See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 13 December 2012
<JAllan> Latest editor's draft -
<kford> Scribe: kford
JA: Just a reminder everyone look at levels. if we don't hear anything soon we are assuming all is good.
JA: It seems like you cover a lot of stuff here.
GL: From the mail there are three
... First paragraph points out items that belong in other
<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to fix the examples and numbering from GL email [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-780 - Fix the examples and numbering from GL email [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-12-20].
GL: Second, when we talk we talk
about alternative content I suggest we use alternative content
and placeholders.
... Definitions are a bit vague but seems to be that
alternative content is items provided by the author and
placeholders by the user agent.
... Third thing deals with where I started talking about hiding
... Decided to take existing SC that talks about show/hide
background images and expand that to cover any image.
JA: Asking Jeanne and Kim if we should discuss this more.
<Greg> Current definition of placeholder:
<Greg> A placeholder is content generated by the user agent to replace author-supplied content. A placeholder may be generated as the result of a user preference (e.g. to not render images) or as repair content (e.g. when an image cannot be found). A placeholder can be any type of content, including text, images, and audio cues. A placeholder should identify the technology of the replaced...
<Greg> ...object. Placeholders appear in the alternative content stack.
<JAllan> alternative content
<JAllan> Content that can be used in place of default content that may not be universally accessible. Alternative content fulfills the same purpose as the original content. Examples include text alternatives for non-text content, captions for audio, audio descriptions for video, sign language for audio, media alternatives for time-based media. See WCAG for more information.
<JAllan> alternative content stack
<JAllan> A set of alternative content items. The items may be mutually exclusive (e.g. regular contrast graphic vs. high contrast graphic) or non-exclusive (e.g. caption track that can play at the same time as a sound track).
<Greg> The term "alternative content stack" is no longer used outside of the glossary (as 1.1.4 was rewritten to not use it), so it can presumably be deleted. It does occur in the definition of placeholder, and that sentence can also be deleted.
Discussion around what placeholder means.
GL: could get rid of placeholder itself and put this in the definition of alternative content and expand it to mean that it comes from author or user agent.
<Greg> "Alternative content can be provided by the author (e.g. Alt text, captions) or by the user agent (e.g. an icon or filename displayed in place of a hidden or missing image)."
<Greg> Again, need to review all instances of "alternative content" in the document to make sure they're not supposed to be only about author-generated alternative content.
JA: is there any against adding placeholder into the definition of alternative content based on earlier wording?
<jeanne> +1 for moving to the definition
JA: Hearing none.
<Greg> Don't forget to also review definition of repair content and repair text.
<JAllan> proposal: 1.1.x Replace Non-Text Content: The user can have all recognized non-text content replaced by alternative content or placeholders. (Level A).
<jeanne> ACTION: Jeanne to update document with the contents of Greg's email - moving "and placeholder" into the glossary using the sentence above. Don't forget glossary changes [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-781 - Update document with the contents of Greg's email - moving "and placeholder" into the glossary using the sentence above. Don't forget glossary changes [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-12-20].
<JAllan> Add *Note: At Level A, the user agent can choose which type of alternative content or placeholder is used to replace the non-text content. However, at Level AA success criterion 1.1.2 will require that the user be allowed to specify one format or placeholder that will be used, and at Level AAA success criterion 1.1.4 will require the user be allowed to specify a cascade order of formats to...
<JAllan> rendered.*
<JAllan> Add: *Intent for 1.1.x: Users may wish to hide images for a number of different reasons. Some users with cognitive disabilities may wish to hide images in order to avoid those that would be severely distracting. Some users with visual disabilities may wish to hide images in order to avoid those that are painful (such as those with high contrast). Other users may wish to replace images with...
<JAllan> ...alternative content because they are unlikely to be able to visually discern, understand, or otherwise benefit from the images. Some users with impaired motion or dexterity may wish to replace images with smaller alternative content to reduce the amount of scrolling they have to do, while some users with attention deficit disorder may wish to do the same thing in order to keep as much...
<JAllan> ...information visible on the screen as possible.*
<Greg> I'd like people to review the Summaries I included, because it took a while to analyze the existing SC and figure out what is up to the user and what is up to the user agent. I'm not sure we want to be that vague.
<Greg> Another issue is that if we delete 2.11.1 it would leave only a single SC in 2.11 that is not about time-based media; if we move the SC about execution placeholder, we can rename Guideline 2.11 to be more useful about time-based media.
JA: GL has a proposal to add 1.1.x to the document.
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to look for examples to repurpose for 1.1.x. Check 2.11.1 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-782 - Look for examples to repurpose for 1.1.x. Check 2.11.1 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-12-20].
Reminder to update the appropriate summaries.
<jeanne> jeanne to add 1.1.x to document based on GL email
<JAllan> proposal: Delete [2.11.1 Background Image Toggle: The user can have all recognized background images shown or hidden. (Level A)] {It is subsumed into 1.1.x.}
JA: Any objections to this proposal?
<Greg> HTML5 Transparency attribute adds more weight to the requirement that the user be able to hide all images that might bleed through foreground content.
Group discussing issues around transparency.
<Greg> We cannot rely on user style sheets to turn off transparency, because while HTML5 supports that, other technologies might have the equivalent of Transparency without the equivalent of user style sheets.
<JAllan> use for examples in 1.1.x -- changing transparency to 0 or hiding background images because of distracting bleed through on transparent for ground
<Greg> Add to 1.1.x "Note: This applies to both foreground and background content." (?)
JA asks again for any objections.
None heard.
\Resolved: 2.11 to be deleted from the document.
Remember to update any updated summaries.
<JAllan> ACTION: jeanne to remove 2.11.1 from document. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-783 - Remove 2.11.1 from document. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-12-20].
<jeanne> ACTION: jeanne to add examples to 1.1.x -- changing transparency to 0 or hiding background images because of distracting bleed through on transparent for ground. Add to Note: This applies to both foreground and background content. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-784 - Add examples to 1.1.x -- changing transparency to 0 or hiding background images because of distracting bleed through on transparent for ground. Add to Note: This applies to both foreground and background content. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2012-12-20].
<JAllan> close item 2
<JAllan> open item 4
<JAllan> reminder to think. SXSW lodging
<JAllan> cost is an issue, jeanne prefers SXSW.
<JAllan> ACTION: jim to get information about TSBVI lodging for F2F [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-785 - Get information about TSBVI lodging for F2F [on Jim Allan - due 2012-12-20].
<JAllan> close item 4
<JAllan> open item 5
<JAllan> scribe: jallan
A11y task force, outstanding bugs. are they closed or do they need to be reopened.
if UAWG members have outstanding bugs please close them or reopen
<Zakim> jeanne, you wanted to give some background
<kford> ACTION: kford to send list of bugs people from UAAG need to close. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-786 - Send list of bugs people from UAAG need to close. [on Kelly Ford - due 2012-12-20].
<kford> JS gives update on bugs for HTML5
bug list
open bugs 13630, 13623, 13616, 13594, 13579, 13555, 13539
and 13564
close item 5
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: kford Inferring ScribeNick: kford Found Scribe: jallan Inferring ScribeNick: JAllan Scribes: kford, jallan ScribeNicks: kford, JAllan Default Present: +1.425.381.aaaa, Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Kelly, Jim_Allan, Kim_Patch, sharper Present: +1.425.381.aaaa Jeanne Greg_Lowney Kelly Jim_Allan Kim_Patch sharper Regrets: Jan Mark Found Date: 13 Dec 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: jeanne jim kford WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]