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Agenda for DWBP teleconference 15-April-2016 14:00 UTC

Dial in details

  Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)
  Join using WebEx in your browser
  Or you can dial in through +1-617-324-0000 (US Toll Number)
  Access code: 647 415 866 
  • Chair: Yaso
  • Scribe:
  • Regrets:


  1. Check bots are running (see #The IRC Bots)
  2. Matching everyone on IRC and webex, by typing 'present+ name'. (It helps if you use the same name on IRC and WebEx.)
  3. Appoint Scribe
  4. Approving minutes from last call https://www.w3.org/2016/04/08-dwbp-minutes]

Main agenda

Time of call: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DWBP+call&iso=20160415T09&p1=43&ah=1
 Voting cancelled
  • Phila's announcement of Workshop on Dataset Description

The IRC Bots

  W3C Telecon Resources:
  Zakim instructions in English
  Basic instructions in Portuguese

To start the meeting, check that trackbot is in the IRC channel (it usually is). If not, type:

/invite trackbot

Then you can type:

trackbot, start meeting

That should invite zakim and RRSAgent and generally get things ready to go. If it fails for any reason, you'll need to do things manually that trackbot does automatically. At the start of the meeting check that the following bots are running in IRC:

If any are not in the room, type /invite and then the name of the bot

Remember that the zakim bot is not tied to the WebEx audio so it no longer automatically records who is present, can't tell you who is noisy, can't mute people etc.

If you had to invite RRSAgent manually, during the meeting you need to set the access permissions on the chat log with this command:

RRSAgent, make logs public

Everything else is automatic since we use CommonScribe


Minuteshttp://www.w3.org/2016/04/15-dwbp-minutes +
ScribePhilA +
SubjectVoting +
TypeTelecon +
"Date" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent date values.
April 15, 2016 +