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W3C Online Training for Web developers
- NEW! W3C HTML5 training, March-April 2013
- Mobile Web 1: Best Practices, February-March 2013 and May-June 2013
- Mobile Web 2: Programming Applications, March-April 2013
- Buenas Practicas en Web Móvil, February-March 2013
Standards and Tools
- New! W3C Validator Suite (beta). Improve your Web site quality!
- Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Recent Analyst Perspectives
- HTML5 #2 in Gartner's Top 10 tech trends for 2013
- Yankee Group, December 2012: "The reality is that HTML5 holds a central position in the Web and app strategies for major companies across most verticals, and legions of web developers globally will embrace the new standard."
- Forrester Research, August 2012: "With consumer adoption of HTML5-“capable” desktop browsers widespread and web developer understanding of the technology rapidly maturing, HTML5… is fast becoming the de facto standard for web experience innovation across touchpoints."
Learn Even More
- Come by the booth to meet the W3C staff.
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