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This was work in progress. For the latest version see the relevant sections in the most edition of the Data Quality Vocabulary at https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dqv/ or latest editor's draft at http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html

Dimension from Zaveri et al ISO/IEC 25012 dimension Proposed relation Motivations
Semantic Accurancy Accurancy skos:BroadMatch Semantic accurancy seems more specific than accurrancy, as it refers mainly to data values, and overlooks the existence of proper properties in the schema ??!??
Completeness Completeness skos:exactMatch
Consistency Consistency skos:exactMatch
Trustworthliness Credibility skos:narrowMatch Credibility is cited as one of the criteria for trustworthliness
Currentness Timeliness skos:exactMatch
Performance Efficiency skos:closeMatch somehow related ?!?
Trustworthliness Traceability skos:relatedMatch  ?!??
Understandability Understandability skos:exactMatch
Iteroperability Portability skos:relatedMatch
Iteroperability Compliance skos:relatedMatch
Availability Availability skos:exactMatch