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Mondays at 10am US Eastern time for 60 minutes
  Check your timezone -- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=LDP+meeting&iso=20150126T10&p1=43
Telephone US: +1.617.761.6200
  SIP: zakim@voip.w3.org
  Zakim code: LDPWG (53794)
IRC channel: #ldp on irc.w3.org on port 6665
To start meeting: trackbot, start meeting
CommonScribe instructions: http://www.w3.org/2009/CommonScribe/
Zakim instructions:  http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html
RRSAgent instructions: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent

1 Admin

  • Chair: Arnaud Le Hors
  • Scribe: First available on the scribe list.

1.1 Minutes of last meeting

Proposal: Approve the minutes of the 19 January teleconf: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2015-01-19

1.2 Next meeting

  • Teleconference 2015.02.02

2 Tracking of actions & issues

Here's a link to the Tracker Summary Page; for the purpose of the agenda here are some more specific links:

3 LDP spec

4 Paging

5 LD Patch Format

  • Questions to be answered for transition request:
  1. Is this specification expected to advance to REC or is the CR implementation data is a critical deciding factor in deciding if the proposed solution is viable?
  2. Are all 5 comments from WG participants? If not, did the Group respond to the outside commenters and were they satisfied or not by the answer? If yes, the Director can trust that the WG resolution to request transition is a signal that the commenters are satisfied.
  3. The CR exit criteria of "two independent implementations" is too vague; clarify how many clients and how many servers
  4. What did the WG do to get wide review? Has the HTTP and REST community been asked to comment on the spec? What other outreach has there been since 18 September FPWD announcement [1]? e.g. links to emails on various lists, links to blog posts, articles written, ...
  5. The Status of the document needs to specify expected duration of CR. How is this CR expected to be at the minimum?

6 Workshop

  • Any further thoughts?