ISSUE-3: Do BPContainer versions get managed in a systematic, discoverable way?
BPContainer Versioning
Do BPContainer versions get managed in a systematic, discoverable way?
- State:
- Product:
- Linked Data Platform Spec
- Raised by:
- Andy Seaborne
- Opened on:
- 2012-09-20
- Description:
- See also ISSUE-2 (BPR Versioning)
If versioning is provided, additional questions arise for containers:
Can containers be versioned?
If a BPR is in a BPContainer, does the container get updated with the new version? What happens to the old version? (if containers do not get updated, there is the converse question about new versions.)
Does a new version of a container itself contain new versions or does it contain the original versions of BPRs?
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- ldp-ISSUE-7 (Container operations): What operations are permittered on conatiners and how do they get invoked? [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2012-09-25)
- ldp-ISSUE-3 (BPC Versioning): Do BPC versions get managed in a systematic, discoverable way? (from on 2012-09-20)
Related notes:
LDP will not address versioning which is left to the application Le Hors, 4 Dec 2012, 12:50:07
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