WCAG 2.0 Evaluation Methodology Task Force Teleconference

25 Oct 2012


See also: IRC log


Kathy, Detlev, Liz, Vivienne, Shadi, Martijn, Katie, Eric, Mike, Richard
Aurelien, Tim, Alistair, Sarah, Moe


Closing of the comments for the PWD

EV: a few people asked for a delay, we will still recieve more

<Kathy> I will need a bit more time to fill out the survey as well

EV: we will put it in a disposition of comments
... early next week the DoC is probably online, we will discuss some comments in Lyon

SAZ: When do you expect the comments

<vivienne> it could be a work in progress

<vivienne> I'd be happy with that

MH: friday, or maybe monday

SAZ: Do we want a live document?

<Detlev> sounds good, live doc

EV: comments sorted by subject, so a live document will be updated in various places

SAZ: if there are comments that come up during TPAC we can link to that

EV: Lets put online what MH finishes friday

<vivienne> yeah right...

<Ryladog> +1

<Detlev> agree

MH: will send a version to SAZ and EV friday

EV will link comments to discussion

Survey about sampling

EV: we have a survey online, already 21 responses
... Kathy added an option to fill in which group they are from

KW: added affiliation

EV: We can look at the results at TPAC

TPAC preparations and discussion

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/f2f_TPAC

<Ryladog> I will contribute to chocolates in Lyon

EV: two days, first day discussion evaltf, second day together with eowg
... Agenda TPAC is online
... We have an option to participate through teleconference

KH-S: a bridge open all day is very valuable

EV: will do that, for people that don't have all day, we'll do a wrap up

SAZ: 1 hour less time-difference next week, let us know when and if you plan to attend by phone
... there will be a de-briefing after TPAC

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-evaltf/2012Oct/0068.html

SAZ: lets go over TPAC agenda

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/f2f_TPAC

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/f2f_TPAC#agenda

<vivienne> it won't listen to me!

ME: will there be a wrap up tuesday?

<vivienne> I wanted to know if we should bring anythng with us?

EV: yes, the last half hour of the day

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/2012/10/TPAC/#useful

EV: bring your own laptop, most of our things are online

ME: will probably be listening in to wrap up

KHS: Will we use our irc channel?

SAZ: yes

DF: agenda point "improving coverage webapplication"; will this include a discussion on how to sample processes?

EV: it is based on the discussion on the list, so probably it will be part of this discussion

SAZ: topic may be broader then sampling only, but sampling processes and functionalities will be part of it

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/2011/eval/track/issues/open

<vivienne> I'm okay with the agenda

ME: on monday session1: Will this include results on sampling and new sampling method?

EV: yes and no, prelimanary discussion on results

EV/SAZ: Switch topics of session 1 and 2 on monday

other issues?

SAZ: keep refreshing the TPAC agenda page


Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2012/11/13 16:06:05 $