[Odrl-version2] Followup on Legal stuff about contracts

Susanne Guth Susanne.Guth at gmx.net
Tue Mar 7 10:03:26 EST 2006

Renato, Alapan,

I updated the model an adopted the text and scenarios. Alapan please have a
look at the Legal entity. Could you please provide a text for liabilities,
or don't we need this attribute? Could you please also provide the semantics
for the negotiation entity... THANKS.

Please read through the document and let me know if I oversaw sections that
have to be updated. I added a relation from Party to Rights, btw.

After you two proof read the document, we can publish it as a new model
draft (containers are still missing though...one after the other ;) ).

Here's the draft:

So long

Susanne Guth
susanne at odrl.net
ODRL Initiative

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