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From Linked Data Platform
Mondays at 10am US Eastern time for 60 minutes Beware of the time change in effect in the US and Canada that impacts people in other countries!! Check your timezone -- http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=LDP+meeting&iso=20140310T10&p1=43 Telephone US: +1.617.761.6200 SIP: zakim@voip.w3.org Zakim code: LDPWG (53794) IRC channel: #ldp on irc.w3.org on port 6665 Zakim instructions: http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html RRSAgent instructions: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent
1 Admin
- Chair: Arnaud Le Hors
- Scribe: First available on the scribe list.
1.1 Minutes of last meeting
Proposal: Approve the minutes of the March 10 teleconf: http://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/ldp/2014-03-10
1.2 Next meeting
- Teleconference 2014.03.24
2 Tracking of actions & issues
Here's a link to the Tracker Summary Page; for the purpose of the agenda here are some more specific link:
- Actions:
- Actions Pending Review: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/pendingreview
- Open Actions: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/actions/open
- Issues:
- Issues Pending Review: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/pendingreview
- Raised Issues: http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/track/issues/raised
3 Updates on publication
LDP LC2 published on 11 March: http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/WD-ldp-20140311/
- Comment period ends on 2 April
- Timeline to REC might then look something like this:
- one month for CR: 2 May
- two months for PR: 2 July
Use Cases & Requirements published as a WG Note on 13 March: http://www.w3.org/TR/2014/NOTE-ldp-ucr-20140313/
4 F2F5 Boston
- Please indicate expected attendance Boston F2F
5 Paging spec
6 Status Update
What do we need to do to advance all of these?
- Test Suite - Raúl
- Access Control - Ashok
- Best Practices & Guidelines - Cody
- Primer - Nandana & Roger