W3C Statements about TAG Nominees for 2012 Election

This is the list of nominees for the 2012 election to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG). Each person has been nominated by at least one W3C Member according to the TAG election process. The nominees have agreed to make their nomination statements public.

The W3C Membership elects the TAG. For this election W3C will fill four seats. W3C will announce the results the second week of January 2013.

In alphabetical order by nominee family name the nominees are:

  1. Glenn Adams (Unaffiliated)
  2. Daniel Burnett (Voxeo)
  3. Marcos Caceres (Unaffiliated)
  4. Yehuda Katz (jQuery Foundation)
  5. Peter Linss (HP)*
  6. Ashok Malhotra (Oracle)*
  7. Larry Masinter (Adobe)*
  8. Alex Russell (Google)
  9. Anne van Kesteren (Unaffiliated)

An asterisk (*) indicates that the nominee is a current TAG participant. Individuals were nominated by the AC Representative of their organization except where indicated below.

Glenn Adams (Unaffiliated)

Nominated by Cox Communications

Dr. Glenn Adams is an independent consultant with 40+ years of professional software design and development experience in areas ranging from embedded, real-time systems to advanced typographic and multilingual text processing systems. He is former technical director of the Unicode Consortium, and a co-author of the Unicode Standard. He has 25+ years experience in developing international standards, serving on ISO JTC1/SC2 (Coded Character Sets) and JTC1/SC18/WG8 (Document Processing) committees, and was actively involved in the creation of ISO 8879 (SGML), ISO/IEC 9541 (Font Information Interchange), ISO/IEC 10179 (DSSSL), ISO/IEC 10180 (SPDL), ISO/IEC 10646 (Universal Coded Character Set), and, within the W3C, on XSL-FO 1.0. He has previously chaired the W3C Timed Text Working Group and served as the principal editor of the group's output, including Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) 1.0.

He served as Chairman ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) T3/S17 Specialist Group on DTV Application Software Environment (DASE); Author and Editor of ATSC A/100 DASE Standard; US Delegate to ITU-R WP6M, ITU-T SG9; Member of SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers); Chairman Security Working Group, ITU-T IPTV Focus Group; Author, Enhanced Television (ETV) OpenCable Specification; and Technical Contributor, OpenCable OCAP (tru2way) Specifications.

Dr. Adams has been an active participant in the W3C since 1995, serving as representative to HTML, CSS, WebApps, TTML, and XSL Working Groups, as well as the umbrella HTML Coordination Group. He was formerly Director of Development of the Spyglass Device Mosaic Browser team, and was recently accepted as a committer on the WebKit project.

Marcos Caceres (Unaffiliated)

Nominated by Nokia

Over the last 6 years, Marcos' background in interaction design has brought a unique perspective to Web standards. Long before there was the "Native Apps vs Web Apps" debate, Marcos was leading the charge to standardise installable web applications at the W3C through the Widgets family of specifications. Until recently, Marcos worked as a software architect at Opera Software, where he led the team that created Opera Widgets and Extensions platforms. Aside from his work on installable web applications, Marcos has been involved in numerous efforts to bring device APIs to the Web. To the TAG, Marcos can bring hands-on experience dealing with the architectural challenges that come from designing, deploying, and running installable web apps - and how those apps can safely interact with device APIs. For more information about Marcos' qualifications, please see Marcos at LinkedIn.

Daniel Burnett (Voxeo)

I have been active in W3C for more than a decade and have a clear history of strong contributions as author, editor, and chair in the Voice Browser Working Group and now the WebRTC Working Group. I have a reputation for consensus-building with a focus on reaching a solution that is the best for the industry. I believe my current participation as an editor in the WebRTC Working Group would bring a valuable new perspective to the TAG.

Yehuda Katz (jQuery Foundation)

Yehuda is one of jQuery's delegates to TC39 as well as to the W3C. In his day job, he works on web infrastructure at the library level, most notably on Ember.js (a JavaScript framework for building ambitious applications, see emberjs.com) and Ruby on Rails (a server-side framework, see http://rubyonrails.org/core).

Peter Linss (HP)

Nominated by HP and Disruptive Innovations

Peter Linss is an architect who has been developing web related technologies since 1994 and currently serves as Co-Chair of the CSS WG. He is the co-inventor of the Gecko layout engine (the heart of the Firefox browser).

While Peter agrees with the fundamental mission of the TAG, during his first term he found the TAG to be too focused on higher level abstractions and somewhat disconnected from the web community at large. While a high level overview is important for the TAG, he feels that this needs to be balanced with the actual work being done by the rest of the W3C, and that the TAG would better serve the needs of the W3C by engaging more closely with the working groups. This would allow the TAG to provide much needed architectural guidance at a lower level in the platform as well as keep the TAG members more up to date on developments as they occour.

Peter has been lobbying for changes within the TAG and has met with some degree of success, but there is much more to be done. With the large number of seats available in the current election cycle, he hopes to see a new TAG emerge that can operate in a more streamlined mode and help the open web platform evolve to meet its full potential.

Hewlett-Packard supports Peter's goal of improving the TAG and feels that his experience making the CSS WG one of the W3C's most productive groups as well as his deep understanding of browser internals make him well suited to this task. Hewlett-Packard also hopes that the AC will take full advantage of this election to fill as many seats as possible with candidates who will support this shift in direction for the TAG.

Ashok Malhotra (Oracle)

On behalf of Oracle I (Jeff Mischkinsky) am pleased to nominate Ashok Malhotra for election to the TAG.

Ashok has been a member of the TAG for the past five years. During his last term he published a TAG finding on Identifying Application State http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/IdentifyingApplicationState and shepherded the Publishing and Linking draft, which is intended to be a Rec track document, to Last Call, http://www.w3.org/TR/publishing-linking. He is also working on client-side storage and an architecture for offline applications. To further this work he ran a well-attended session on Offline Apps at the recent TPAC 2012: http://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2012/Offline_Apps.

Ashok co-chaired the RDB2RDF WG, which concluded in September 2012 with the publication of two W3C recommendations: http://www.w3.org/TR/r2rml/ and http://www.w3.org/TR/rdb-direct-mapping/. The uptake of these recommendations has been gratifying. Many implementations have surfaced and the standard is used for mapping Relational data to RDF in several product offerings. Making Relational data available on the Web is an important step towards facilitating the publishing of Relational data as well as towards integrating the vast corpus of Relational data with other data on the Semantic Web.

Ashok also co-chaired two W3C Workshops: a workshop on Data and Services Integration: http://www.w3.org/2011/10/integration-workshop/ in October 2011 and a workshop on Linked Data Patterns http://www.w3.org/2011/09/LinkedData/ in December 2011.

Ashok has been involved with XML Schema and XML Query since their inception. He was co-editor of the XML Schema Datatypes Recommendation and the subsequent Functions and Operators Recommendation that defined functions on these datatypes. Ashok would like to see these datatypes and functions standardized across W3C Recommendations.

Ashok has a Ph.D. from MIT, is the author of over 50 technical papers and holds 5 patents. He has wide experience in the IT Industry and on Standards bodies. He is a facilitator -- he determines the root positions behind issues, performs due diligence, and forges consensus. If reelected, Ashok will continue to apply these skills in moving the work of the TAG and W3C forward.

Larry Masinter (Adobe)

Larry has been a technical contributor to the development of both Internet and Web and their standardization for nearly two decades. He has been a significant technical and intellectual contributor to helping "bring the web to its full potential." He has also been one of the most active participants in the TAG since he joined the organization. You can read more about his background on his web site.

Alex Russell (Google)

Alex is an engineer on the Chrome team. Prior to joining Google he lead development of the Dojo Toolkit, an accessible JavaScript toolkit that powers serious apps, notably from IBM. More recently, Alex has helped design the new Web Components and Shadow DOM proposals and edits the HTML Editiing APIs draft. Alex serves on ECMA TC39, the standards body for JavaScript, and intends to bring his experience there and as a web developer to bear on the pressing questions of layering in the platform. He believes that the challenges facing application authors today are largely side-effects of poor structuring and layering in the web platform. He believes that the TAG should work to understand these challenges and advocate better platform layering for Applications, not only documents.

Anne van Kesteren (Unaffiliated)

Nominated by Innovimax

Anne van Kesteren has a long history of writing standards for the web and gained a deep understanding of its technical architecture in the process. He has worked on defining many layers of the web platform, such as HTTP, URLs, HTML, CSS, DOM, and character encodings.

He is widely regarded in both the standards and developer communities as a stalwart and hard-working contributor who is not afraid to take on the problems found in some of the darkest corners of the Open Web Platform.

Ian Jacobs
Last modified: $Date: 2012/12/14 13:25:44 $