ISSUE-16: Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs
303 redirection
Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs
- State:
- Product:
- Linked Data Platform Spec
- Raised by:
- Steve Battle
- Opened on:
- 2012-10-03
- Description:
- See <>
Should the LDP support the redirection of non-information resources to BPRs?
(of course, the host on the non-information URI must be that of the LDP).
Do we use POWDER wdrs:describedby to make the relationship explicit in the RDF?
eg. :alice a foaf:Person; wdrs:describedby :alice.rdf.
I assume the RDF response to alice.rdf should include descriptions of both the information and non-information resources (since metadata about the non-information resource can't be accessed directly). ie. the type of :alice. Although the ETag relates specifically to the information resource.
What if the information resource is hosted on a different server and the LDP holds RDF metadata about the non-information resource?
e.g. <> a foaf:Person; wdrs:describedby <>.
a) Should the LDP simply redirect the client to <>? local metadata about non-information resource alice is lost.
b) Should the LDP GET the RDF from <> and merge it with the local RDF? The Content-Location could be added to the response - or is that misleading?
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Re: ldp-ISSUE-59 (recursive-delete): Reconsider usage of Aggregate/Composite construct to get predictable container delete behavior [Linked Data Platform core] (from on 2013-04-05)
- Re: Review and Comments for Linked Data Platform FPWD (from on 2013-03-05)
- Re: Review and Comments for Linked Data Platform FPWD (from on 2013-03-04)
- Re: Open Issues against UC&R (from on 2012-12-05)
- Re: Open Issues against UC&R (from on 2012-12-05)
- Re: Open Issues against UC&R (from on 2012-12-05)
- Open Issues against UC&R (from on 2012-12-04)
- Review and Comments for Linked Data Platform FPWD (from on 2012-10-28)
- Re: Use-Cases and call for help to add descriptions and scenarios ISSUE-16 (from on 2012-10-04)
- RE: ldp-ISSUE-16 (stevebattle): Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs [Use Cases and Requirements] (from on 2012-10-04)
- Re: ldp-ISSUE-16 (stevebattle): Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs [Use Cases and Requirements] (from on 2012-10-04)
- ldp-ISSUE-16 (stevebattle): Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs [Use Cases and Requirements] (from on 2012-10-03)
- Re: ldp-ISSUE-16 (stevebattle): Redirection of non-information resources to BPRs [Use Cases and Requirements] (from on 2012-10-03)
Related notes:
Resolution: Close issue-16 without making any changes (as is)
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