52 <annette_g> I was just going to say what Phil said.

Annette Greiner: I was just going to say what Phil said.

15:01:03 <BartvanLeeuwen> thx hadleybeeman

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BartvanLeeuwen: thx hadleybeeman

15:01:03 <laufer> bye bye all

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'laufer' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown laufer: bye bye all

15:01:04 <newton> I'll start a thread in the mailing list

Newton Calegari: I'll start a thread in the mailing list

15:01:05 <BartvanLeeuwen> bye

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BartvanLeeuwen' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BartvanLeeuwen: bye

15:01:05 <Ig_Bittencourt> thanks. Bye

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'Ig_Bittencourt' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown Ig_Bittencourt: thanks. Bye

15:01:09 <annette_g> bye all!

Annette Greiner: bye all!

15:01:10 <BernadetteLoscio> thanks

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'BernadetteLoscio' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown BernadetteLoscio: thanks

15:01:12 <phila> ... back on vocabs next week. Probably DQV next week, but as always editors, please think about what you most want

... back on vocabs next week. Probably DQV next week, but as always editors, please think about what you most want

15:01:15 <MTCarrasco> bye

Manuel Carrasco Benitez: bye

15:01:15 <phila> RRSAgent, draft minutes

RRSAgent, draft minutes

15:01:15 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

15:01:25 <gatemezi> Bye 1

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Scribe problem: the name 'gatemezi' does not match any of the 11 active names. Either change the name used, or request the list of names be altered.Active names: Phil Archer Yaso Córdova Annette Greiner Manuel Carrasco Benitez Hadley Beeman Newton Calegari Eric Stephan Antoine Isaac Zakim IRC Bot Trackbot IRC Bot RRSAgent IRC Bot

Unknown gatemezi: Bye!

15:01:35 <gatemezi> s/ 1/!
15:01:47 <yaso> bye all!

Yaso Córdova: bye all!

15:02:02 <phila> RRSAgent, make logs public

RRSAgent, make logs public

15:02:05 <phila> RRSAgent, draft minutes

RRSAgent, draft minutes

15:02:05 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

15:02:51 <phila> chair: hadley
15:03:02 <phila> Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20151106
15:03:08 <phila> regrets+ Dee

regrets+ Dee

15:03:12 <phila> RRSAgent, draft minutes

RRSAgent, draft minutes

15:03:12 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/06-dwbp-minutes.html phila

Formatted by CommonScribe