[Odrl-version2] NEW ODRLv2 Model Semantics - Working Draft

Steven Rowat Steven_Rowat at sunshine.net
Fri May 12 03:36:49 EST 2006

Hi Suzanne & list,

Congratuations on the model publication; it looks very good. And you have been overly kind in including my name in your thank you; really I have been more of an interested spectator, and you have already been highly indulgent of my untutored questions.

But, if I may, I'm going to continue that tradition: I've been trying to figure out what exactly is required for ODRL to function in the wider world. To do this I've looked at the Wikipedia representation of the OSI Reference Model (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model). 

It seems to me that ODRL resides, in this model, within layer 7, Application (the top layer). Is this a fair conclusion? And if so, what sorts of interfaces within Layer 7 (such as ability to perform as a plug-in to a browser) or to Layers 6 and possibly 5 (Presentation and Session) are either already being worked on or are planned?

To slightly reword the last question - is it up to the writers of ODRL to make such interfaces, or are they already existing and it's merely a matter of defining some appropriate code within ODRL to harmonize with them?

Best regards,

Steven Rowat

>we proudly present the new working draft of the ODRL v2 Model Semantics -
>the core piece of ODRL Version 2. 
>Thank you for all the supportive work that has been done by the working
>group during the last year. Please find a list of changes withing the

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